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1、第一章 基本写作技巧文字是永恒的,可以供人反复思 索的,但它无法像对话一般,可以借助面 部表情、肢体语言和语气等。因而写作中需要我们更为严谨的去组 织语言,有时也要借助复杂的句式结构来 表达清楚你要表达的。1.1词语的选择The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between “lightning”and “lightning bug ”.1.1.1正式和非正式用语1.正式书信 ,学术文章,官方文件等有时选 择简洁的词语。 Informal:Lots of job los

2、s is just one thingresulting from automation. Formal:Widespread unemployment is one consequence of automation. Informal:job loss ,TV ,workers,the same as Formal:unemployment,television,employees, equivalent 2.正式用语中避免用一些口语化的词组如,get up ,put into,find out等, 我们可以用rise,contribute,discover等词来替换 它们。Informa

3、l:Researchers looked at the way strain builds up around a geological fault. Formal:Researchers examined the way strain intensifies around a geological fault.3.正式用语避免第一人称和第二人称。 Informal:You should sleep eight hours each night. Formal:One should sleep eight hours each night. 4.正式用语关系代词不可省略。 Informal:T

4、his is the paper I wrote. Formal:This is the paper that I wrote. 5.避免用一些像very,really,just,a few,enough类 的表达意思含糊的词语。 Informal:It caused a really big reaction. Formal:It caused a considerable/dramatic/an explosive reaction.1.1.2表集合类词语和具体词语 (family,team,jury,audience,class, association,committee) 1.用具体

5、的词替换集合类词语,使表达生动清 晰。 vehicle换成具体的 car,truck,train Flower换成tulips,roses 2.动词也可具体化 walk换成 stagger Weak verbs:The boy walked into the classroom. Revised:The boy staggered into the classroom. 3.告诉读者具体的事情,而不是笼统的叙述。 General :Your relative is nice to me. Specific:Your aunt Betty always stop and talk to me w

6、hen we meet in the street. 4.总结时应用概括性词语,表达细节时要用具 体词语。 General :The government has made big progress in economic policy. Specific:The Australian Government has made considerable progress in implementing fiscal policy nationwide.1.2语法 1.2.1主谓一致 1.不定代词each,every,no one,everyone,everything等作主语时,谓语动词用单三形

7、式。 Everyone associated with the project is proud to be part of the effort. 2.All,half,none,some做主语,谓语形式取决于代 词指代的名词是否可数。 Some of the students in the cafeteria have voted already. Some of the grain was ruined by the flood.3.togeter with,along with,as well as,more than,accompanied by,as much as等词语 同“an

8、d” 不同,它们后面接的词不构成 主语。Some of the hay in the barn,as well as some major pieces of farm equipment,was ruined in the flood.She,more than anyone else in the class,knows how to study efficiently.4.either,neither单独使用时,谓语动词用单数 形式。 Neither of these choices appears to be satisfactory.either,neither为连词同or,nor连

9、用时,离动词 近的主语决定谓语动词的形式。 Either the employees or the manager has to beResponsible for the year-end festival. Neither the teacher nor the students were informed of the bad news.5.分数小数表达时,谓语动词取决于主 语是否可数。Two-fifths of the grain is ruined. One-half of the students were convinced that there would be no fina

10、l exams this year.6.There be句型谓语动词同其后名词相一致。1.2.2代词先行词一致 1.不定代词( anyone,anybody,anything,each,everyone,everyb ody,everthing,someone,somebody,no one,nobody)作先行词通常指代的都是单个的 人或物,所以与其对应的代词也应该是单数 的。 Wrong:If anybody happen to call while I am out of the office,please have them make a message for me. Correct

11、:If anybody happens to call while I am out of the office,please have him or her make a message for me.不正式用语 Everyone released their seat belts. 正式 Everyone released his or her seat belt.All passenger released their seat belts.不定代词all,any,most.none,some作先行 词,其后代词所用的形式取决于 all,any,most,none,some它指代的名词。

12、Some of the customers complain that they are not happy with the way they have been treated in that restaurant.Some of the food served in that restaurant is left over from the day before,so it tastes stale.2.先行词由连词 or,nor,eitheror,neithernor,bothand, not onlybut also组成,对应的代词同离得近 的先行词保持一致。Neither prof

13、essor John Smith nor Professor May Green has come to pick up her ticket for the party yet.3.先行词为集合名词如family,team,jury, audience,class,association,committee当集合名词作为先行词,指代是一 个整体时,代词用单数形式;当集合名词指代 的是其成员时,代词用复数形式。 The Board of Directors is confident of its plan to increase the companys market share by 20%

14、by the end of the year. The Board of Directors couldnt reach an agreement among themselves whether they should implement the plan to increase the companys market share by 20%by the end of the year. 4.Who which thatwhich 用于非限制性定语从句前要加“,”。 that大部分用于限制性定语从句,直接跟在先 行词后。who可用于限制和非限制定语从句。 Alexander Dumas,w

15、ho wrote The Three Musketeers,once fought a sword duel in whichhis pants fell down. These apple trees,which I planted three years ago,have not borne any fruit. The letter that came this morning is from my teacher of English.1.2.3代词指代 选取合适的代词,避免指代混淆。 Wrong:Jane told Mary that she was right about the

16、new student in our school. Correct:Jane told Mary “You were right about the new student in our school. Correct:Jane told Mary, “I was right about the new student in our school. ”1.代词使用应前后一致Wrong:In JK Rowlings book ,we find Harry Port to be a hero.However,even the hero,you soon realise,is not all-powerful.Right:In JK Rowlings book ,we find Harry Port to be a hero.However,even the ,we soon realise,is not all-powerful. 2.避


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