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1、英语长句的翻译为什么英语句子如此之长l1. 并列结构多l2. 定语长l3. 状语长l4. 插入成分多我们的问题l1. 句子短,成分简单;l2. 中国学生写长句的方法:增加并列成分 、加长定语和状语。很少用插入语。l3. 中国学生的长句不紧凑,语境性不强。l造成阅读、翻译困难的除了单词之外,还 包括句式。很多句子结构十分复杂,其中 插入语便是其中之一。中国学生写的英语 句子喜欢一通到底,没有任何语气的间歇 ,像一根笔直的竹竿。而英美人士写的句 子则不同,他们偏爱插入语,通过插入语 表现出作者语气的间歇和停顿。有了插入 语,读者眼中的句子有一种跌宕起伏的感 觉,这种句子像海浪一起忽起忽落。lPar

2、enthesis:a word,phrase,or a sentence that is not directly related to what you are saying or writing but is added to give more information l试比较:lAncient men made tools out of stone. For instance, they always used flint because it is easier to shape than other kinds of stone. (不使 用插入语)lFortunately, ho

3、wever, ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint, because it is easier to shape than other kinds of stone. (使用插入语)lFind out the parenthesis used in this story要领l1. 插入语可以是一个词、一个短语,或者一个句 子;l2. 插入语多半用逗号跟其他成分隔开;l3. 插入语可以放在句子之前,之中,之后。之中 包括:谓语动词之前;系动词之前;主句从句之间;不定式to之前;从属连词和从句之间。 lAnd all this beau

4、tiful silk, she said, would be used to weave colorful clouds in heaven. 她说, 所有这些美丽的丝线将用来织天上的彩云。 lIf they live too long, the Professor points out, inflation will make the big pension quite inadequate. l这位教授指出,假如他们活的时间太长,通货膨 胀就会使得那一大笔养老金不够用。 lThe reason, I quickly discovered, was that they had already

5、 sold all the tickets. l我很快就弄清楚了原因,他们已经把票卖完。lHe admitted that he had allowed anyone who wanted to do so to cross his estate because, he said, he did not admit the right of foreigners to make regulations binding Frenchmen in France.lI was trying desperately, as I dawdled with my packing, to think of

6、some way of leaving a warning behind me.翻译方法 分译lThe idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light small bulb, even to run a electric motor, is almost unbelievablel鱼能发电,其强度足以点亮小灯泡,甚至 能开动马达,这简直令人难以置信。lThere are swift flowing rivers, slow, sluggish rivers, mighty rivers with

7、several mouths, rivers that carry vast loads of alluvium to the sea, clear, limpid rivers, rivers that at some seasons of the year have very much more water than at others.l有的河流湍急,有的河流速缓慢,有的河出海口 有好几处,有的河带着大量冲击土入海,有的河 流清澈见底,有的河水量在一年中的某些季节较 少,而在某些季节却多得很。lIntellectually emancipated at a time when women

8、 of good family were not encouraged to do anything more ambitious than dabble in the arts, she became the editor of a review entitled Modern Women in which she was bold enough publish essays by the revolutionaries.l当时,对有教养人家的女子,至多不过让她们对 艺术稍事涉猎,并不鼓励她们做比这更有抱负的 事情。但她不受旧思想的约束,担任了一家名叫 现代妇女的杂志的编辑。她大胆地在这个刊

9、 物上发表革命人士的文章。顺译lVisual cues from audience members can indicate that a speech is dragging, that the speaker is dwelling on a particular point for too long, or that a particular point requires further explanationl听众的眼神足以表明,演说过于拖沓,演 说者在某一点上讲得太多,或者在某一点 上还需要作进一步的解释。lBut art history focuses on much more t

10、han this because art reflects not only the political values of a people, but also religious beliefs, emotions, and psychology.l但是艺术历史注意的不仅仅是这些,因为 艺术反映的不单是一个民族的政治价值观 ,而且还有他们的宗教信仰、情感和心理 特点。lOne widely held belief is that a sharp fright will end a troublesome bout of hiccups, but many people prefer jus

11、t waiting for them to go away as this “cure” is often worse than the ailment itself.l一种普遍为人们接受的观点是,猛然的惊 吓会止住一阵讨厌的打嗝,但是许多人宁 愿等打嗝自然过去,因为这种“止嗝的方法” 往往比打嗝本身更糟。倒译lIt remains to be seen whether the reserves of raw materials would be sufficient to supply world economy which would have grown by 500 percent.l

12、如果世界经济真的比原来增长5倍,那么原 材料的储备是否能充分满足其需求,尚不 得而知。lThat our environment had little, if anything, to do with our abilities, characteristics and behavior is central to this theory.l这种理论的核心是,我们的环境同我们的 才能、性格特征和行为即使有什么关系的 话,也是微不足道的。插入法lWhen I went to Yanan in the summer of 1946, the Anti-Japanese War, and the S

13、econd World War of which it was a part, had been over for just a year.l1946年夏天去延安的时候,抗日战争(抗 日战争是第二次世界大战的组成部分)才 刚刚结束一年。lThe second aspect is the application by all members of society from the government official to the ordinary citizen, of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use

14、 in their workl第二个方面是全体社会成员(从政府官员 到普通公民)都使用科学家们在工作中所 采用的那种特殊的思考方法和行为方法。lThe method was largely developed by physicists, chemists and biologists; it was later adopted by people working in such areas as education, psychology and sociology, where the subjects of research were often peoplel这种方法在很大程度上先是由

15、物理学家、化学家 和生物学家使用,后来为在教育学、心理学和社 会学等领域内(其研究对象是人)工作的研究人 员所采纳而发展起来的。综合法lBut without Adolf Hitler, who was possessed of demoniac personality, a granite will, uncanny instincts, a cold ruthlessness, a remarkable intellect, a soaring imagination and until toward the end, when drunk with power and success,

16、he overreached himself an amazing capacity to size up people and situations, there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich.l然而,如果没有阿道夫希特勒,那就几乎 可以肯定不会有第三帝国。因为阿道夫希 特勒有着恶魔般的性格、花岗石般的意志 、不可思议的本能、无情的冷酷、杰出的 智力、深远的想像力以及对人和局势惊人 的判断力。这种判断力和胜利使他冲昏了 头脑而自不量力,终于弄巧成拙。lEnergy is the currency of the ecological system and life becomes possible only when food is converted into energy which in turn is used to seek more


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