高中苏教版英语 模块5 Unit2 Project(公开课ppt)

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1、Protecting the Yangtze RiverSourceWhat are the three longest rivers in the world?The Nile in Africa, the Amazon in South America and the Yangtze River in China. Quiz:How much do you know about the Yangtze River ?How long is The Yangtze River? Please give the names of the three longest rivers in the

2、world. Where does the river come from and where does it flow into? How many provinces does it run across? It runs across nine provinces.It is 6,300 kilometers long.The Nile in Africa, the Amazon in South America and the Yangtze River in China. It flows from the western China into the East China Sea.

3、Qutang GorgeXiling GorgeWu GorgeWhat are the three gorges? Three Gorges DamThree Gorge DamThree Gorges DamWhere is the Three Gorges Dam? ChongqingBaidiJiujiangWuhanNanjingShanghaiYichangZhenjiangYangzhouPlease give the names of famous cities along the river as many as you can. the rare animals and f

4、ishesWhite-flag dolphin Yangtze alligator Zhonghua sturgeon What has happened to the Yangtze River?Read through the passage quickly and try to answer the following questions:1.How was the Yangtze River polluted?2.What is the Green River organization?3.What rare animals living in the Yangtze River ar

5、e mentioned?Billions of tons of waste was deposited into the Yangtze River.It is a non-governmental organization that educates and advises people on the importance of protecting this great river.The white-flag dolphinMain idea of each paragraph Paragraph 1 The environmental problems of the Yangtze R

6、iver have raised concern. Paragraph 2 Many people have recognized the importance of protecting the Yangtze river and many environmental organizations and projects have been set up.Paragraph 3 Two special government projects are under way to protect the river. One is the water and soil preservation p

7、roject. Paragraph 4 The second project is a nature reserve for white-flag dolphins. Paragraph 5 The environmental situation of the Yangtze River is improving.PartsMain ideasStructure of the article Paragraph1Paragraphs 24 Paragraph 5The environmental problems of the Yangtze River have raised concern

8、.A lot of work has been done to protect the river. The environmental situation of he Yangtze River is improving.Do you think the environmental situation of the Yangtze River is getting better? Why? What else can we do to protect the Yangtze River?Find the following phrases from the textbook 流经五个省 第三

9、大河 引起国内外的关注 人口的迅猛增长 沉积到江中 靠长江取饮用水 导致健康问题对有有害的影响 建立环保的组织和项目 阻止对动物的非法捕杀 一个主要问题 威胁到野生动物的数量正在进行当中 水资源保护run across nine provincesthe third longest riverraise concern both nationally and internationallyhuge population growthdeposit sth. into the riverrely on the Yangtze River for waterlead to health probl

10、emhave harmful effects on set up environmental organizations and projects stop the illegal hunting of animals a major problemendanger the wild animal populationbe under waywater conservation/protection找出可能的解决问题的办法 用取代 是众多鱼类和动物的家园 一个自然保护区 濒临灭绝的动物 在长江下游段被禁止做某事 有很长的路要走 有关长江的问题 挚爱的河流work out possible so

11、lutions to the problemsreplace with be home to diverse range of fish and animals a nature reserve endangered animalson the lower reaches of the riverhave a long way to gothe problems concerning / about the Yangtze River be prohibited from doingmuch-loved riverraise (L2)vt. pt. pp.raise concern How c

12、an we raise standards in schools ? We are raising money for charity. Though raised in a big city Jim always prefer to paint the primitive scenes of country liferaise cattle/corn引发,提出 提高,增加筹集,筹募抚养,养育,培养 饲养,培育,种植rise vipt.pp.raisedraisedroserisenrely on (P38)1) count or depend on sb./sth. 依赖(1) Nowada

13、ys we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us.2) have trust or confidence in sb./sth. 信 任(1) You can rely on me to keep you secret.The pollution of the river has resulted in unsafe drinking water which has led to health problems for people living near the river. (L9) lead to sth.:=result

14、in Reducing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads.Two special government projects are also under way to protect the river. (L18) under way: having started and making progress:已经经开始并进进行着(1) The project is under way.way常用介词词组词词组 : in a way in no way in ones (own) way in the way by the

15、way顺顺便一说说妨碍了以自己的方式决不在某种程度上on the way to在的去路上高考链接 I think he is taking an active part in social work. I agree with you _. A. in a way B. on the way C. by the way D. in the wayThe projects focus on problems along the Yangtze River such as water conservation. (L19)focus (sth.) on/upon sb./sth. :Less th

16、an 100 white-flag dolphins remains in the Yangtze River. (P38) remain v. 1) to stay in the same place or in the same condition:停留,保持 (1) The doctor ordered him to remain in bed for a few days. (2) A great many things remain to be done (= have not yet been done). (3) He remained silent. (4) It remains a secret.remain v. 2) I to continue to exist when other parts or other thi



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