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1、长久以来,中国对女性美的衡量标准,是以男人的审美眼光作为标准的。随着社会的发展, 现在女性也有了自己的话语权,女性开始建立她们的审美观,不再顺应男人的审美眼光。受几千年封建文化的影响,男人的审美眼光其实不大容易变化,我还是觉得中国传统 认为的女性特征鲜明,性格含蓄、温婉的女人是美的。世界潮流也会对我们的审美产生影响,如果全世界的时装发布会都是胖模特,我想中 国女性也不会这么希望变瘦。可惜现在全世界的模特都是能看到锁骨的瘦,这影响得所有 的女人都追求以瘦为美。我自己不觉得这么瘦就多么美,而且,我总担心女人终于减肥成 功,又变成以胖为美了。作家余华我认为时尚是没有什么道理的,也没有任何规律,完全是

2、种种意外造成的。只要是没有 出现过的,带给人新鲜感的都可能成为时尚。女人的美永远是内在美和外在美的有机统一,有一种女人被叫做“白痴美人”,就是说 那种硬件长得都不错,但神态不美,看来比较呆的女人,这种女人没有人认为她是美的。 内在的东西是没有办法复制的,美也就无法复制。作家苏童Where Were Left.with worth determined by weight, compulsively counting calories and pounds, deconstructing ourselves into imperfect parts. We trumpet our gains i

3、n the professional and political sphere, while we pare away our bodies as penance.Finishing my work on this piece, I scroll through the pictures one more time, pausing at the knowing smile of Mona Lisa. Countless songs and poems have wondered at what secret she keeps behind her smirking lips. Her sm

4、ile is so much a part of her. It seems to come from the very core of her identity. She feels that sense of entitlement so elusive to the diet-obsessed mass of mothers, daughters, and sisters, forever afraid of wanting too much, eating too much being too much. I wonder, if she lived here and now, wou

5、ld she be just another one of us, perpetually putting herself down, or is her power so deep-rooted she would manage to rise above it? Id like to think we all have that power, ingrained in us somewhere. that deep down inside, we possess that kernal of knowledge that has the potential to free us, if w

6、e could only access it; the knowledge that we are art, by our very nature.Modern Standards of Beauty: Nature or Nurture?An Evolutionary PerspectivebyJennifer GoehringSpecial note from Evolutions Voyage:Please visit our web site section at What Is Evolutionary Feminism? We have been attempting for ye

7、ars to deconstruct and analyze the roots of modern standards of beauty. Feminism in particular has become quite focused on its negative impact upon women, especially in an age during which we are observing such disturbing rates of eating disorders. Even if we look globally we can see a historic prof

8、ile of women going to seemingly great lengths to alter their appearance for the sake of beauty; unfortunately, often at the expense of their own health. Whether its tight corsets, painfully bound feet or a booming cosmetic surgery industry, we have yet been unable to shed this seemingly permanent ph

9、enomenon. Even in modern America, in which the feminist movement has tried so hard to raise consciousness about the avoidable tendency among women to harm their own bodies for the sake of an arbitrary standard of beauty, we still witness an alarming rate of anorexia and bulemia.Evolutionary theory o

10、utlines for us, for the first time in history, a scientific explanation for this gendered phenomenon. In our ancestral environment, as in the evolutionary past of every species, each sex was faced with the challenge of using observable traits to determine the reproductive benefit of one potential ma

11、te or another. Since the predominant concern of females had to be the protection, rearing and well-being of her young, she had to become particularly astute at determining, from the look of a male, whether he can provide these things for her. In order to demonstrate that he can provide for her the n

12、ecessary protection and resources, males in every species had to become experts in showing outward displays of both physical prowess and status, and females had to become quite adept at reading these signals. Males seeking a mate had to do likewise, but along a different profile of characteristics.

13、For him, it is in his reproductive best interest to find a female who is healthy, and able to bear young with minimal difficulty. Physical indications of health became the arena for this type of determination, and hence the evolution of preferences in the dimensions of age, skin complexion, body sha

14、pe, and other indications of health and (therefore) reproductive capacity.For instance, a preference for younger women (which is universally documented) evolved for men to narrow the range of potential mates to those still young enough to bear children. As womens reproductive capacity drops off dram

15、atically, so do mens ratings of “attractiveness“ for her, even if he is only shown her face. Clear, smooth skin, absent of sores and lesions, is another obvious indicator of health. Another surprising result of studies of male preferences indicates one for symmetry; the more symmetrical the facial f

16、eatures, the higher the rating for attractiveness. Research done by Steve Gangestad and Randy Thornhill has shown that, along with repeated environmental stressors, parasites can also cause physical assymmetries. The symmetry of physical features, therefore, was likely used as an indicator of physical health.For those attempting to combat the harmful affects that standards of beauty have on womens health, this evolutionary perspective threatens


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