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1、 原文再现1.欧洲大陆 2.欧洲第三大国家 3.与英吉利海峡那边的英 国隔海相望 4.在法国和西班牙之间是 另一个山脉。 5.位于塞纳河边上 6.位于巴黎 7.西班牙首都以东500百 公里 8.从事那个工程 9.法国三分之二的画家和 作家生活在巴黎。1.the continental Europe 2.Europes third largest country 3.face the UK across the English Channel 4.Between France and Spain is another mountain range. 5.situated on the River

2、 Seine 6.be located in Paris 7.500 kilometres east of the Spanish capital 8.work on the project 9.Two thirds of Frances artists and writers live in Paris.10.作为西方文明的发祥 地而闻名 11.从那时起 12.与-有相同之处 13.据,就-而言 14.国家元首 15.另一方面 16.控制着 17.成员国 18.逐渐地,一点一点地 19.20世纪后半叶 20.以及地中海的岛屿 21.扩大了的欧盟 22.拥有超过五亿的人口10. known a

3、s the birthplace of western civilization 11.ever since 12. have - in common with 13. in terms of 14. the head of state 15. on the other hand 16. have control over 17. member countries 18. little by little 19. the second half of the 20th century 20. plus the Mediterranean islands 21. the expanded EU

4、22. have a population of over 1. face n. 脸,面容 v. 面对,朝, He faced the difficulty with courage. 他勇敢地面对困难。 The building faces north.= The building faces (to) the north. 这栋建筑物朝北。 面对那么多的困难,他们没能按时完成任务。 _ with so much trouble, they _ to complete the task _. _ so much trouble, 创新设计 Page3 多角度练习Facedfailed on

5、time Facing与face有关的短语: hit sb in the face “打某人的脸” look sb in the face “直视某人” pull a long face “耷拉着脸, 愁眉苦脸” in ( the) face of “面对” face-to-face “面对面”2. Between France and Spain is another mountainPage6 创新方案经典句式突破3. Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on the River Seine. 是过去分词做定语

6、,修饰Pariswhich is situated on the River Seine.be situated on / in / to 位于,处于,坐落在be locatedsituate (v.) 使位于,使处于situation (n.) 情形situated (adj.) 坐落的,位于的,处于的状态4. Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926. work on (sth) “从事于 致力于”“继续工作,对起作用”e.g (1)他正在写一本新书。 He is working on a new book.

7、 (2)昨晚我画画好几个小时。I worked on my painting for hours last night.(3) 他们一直工作到日落。They worked on until sunset. devote ones time / energy to (sth)work at/work on/work out (1)You will have to _ _the weak points if you want to pass the examination. (2)We must _ _ a plan acceptable to all as quickly as we can.

8、(3)The medicine the doctor gave him _ _his illness (4)Youll solve this problem if you really _ _ it. (5)He was _ _a report about the harms of smoking when I visited him. work at 致力于;从事于;钻研;在上下功夫; work out 计划;发展;设计;计算出。 创新方案 考点 5 on Page5 work at work out worked onwork at working on 5. Their work has

9、 influenced other writers ever since.ever since 自那时起 since then, from that time/ then on(与现在完成时连用)我们从上学的时候起就一直是朋友We _ friends _ we were _ school together.I _ in 1998 and _ in No. 7High School _.e.g.我于1998年毕业,从那以后一直在成都七中教书。graduatedhave been teaching ever sincehave beenever since at6. the Eiffel Towe

10、r, the famous symbol of Paris.the symbol ofthe symbol forsymbol Sign markPage 5创新方案考点47. In terms of size and population, how big is the European Union com-pared with China? in terms of = 1)as far as - is concerned 意为“从 方面来说, 就而言”,注意term必须用复数 形式。 Page 12创新设计考点38.In France, on the other hand, the hea

11、d of state is a president. on the other hand 另一方面On the other hand, they thought he was serious. This is a novel, but on the other hand, it can be looked as a biography.on one hand, .; on the other hand, 9. Little by little, the number increased during the second half of the twentieth century. little by little=bit by bit/gradually 逐渐地 His English is improving little by little. He has changed year by year and little by little. Page 13创新设计 考点5


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