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1、第 9 卷第 1 期 01 年 月化 工 设 备 与 管 道 PROCESS EQUIPMENT stainless steel; stress corrosion crack; protection(上接第50页) 吴海贵,胡启亮,李强 . 关于沟槽式管道安装施工技术的思 考 J. 商情,010 (7): 17-17. TSG R1001008, 压力容器压力管道设计许可规则 S. 刘志伟,赵桂芹 . 压力管道设计许可现状分析与对策 J. 化工设备与管道,010,7(): -7. 5 应道宴 .GB/T 0801006压力管道规范 工业管道总体说明 J. 化工设备与管道,008,(): 1-

2、8. 6 GB 505010, 工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范 S. 7 周德敏,何仁洋,刘长征,等 . 关于埋地管道企业开展管道检验检测的思考及建议 J . 石油化工设备技术,010(1): 57-6. 8 王一宁 . 输送高度危害介质压力管道用钢管可信性评价研究J. 石油化工设备,010,9(): 0-. 9 赵敏 . 石化企业设备防腐蚀管理现状及存在问题 J. 石油化工设备,010,9( 增 ): 7-0.Discussion of Inspection and Supervision for Pressure Piping InstallationSONG Ya-qiang(Suzho

3、u Branch, Jiangsu Province Special Equipment Safety Supervision and Inspection Research Institute, Suzhou 1518, China) Abstract: Installation quality of pressure piping is the important factor of its performance. Thus, several aspects in supervision and inspection process for pressure piping install

4、ation shall be emphatically controlled, such as documents verification, construction examination, inspection and test (including non-destructive test and pressure test). In this article, some methods of supervision and inspection in each installation stage of pressure piping were introduced. With these methods, the quality of pressure piping installation can be enhanced and the solid base for safe performance of the piping be established.Keywords:pressure piping; installation; supervision and inspection化工设备与管道 w w w .t c e d .c o m


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