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1、ERP 到底是什么摘自 中国计算机报 概念发明者的定义公认 Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)是 Gartner Group 1990 年 初提出的,可惜我没能找到这份原始的资料,报刊杂志上相关文章虽多,但多 数是抄来抄去。这里将 Gartner Group 信息技术词汇表(刚刚从其网站读到) 中关于 ERP 的定义引用如下:Gartner Groups IT Glossary - Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)A concept developed by Gartner Group describing the next

2、generation of manufacturing business systems and manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) software. It will include the client/server architecture, use graphical user interfaces and be crafted with open systems. Beyond the standard functionality that is offered, other features are included, e.g., qu

3、ality, process operations management, and regulatory reporting. In addition, the base technology used in ERP will give users both software and hardware independence as well as an easy upgrade path. Key to ERP is the way in which users can tailor the application so it is intrinsically easy to use.一个由

4、 Gartner Group 开发的概念,描述下一代制造商业系统和制造资源计划 (MRP II)软件。它将包含客户/服务架构,使用图形用户接口,应用开放系统 制作。除了已有的标准功能,它还包括其它特性,如品质、过程运作管理、以 及管制报告等。特别是,ERP 采用的基础技术将同时给用户软件和硬件两方面 的独立性从而更加容易升级。ERP 的关键在于所有用户能够裁剪其应用,因而 具有天然的易用性。学院学者的意见学院派的学者通常对于概念的应用比较严谨和保守,一种新的概念,只有 得到严谨一致的阐述或证明,才会被学者所采纳。教科书则通常是“正统学说” 的系统总结。我手头的几本较新的教科书情况如下:1. 斯

5、蒂芬 P. 罗宾斯, 管理学 ,第四版,人民大学出版社, 1997,Prentice Hall,1994 从时间上说,该版再版时 ERP 的概念已经提出了 3、4 年,但书中完全 没有提到 ERP 概念。这本书讨论了 MIS,MRP,也包括 JIT 等。 2. Stephen Haag, etc., Management Information Systems for the Information Age, 1998,McGraw-Hill, 1998, 机械工业出版社 这本书的出版时间非常新,内容的面也很宽,但其中就没有提到 ERP, 也探讨了 MRP/MRP II。 3. Richard

6、 B. Chase, etc., Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services, 8-th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1998 这本书时间一样新,它有约五分之一篇幅是关于供应链管理,全书仅有 两处论及 ERP 概念,其中基本的叙述如下: ADVANCED MRP-TYPE SYSTEMS (增强的 MRP 型系统) . There are more than 300 vendors for MRP system. While most of these were involved with MRP s

7、ystems from years ago and are still selling and maintaining their existing systems, many others are changing their systems to accommodate the new requirements; other firms are at the state of the art in developing new advanced systems based on MRP logic. . Various names have been given to this new g

8、eneration of MRP. The Gartner Group called the new MRP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). To fully operate in an enterprise sense, there needs to be distributed applications for planning, scheduling, costing, and so on to the multiple layers of the organization: work centers, sites, divisions, corp

9、orate. Multiple languages and currencies are also being included for global applications.Advanced MRP system (also called next-generation MRP II) include Client/server architecture. (客户/服务器架构) Relational database with SQL query and report generation. (关系数据库连 同 SQL 查询和报告生成) Windows graphic user inter

10、face. (视窗图形用户接口) Distributed database support. (分布式数据库支持) Front-end systems for decision support. (前台系统用于决策支持) Automated EDI (自动化 EDI) Interoperability with multiple platforms (Windows NT and Unix). (多平台 互操作性) Standard application programming interfaces. (标准应用编程接口) 想象中的概念一名作者这样写到:总之,ERP 所包含的管理思想是非常广

11、泛和深刻的,这些先进的管理 思想之所以能够实现,又同信息技术的发展和应用分不开。ERP 不仅面向供需 链,体现精益生产、敏捷制造、同步工程的精神,而且必然要结合全面质量管 理(TQM)以保证质量和客户满意度;结合准时制生产(JIT)以消除一切无效 劳动与浪费、降低库存和缩短交货期;它还要结合约束理论(TOC,Theory of Constraint,是优化生产技术 OPT 的发展)来定义供需链上的瓶颈环节、消除 制约因素来扩大企业供需链的有效产出。随着信息技术和现代管理思想的 发展,ERP 的内容还会不断扩展。这是按照自己的想象充实了的 ERP。现在报刊媒体上所表现的一种占上风 的观点,也是软

12、件开发商们大肆鼓吹的,说 ERP“代表了国外先进管理思想, 是国外的共识”云云,ERP 堪当此任吗?何必非要捧着这双旧鞋子不放呢?ERP 概念上的混乱,倒也不是中国人的专利。 在 APICS 98 年发的一篇文 章中写到:ERP stands for enterprise resource planning. But what does it mean?There are as many answers to that question as there are ERP software vendors. Of course,there is plenty of overlap between

13、 the different vendor and consultant definitions, but there is substantially less agreement between vendors (singly and as a whole), and the manufacturing professionals who pay for the systems. Those end-users who cross their fingers and forego sleep during implementation often scratch their heads w

14、hen their bottom-line results dont match their expectations. Usually it is because of differing definitions of specific functionalities promised by sales people or sales materials. . But that idea of ERP differs from its real-world application. “We users are always searching for a magic bullet, some

15、 magical system to solve our problems and provide us with the ability to make our products better, faster and cheaper.“ said Williams. This desire for a neat and tidy solution leads practitioners to allow themselves to be misguided by buzzwords and promises. “Vendors need to begin defining their sys

16、tems in terms of functionality, rather than relying on acronyms,“ Williams added. (Quoted from Defining Enterprise Resource Planning, By Gregory A. Farley, as published in the March issue of APICS-The Performance Advantage, 1998)注:原文是以谈话记录方式写的,文中的 Williams 是来自企业界即用户的代 表谁认可,认可了什么主要是由于美国生产与库存控制协会(APICS)的卓越工作,使 MRP II 有 了公认的学术中心和比较统一的内涵。而且,从管理上,它的确提出并完整实 现了一套逻辑清晰而完整的管理方法。但从接触的资料看,ERP 这个缩写词,现在主要是一些软件的生产者和推 广者在用,因为他们需要一个简洁响亮的名词来标识他们的产品,告


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