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1、友情提醒:定语从句每年都会频繁地出现在高考试题中,学好该语 法,能增加选择题的得分,如果作文中用上正确的定语从句, 肯定是一大亮点,希望同学们引起重视. 2004-2006年定语从句高考分布情况 年份 定语语从句 2004年 江苏苏33 上海36 北京34 湖南23 辽辽宁35 广西28 天津23 浙江35 湖北29 吉林23 2005年 江苏苏32 北京35 上海40 广东东35 湖南27 江西25 辽辽宁28 天津13 重庆庆32 福建35 湖北29 浙江23 山东东30 浙江17 2006年 江苏苏29 北京31 重庆庆34 江西33 四川30 山东东26 天津12 湖南30 福建22

2、浙江13 陕陕西19 The Attributive ClauseReview1.Ill never forget the days that we worked together.2.Ill never forget the days when we spent together.whenthat I.错误分析:关系代词和关系副词使用混淆归纳总结 :关系词关系代词关系副词Find out the mistakes in the sentences and correct them.who 主语 宾语(先行词是人) whom 宾语(先行词是人) which 主语 宾语(先行词是物)that 主

3、语 宾语(先行词是人和物)whose 定语(与先行词是所属关系)where 状语(先行词是地点)when 状语(先行词是时间)why 状语(先行词是原因)巩固性训练:用关系词填空1.The man _ came to our school is Mr. Wang.2.I like the book _you bought yesterday.3.A child _ parents are dead is called Tom.4.I dont know the boy _ you talked with.5. Beijing is the place _ I came.6.Could you

4、tell me the reason _ you are late.7.Gone are the days _ we used foreign oil.who/that(which/that) whose(whom/that)where/from which why/for whichwhen/during which3.This is the most beautiful flower which is seen in our school.4.Do you know the persons and things which they are talking about?5.This is

5、the very book which Im looking for.thatthatthat II.错误分析:专用关系代词that的特殊情况不清楚 归纳总结:先行词如果被以下7种特殊的词所限定或修饰 时,只用that不可用which.a.形容词的最高级 如:the most beautiful, the longest b.序数词 如:the first, the third, the last c.不定代词 如:something, everything, nothing, anythingall,little, much, few, no ,any等 d.人和物 如: the teach

6、ers and schools e.主句的主语是who、which、what时 f. the only one, the very one, the just one g.先行词在主句中作表语,而关系代词也在从句中作表语时巩固性训练 1.This is all _ I know about the matter.A.that B.what C.who D.whether2.He talked happily about the men and books _ interested him greatly in the school.A.which B. that C.it D.whom3. H

7、e likes the gifts _ his friends gave him.A.to which B. that C. / D.which4.Is oxygen the only gas _ helps fire burn?A.that B. / C.which D.it5.He wrote a letter to me, telling me everything _ he saw on the eay to the Paris.A.what B. that C.where D.whyallthe men and booksgiftsthe only gaseverything6.Wh

8、ich of the books _ were borrowed from him is the best?A.which B. what C. that D.whose7.Whats the second big city _ you visited? New York.A.where B.that C. which D.what8.Our monitor is the most hard-working student _ I have ever known.A.which B. who C. whom D.that9.His father is an engineer, _makes h

9、im very proud.A.for what B. which C.that D.what10.She is no longer the girl _ she was in her childhood.A. that B.which C.whom D.asWhichthe secondthe mostHis father is an engineer the girl6.I hope to get such a dictionary that he is using.7.Which we all know, China is rich in natural resources.8.Whic

10、h is reported, 150 people were killed in the aircrash.asAsAsIII.错误分析:用关系代词as的情况不清楚。归纳总结:a.在限制性定语从句中,如果先行词中有such, the same, as时, 应使用关系代词as. b.在非限制性定语从句中,如果定语从句在主句前,或插 入主句中间,应使用关系代词as.c.as在从句中作主语,后面常接行为动词的被动语态时, 如be known, be said, be reported等,应使用关系代词as.巩固性训练:用as引导的定语从句翻译下列句子:1.众所周知,中国是世界上人口最多的国家。1)2

11、)2.他戴着你昨天买的同样手表。3.我们发现了一本你正在用的这样的字典。As we all know, the population of China is the largest in the world .As is known to everyone, China is a country that has the largest population in the world.He is wearing the same watch as you bought yesterday.We have found such a dictionary as you are using.他戴着你

12、昨天丢的那块手表.He is wearing the same watch that you lost yesterday.9.1969 is the year in that I was born.10.He met two young men, one of them was from English.11.New York, that I visited last year, is a nice old city.which whomIV.错误分析:不能熟记定语从句中关系代词which和whom的特殊用法.归纳总结:1)当先行词为人时,从句中介词提前关系代 词只能用 whom;当先行词为

13、物时,关系代词只能用which, 不可用that.2)在非限制性定语从句中不可以用关系代词that. 巩固性训练: 1) The book _ I spent $10 on yesterday is written by Luxun. 2) The book on _ I spent $10 yesterday is written by Luxun. 3) The man with _ my father is talking is my headteacher. 4) This is the reason _ _ we did it. 5) I dont like the way _ _

14、he spoke to his mother.(which/that)whichwhomwhichwhichforinwhich11.This is the only one of the most interesting films that were shown last week.12.He has passed the college entrance examination, which make his parents quite happy.V.错误分析:先行词与定语从句中的谓语动词不一致.归纳总结: 1)先行词有of结构时,中心词如果是the only one of, the very one of , the just one of时,定语从句的谓语动词要 用单数形式.2)在which和as引导的非限制性定语从句中,若as和 which作主语时,则从句的谓语动词用单数形式.makeswas巩固性训练:1.Mr Green is one of the foreign experts who _ in China.A.works B.is working C. are working D.has been working2.They are coming back to us, _ that they have been refused elsewhe


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