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1、The Spanish Electricity System20120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24TIME48,00044,00040,00036,00032,00028,00024,00020,000MWThe Spanish Electricity System20122 The Spanish Electricity System in 2012Table of ContentsThe Spanish Electricity System in 2012 3The Spanish Elect

2、ricity System in 2012 4Peninsular system 2401. Electricity Demand 2402. Demand Coverage 3003. Ordinary Regime 3604. Special Regime 4405. System Operation 4806. Transmission Grid 6607. Service Quality 7408. International Exchanges 78Extra-peninsular Systems 92The Electricity System per Autonomous Com

3、munity 102International Comparison 116Glossary of terms 1284 The Spanish Electricity System in 201200The Spanish Electricity System in 2012The Spanish Electricity System in 2012 5The most significant aspect of the performance of the Spanish electricity system in 2012 was once again the behaviour of

4、the demand for electricity which continues at a level comparable to that of 2006. This situation is consistent with the downward trend of the economic activity in Spain, which closed the year with an overall fall of 1.4 % in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Specifically, the annual national electricity

5、 demand recorded a decline throughout the year of 1.4 % compared to 2011, representing an accumulated decrease of 5.1 % in the last four years. Additionally, on average, the downward trend in electricity consumption was similar to that of other EU countries belonging to the Continental Europe Group

6、of ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity), although in the case of Spain, the drop was more moderate, recording a fall of 0.7 % as compared to 2011 and an overall fall of 3.0 % for the 2008-2012 period.Despite the decline in demand, total national production incr

7、eased 1.1 % compared to 2011 due primarily to increased energy exports to other countries. As for the generation mix, for yet another year, the growth of renewable energy, especially 00 The Spanish Electricity System in 20126 The Spanish Electricity System in 2012wind energy and the increase in coal

8、-fired generation are worth highlighting. By contrast, combined cycle has continued the line of descent began in 2009. Additionally, in a context of an extremely dry year, hydroelectric registered the lowest annual production since 2005. In line with that of recent years, 2012 saw quite a bit of act

9、ivity within the regulatory scope, with the approval of numerous regulations relevant to the functioning of the electricity sector, both at the EU level and within the framework of the Spanish regulation.Regulatory frameworkIn the framework of the European Union regulation, the main rule approved in

10、 2012 was Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency, amending Directives 2009/125/EC and 2010/30/ EU and repealing Directives 2004/8/EC and 2006/32/EC. This directive, adopted with Spains vote against, establishes a common framework of

11、 measures for the promotion of energy efficiency within the Union in order to ensure the achievement of the Unions 2020 20 % headline target on energy efficiency and to pave the way for further energy efficiency improvements beyond that date. With respect to the Spanish regulation, during 2012 numer

12、ous provisions developing Law 54/1997 were published, many of them focused on providing measures to correct the structural imbalance between revenues and costs in the electricity sector, of these, the following are noteworthy: Royal Decree-Law 1/2012, of 27 January, suspends the remuneration pre-ass

13、ignment procedure and removes incentives for new electricity facilities using co-generation, renewable energy and waste, and eliminates the incentives contemplated in Royal Decree 661/2007 for all those special regime facilities that had not already been registered in the remuneration pre- assignmen

14、t registry, and also suspends the remuneration pre-assignment procedures for all facilities in 2012. Royal Decree-Law 13/2012, of 30 March, transposes directives on domestic electricity and gas markets and electronic communications. It also introduces measures to correct deviation in imbalances betw

15、een costs and revenues in the electricity and gas sectors. This decree has a double objective: firstly, comply with the obligation to transpose the latest EU directives on electricity, gas and electronic communications, thus closing those disciplinary proceedings that had been initiated by the Commi

16、ssion resulting from deadlines for transposition being exceeded, and avoiding significant financial penalties that could result from these proceedings based on the provisions of the Lisbon Treaty, and secondly, to establish, as a matter of urgency, a battery of measures that ultimately aim to eliminate the imbalances between revenues and costs of electricity and gas systems.


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