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1、2015 Poll Results as our research clearly points out, it is cost savings, much more than environmental factors, that are driving this monumental shift. Our annual survey of U.S. homeowners provides a deeper view into whats motivating these consumers, and looks at the often-nuanced reasons behind thi

2、s notable transition. To better understand this rapidly developing market, and the consumers behind it, SolarCity and Clean Edge commissioned a survey of U.S. homeowners by polling fi rm Zogby Analytics. Now in its second year, the annual survey focused on U.S. homeowners choices and attitudes towar

3、ds a range of energy technologies. 1,400 respondents were randomly selected to answer questions about renewables, energy effi ciency, clean transportation, green investing, conventional energy sources, utilities, and other related topics. The purpose of the survey was to learn what homeowners know a

4、nd think about clean-energy products and services and to gain insights into homeowners purchasing decisions and attitudes. 11-Year Compound Annual Growth Rates (CAGRs)LEED Certifi ed ProjectsEnergy Star Buildings and PlantsUtility-Scale Clean Electricity Generation56%25%Solar PV InstallationsHybrid

5、Electric Vehicle Sales52%24%20%Source: USGBC, IREC, Energy Star, Electric Drive Transportation Association, and EIA with Clean Edge analysis for years 2003-20134For Consumers, It Continues to be About Economicsb “Saving money” (82%) tops the list as the primary motivator infl uencing homeowners deci

6、sions to purchase clean-energy products and services. b “Reducing my environmental impact” comes in a distant second place at 34%.b The most popular reason cited for someones likelihood to install solar was “saving on monthly electrical bills.” Nearly two-thirds (64%) said this would have the highes

7、t impact on their decision to install solar panels. b Over the next year, the most planned clean-energy purchases by homeowners tend to be those that save money and have relatively low upfront costs, including LED light bulbs (27%), smart thermostats (12%), and Energy Star-rated hot water heaters (9

8、%).All online surveys were completed between January 20 and January 22, 2015. Based on a confi dence interval of 95%, the margin of error for the survey of 1,400 homeowners is +/- 2.7 percentage points.Key fi ndings from the 2015 U.S. Homeowner Survey include:Americans Overwhelmingly Choose Solar an

9、d Wind Over Natural Gas, Nuclear, and Coalb Half of all homeowners selected solar power as the most important energy source for Americas future, and solar is the top choice across all major demographics (such as Republican, Democratic, Liberal, Conservative, North, and South).b Wind power ranked a s

10、trong second with support of 42% of homeowners, followed by natural gas (33%) and energy effi ciency (25%).b Ranking in the middle of the pack were oil (17%), hydroelectric power (17%), waste to energy (16%), and nuclear power (14%). At the bottom were geothermal power (10%), coal (8%), and biofuels

11、/biomass (7%).b While solar was supported across all age groups, both natural gas and nuclear declined signifi cantly with younger respondents. Natural gas was supported by those over 70 (43%) but dropped down signifi cantly to 27% for those aged 18-24. Nuclear was supported by those over 70 (24%) b

12、ut dropped precipitously to 8% for ages 25- 34 and to just 1% for ages 18-24. 5More than Half of Investors Consider the Social and Environmental Impacts of their Investmentsb When making investment decisions, a majority of homeowners say that they consider the social/environmental impact of their in

13、vestment (52%) and generally expressed an interest in “impact investments,” which offer social and environmental benefi ts. b Three quarters (74%) said that such investments would be compelling if they offered a “potentially higher return than other options” and 61% said such investments would be co

14、mpelling if they offered “a return that is at least as good as other options.” b Profi ts still trump sustainability however. Interest drops signifi cantly, to just 22%, when such investments offer “a slightly lower return than other options.”b The primary reasons given for making a personal investm

15、ent with social/ environmental benefi ts were (in order): the potential to earn higher returns than those provided by savings/CD accounts (54%); supporting the growth of American jobs (12%); and helping people switch to solar power and creating a cleaner, more sustainable future (11%).Homeowners Bac

16、k Federal Support of Clean Energy and Oppose Utility-Driven Roadblocks b Homeowners overwhelmingly support the continuation of federal tax incentives that support the growth of the solar and wind industries (74%). Support is high across all major party affi liations, 82% for Democrats, 67% for Republicans and 72% for Independents.b Respondents believe that utilities should not block the expansion of solar power. A strong majority


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