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1、1ModuleModule 4 4 MusicMusic BornBorn inin AmericaAmerica基础知识默写篇 一、分层单词一、分层单词写作词汇1. n.技巧;手法 2. n.方法;步骤 3. n.下降;衰退;减少 4. n.计划表;进度表;日程表 5. n.截止日期;最后期限 6. v.离开;辞去 7. n.先锋;先驱;创始人;开拓者 8. n.移民 阅读词汇1.conventional adj. 2.virtue n. 3.fancy adj. 4.neat adj. 5.budget v. 6.vain adj. 7.allowance n. 8.super adj.

2、拓展词汇1. v.出现;浮现 n.紧急情况 adj.紧急的 2. v.触动;感动;使动心 adj.感动的 adj.令人感动的 3. v.由引起/产生;(问题、困难)出现 (过去式) (过去分词) 4. n.和谐;一致 adj.和谐的;融洽的 5. v.咨询;查阅 n.顾问 6. adj.紧的;绷紧的;严密的 adv.紧紧地;牢固地 27. v.把奉献给/专用于 adj.忠诚的;献身的 n.奉献;献身 8. v.使恢复;使振作 adj.使人耳目一新的 adj.感到精神焕发的 9. n.幽默 adj.幽默的 二、高频短语二、高频短语1. 并排;并肩 2. 厌烦;讨厌 3. 有序地 4. 有幸;幸运

3、地享有 5. 利用的优势 6. far from 7. in vain 8. be devoted to 9. beg for 10. try out 三、经典句型三、经典句型1.“ (我一听到它),”he said,“I knew it was a completely new kind of music.” 2.However,disco music had a strong beat,and (它容易用来伴舞). 3. (除之外)attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home,Cantopop has spread offshore,and

4、 its stars are known in Beijing,London and New York. 4.My message is that (没有关系)if youre black,white,fat,thin,old and young. 基础知识运用篇 一、语境词汇运用一、语境词汇运用(一)词汇情景拼写(注意单词短语适当形式变化)1.Whenever you feel like (退却), they may offer you some spiritual support to keep you going. 2.Facing up to your problems rather

5、than running away from them is the best a to working things out. 3.Several hotels in this area are closing down because tourism itself is (衰退). 34.Knowing basic first-aid (技巧) will help you respond quickly to emergencies. 5.Amanda hopes to live a simple life where she can just enjoy her activities r

6、ather than rush to meet the d . 6.One can always manage to do more things, no matter how full ones s is in life. 7.Most people learn best using a variety of methods, but (传统的) classes are an ideal start for many people. 8.I have a tight b for the trip, so Im not going to fly unless the airlines lowe

7、r the ticket prices. 9.Much to his joy, the old man may be able to get a hardship (补助) from the government, which covers his expense. 10.In students eyes, a good teacher should have many good (美德), but after all, he or she should be knowledgeable. (二)词形变化填空 (注意单词短语适当形式变化)1.The silence was finally br

8、oken when Mickey,his face filled with joy,hugged my son (tight). 2.After that he knew he could get through any (emerge) by doing what he could to the best of his ability. 3. (devote)to protecting the endangered species for many years,Dr. Wilson has been awarded several prizes in the world. 4.The mov

9、ie Kungfu Panda is so .I have never seen a more wonderful one.I was greatly .(touch) 5.A number of high buildings have (arise) where there was nothing a year ago. 6.Pleasant music is often played between classes to make students (refresh)and relaxed for a while. 7. (投身于) teaching the deaf children,

10、the young lady has little time to care for her own daughter. 8.I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem, but (徒劳). 9.I would have soon found the one I wanted if the books had been kept (有序地). 10.So far we have done a lot to build a low-carbon economy, but it is (远非) ideal. We have to

11、 work still harder. 4二、经典句型仿写二、经典句型仿写1.公司的领导一回到办公室就承诺处理这类事情。(the moment 引导时间状语从句)The head of the company promised to deal with matters of this sort . 2.开小汽车穿越沙漠很困难,但是也不是绝对不可能的。(it 作形式主语)the desert by car,but not absolutely impossible. 3.和拥有一面国旗一样,很多国家也用某种花来作为国家的象征。(as well as)having a national flag,

12、many countries use a certain flower as their national symbol. 4.主持人孟非说:“男人是否高富帅并不重要,重要的是他聪明、能干而且有责任心。”(It doesnt matter)“ whether a man is tall,rich and handsome.What is most important is that he should be wise,hard-working and responsible,” the host,Meng Fei said. 5答案精解精析答案精解精析基础知识默写篇一、分层单词写作词汇1.te

13、chnique 2.approach 3.decline 4.schedule 5.deadline 6.quit 8.migrant阅读词汇1.按惯例的;传统的;因袭的 2.美德 3.新潮的 4.整洁的;整齐的 5.按预算来安排开支;制定预算 6.自负的;自视过高的 7.津贴;补助 8.极好的;了不起的;超级的拓展词汇1.emerge;emergency;emergent 2.touch;touched;touching 3.arise;arose;arisen 4.harmony;harmonious 5.consult;consultant 6.tight;tightly 7.devot

14、e;devoted;devotion 8.refresh;refreshing;refreshed 9.humour;humourous二、高频短语1.side by side 2.be bored with 3.in order 4.be blessed with 5.take advantage of 6.远非;完全不 7.徒劳无益;无果 8.致力于;奉献给 9.祈求;请求 10.尝试三、经典句型1.The moment I heard it 2.it was easy to dance to 3.As well as 4.it doesnt matter基础知识运用篇一、语境词汇运用(一

15、)词汇情景拼写1.quitting 2.approach 3.declining 4.techniques 5.deadline 6.schedule 7.conventional 8.budget 9.allowance 10.virtues(二)词形变化填空 1.tightly 2.emergency 3.Devoted 4.touching;touched 5.arisen 6.refreshed 7.Devoted to 8.in vain 9.in order 10.far from6二、经典句型仿写1.the moment he returned to his office 2.It is difficult to cross 3.As well as 4.It doesnt matter



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