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1、 保护我们的生存环境 protect our living environment 学生会 the Students Union 校团委 the Youth League of our school 积极参加 take an active part in (sth.) 给树木花草浇水 water the trees and flowers 收集废纸,旧书,空罐,废玩具 collect waste paper, old books, empty cans and old toys 把。分类 sort sth. out 回收中心 recycling center 提高意识 (意识到。的 重要性)

2、realize how important it is to do / realize the importance of dong 过时的 outdated / be out of date 最新的,现代化 的 updated / be up to date 限制社会的发展 limit the development of the society 积极的影响 positive effects 主要负责 be in charge of 文艺部 the Department of Art 校艺术节 School Art Festival 校礼堂 school auditorium 班际歌咏比赛

3、singing competition among all classes 表演节目 (sb.) give performance 裁判 judge 因某事感激某人 A be grateful to B for sth. 期待早日复信 Look forward to your early reply. 信用卡 credit card 炫耀 show off 用信用卡/ 现金支付 pay by credit card/ pay in cash 导致过度消费 result in overspending 赶时髦 follow the fashion 摆手示意不可 shake ones hand 摇

4、头 shake ones head 撞倒某人 knock sb. down 回应某人 respond to sb. (状语) in response to 给某人设立榜样 set an example to 言行 words and deeds 去远足 go for a (pleasant) outing 划船 row boats (in the sea) 冲浪 surf 照相 take (some) photos 目的在于 aim to do 对。造成巨大 危害 cause great harm to 总面积 ( with ) a total area of 核心理念 the core pr

5、inciple of 酒后驾车 driving under influence 处于。状态 in normal state / in a state of intensity (紧张) 导致。 result in / contribute to 归因于。 result from / as a result of 令人震惊的数字 shocking figures 举行一次讲座 hold a lecture 提前 in advance / ahead of time 万一 in case 发烧 get a fever 出席讲座 attend the lecture 过快乐的学校生活 live a

6、happy school life 精神饱满 be in high spirits in sth. 放松自己 relax onoeself (观点) 因人而异 (the answer) vary from person to person 思想丰富 be rich in thought 是。的根基 be the ground of 有助于。 be useful/ helpful for sb. to do sth. 认为。 think, consider 强调说 stress 争辩道 argue 是。的一部 分 be part of 同等重视 pay equal attention to 心理

7、问题 mental problems 期望高 high expections 在。有问题 have problems in doing sth. 在。有困难 have troubles / difficulties (in) doing sth. 看/咨询医生 see / consult a doctor 周年纪念日 anniversary 阅兵仪式 military parade 建立(国家,政权 ) found ( founded) establishment n. 见证了中国的发展 It has seen / It witnesses the growth of China. 开展调查

8、conduct / make / do a survey on sth. 关于 with regard to 至于 as for 在某人看来 in ones eyes 遇到危险 meet with (danger) 淹死 be/ get drowned 被绑架 be kidnapped 呆在某地方 stay in 限制 confine 担心 be worried about / worry about 实现梦想 realize ones dream 让。失望 let sb. down 灰心,丧失信心 lose heart 相信你自己 believe in yourself 不要犹豫做某事 do

9、nt hesitate to do 1. 好的交流可以帮助我们达到目标,然 而,太多的误解甚或是更大的损失则可 能因缺乏交流导致的。 (sth. help do/ sth. be caused by) Good communication may help achieve our goals, while lots of misunderstandings or even great loss may be caused by lack of communication. 2. 我因过少的联系而失去了一个外国朋 友。(due to) I lost a foreign friend due to

10、 less contact. 3. 我们每个人都有自己的价值,因为我 们有独特的个性和角色。( with) We each have our value with our unique personality and character. 4. 我们应该努力创造更好的环境,同时 努力唤起他们的意识。 (in the meanwhile) We should do our best to create a better surroundings and in the meanwhile try to arise their awareness. 不管什么时候,他们喜欢,就会丢废物 ,吸烟或吐痰。

11、(whenever) They litter, smoke or spit whenever they like. 5. 我们需要友谊,因为真正的朋友会支 持我们,在遇到困难时帮助我们,也会 在成功的时候分享我们的快乐。 (because/ when) We need friendship because real friends will support and help us out of difficulties when we are in trouble and share our happiness when we succeed. 6. 使用绿色产品是降低污染的好方法, 因为他们

12、环保,废气物少。(ing做主语 ,/as) Using green products is a good way to reduce pollution, as these ptoducts are friendly to the environment and cause less waste. 7. 正是你自己才是幸福的主人。 ( It isthat) It is yourself that is the real master of happiness. 8. 幸福就在我们身边,只要你想要寻找 它,每个人都可以幸福。 (would likeseek for) Happiness is a

13、lways around us, and everyone can be happy if he or she would like to seek for it. 9. 只要我们不放弃自己,我们就不会被 自己的弱点打败,反而能够从我们的损 失中获益。 (profit from) If we dont give ourselves up, we will not be beaten by our weakness and can instead profit from our losses. 10. 有了他不断的鼓励和我的努力,我重 拾信心,最终赶上其他人。(with) With his co

14、nstant encouragement and my efforts, I picked up myself and finally caught up with others. 11. 当上网时,你能发现很多匿名的邮件 用脏话去攻击别人。受害者通常是名人 。(ing做状语,victim) When getting online, you can find many anonymous posts attacking others, using dirty words. The victims are usually famous people. 12. 我鼓励自己尽可能多地大声朗读英语 ,

15、听录音以及看英语节目。 ( as much as one can) I encouraged myself to read English aloud, listen to tapes and watch English programs as much as I could. 12. 不要放弃,记住,我们生命中的每一 次挑战都是一次能让我们的能力发挥到 极致的机会。 (tap our potential to the full) Dont give up and keep it in mind that every challenge in our lives is an opportunity for us to


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