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1、八年级上册 Units 1、21. pollute (v. )_ (n. )污污染2. build (v. )_ (n. )建筑物;楼房3. able (adj. )_(反义词义词 )不能的_ (adj. )残疾的4. pleasant (adj. )_ (adj. )(反义词义词 )不愉快的_ (n. )高兴兴5. science (n. )_(n. )科学家pollutionbuildingunabledisabledunpleasantpleasurescientist6. possible (adj. )_(反义词义词 )不可能的_ (adv. )可能地7. surprise (v.

2、) _ (adj. )令人惊奇的_(adj. )感到惊奇的8. fail(v. )_ (n. )失败败_(反义词义词 )成功9. include (v. )_ (prep. )包括10. free (adj. )_ (n. )自由impossiblepossiblysurprisingsurprisedfailuresucceedincludingfreedom【品词词自测测】根据句意及首字母或汉语汉语 提示完成单词单词I am very interested in science. If I work hard, I probably will be a s _in the future.

3、My job doesnt _(包含) making coffee for you. Ginas birthday is coming. We will give her a big gift to s_ her. I hope my parents can give me more_ (自由) to do things by myself. The more cars there are, the more p _ there will be. cientist答案:scientistincludesurprisefreedompollution1. 爱爱上(某人或某物)_ in love

4、_ sb. /sth. 2. 有能力做某事;会做某事be _ to do sth. 3. 实现实现 ;达到come _4. 未来;将来in the _5. 许许多;大量_ of6. 就某事与某人争论论argue _ sb. _ sth. fallwithabletruefuturehundredswithabout7. 付账账;付买买的钱钱pay _8. 相处处;进进展 get _9. 尽可能as. . . as _10. keep. . . out_11. out of style_12. call sb. up_13. all kinds of_foronpossible不让让进进入不时时

5、髦的; 过时过时 的打电话给电话给 某人各种各样样的1. 将会有更多的人。_ _ _ more people. 2. 工厂里已经经有机器人(正)在工作了。_ _ already robots _ in factories. 3. 怎么了?_ _/_ _? There willbeThere areworkingWhats wrong the matter4. 我该该怎么办办?你应该给应该给 他写一封信。_ _ _ _? _ _ write him a letter. 5. 我很烦烦,不知道该该怎么办办。Im very upset and dont know _ _ _. 6. 这这些孩子们长们

6、长 大后可能会发现发现 独立思考很难难(做到)。These children may _ _ _ _ _ for themselves when they are older. What should I doYou shouldwhat to dofind it hard to think1. such adj. 这样这样 的;这这种People would not like to do such jobs. 人们们不愿做这样这样 的工作。It is _ delicious food that I want some more. A. such aB. suchC. so aD. so 他太

7、小了还还不能去上学。Hes _ _ that he cant go to school. 【自主归纳归纳 】 such与so的用法辨析(1)such用来修饰饰名词词,so用来修饰饰形容词词或副词词;两词词都可以与that从句连连用。(2)so与such常用结结构有:a/an + adj. +单单数名词词adj. +不可数名词词adj. +复数名词词 adj. /adv. adj. +a/an+单单数名词词many/few+可数名词词复数much/little+不可数名词词_+such_ +so【一言巧辨异】 Im amazed that so many students are playing

8、 soccer on the playground on such a hot day. 这样热这样热 的天还还有这这么多学生在操场场上踢足球,我感到很惊讶讶。答案:Bso young2. except prep. 除了;把除外Everyone else in my class was invited except me. 班里除了我之外其他所有人都被邀请请了。Were all here _ Lily. Where is she? Shes gone to the library. A. besideB. besidesC. exceptD. butEveryone in our class

9、has got an e-dictionary _ Bill. His father bought him a nice one last week. A. besideB. exceptC. besidesD. but这这个房间间里除了一张张桌子,什么也没有。There is nothing _ a desk in the room. 【自主归纳归纳 】except/besides/but的用法辨析答案: CCbutexcept“把除外”,指排除在外, _(包含/不包含)后面 的内容,前面常用表示整体的 词词besides“除之外还还有”,_( 包含/不包含)后面的内容but可与except

10、换换用,但but常与 no one, nobody, nothing, all, everyone, everything等词连词连 用不包含包含3. be able to do sth. 有能力做某事;会做某事Ill be able to dress more casually. 我可以穿得更随意些。I could swim when I was seven years old. (改为为同义义句)I _ _ _ swim when I was seven years old. 5年后人们们将能够够破解这这个难题难题 。People _ _ _ _ work out the problem

11、in five years. 我能问问你一些问题吗问题吗 ?当然可以。_ I ask you some questions? Certainly. 【自主归纳归纳 】be able to /can的辨析答案:was able towill be able toCan_(1)可以用于各种时态时态 ,有人称和数的 变变化; (2)可以用于情态动词态动词 之后_(1)只有一般现现在时时和一般过过去时时的用 法; 没有人称和数的变变化; (2)除表示能力外,还还可以表示请请求、 许许可或猜测测be able tocan4. Im very upset and dont know what to do.

12、 我很烦烦,不知道该该怎么办办。I dont know how I can use the computer. (改为为同义义句)I dont know _ _ _ the computer. My friend cant work out the math problem. Can you tell him_ ? A. how to doB. what to do itC. how to do itD. what should to do【自主归纳归纳 】what to do的相关用法总结总结(1)what to do是“疑问词问词 +不定式”结结构,常放在tell, show, teach

13、, learn, wonder, forget, know等动词动词 或词组词组 之后,在句中作宾语宾语 ,相当于“疑问词问词 +从句”。 (2)what to do和how to do+宾语宾语 的用法辨析what to do 指做什么,与做的内容相关, what作do的宾语宾语 ,do后面不再跟宾语宾语 ;how to do 指怎么做,与做的方式相关,do后面必须须加宾语宾语,常用it,即how to do it。答案:how to useC【判断抢抢答】判断下面句子翻译译正误误我刚买刚买 了一个CD播放器,但我不知道怎样样用它。Ive just bought a CD player, b

14、ut I dont know how to use it. ( ) Ive just bought a CD player, but I dont know what to use it. ( ). 词汇词汇 运用1. (2012 泰安中考)He is too fat. His mother asks him to eat more vegetables and l _ meat. 2.(2012 烟台中考)My grandfather thinks that kids have too much _ (free) these days. 答案:1. less2. freedom3. (2011 临临沂中考)As we know, Zhangjiajie is famous for the different_ (shape) of mountains. 4.(2011 烟台中考)Sally became a member of the company after the job _ (面试试). 答案:3. shapes4. interview. 单项选择单项选择1. (2012 淄博中考)Wow! You are cool! I _ wear my schoo


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