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1、 最新日常英语最新日常英语 1000 句句 第一章 通过记忆场景来学第一章 通过记忆场景来学!表达心情的基本会话表达心情的基本会话 问候问候 Im glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你 Hi there. 你好 Long time no see 好久不见。 Hows everything? 一切都好吗? Hows your work getting on? 工作顺利吗? 感谢感谢 Thanks 谢谢 Thanks a lot. 非常感谢 Thanks a million. 万分感谢 Thank you for your concern. 谢谢您的关心 I appreciate it

2、 very much. 真的非常感谢 道歉道歉 Im sorry Ive troubled you. 很抱歉,给你天麻烦了。 Im sorry I was so careless. 很抱歉,是我太粗心了。 Please forgive me. 请原谅我 Im sorry Im late. 对不起,我迟到了。 Im sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了 天气天气 Its nice weather, isnt it? 好天气,不是吗? Its boiling hot. 热的发昏。 Its cloudy today 今天多云 Its getting da

3、rk 天变的暗起来 Its likely to snow tonight 今晚好像要下雪 The typhoon is gone 台风过去了 许可许可 May I ask a favor of you? 能请你帮个忙吗 Can I ask you to do it? 能请你做吗 Can I leave it up to you? 能委托你吗 May I use your phone? 能借用一下电话吗 Is it all right if I borrow your car? 如果可以,我能借你的车吗 May I have permission? 我可以得到许可吗 劝诱劝诱 Would you

4、 like a cup of coffee? 要一杯咖啡吗 How about that? 那个怎么样 Do you have time? 你有时间吗 Lets have a drink, shall we? 让我们去喝一杯好吗 Ill tell you what 让我告诉你 忠告忠告 Youd better be careful. 你最好还是小心些 Youd better not be so pessimistic 你最好不要太悲观 You should visit your parents more often. 你应该经常探望你父母 Did you make sure? 你确认了吗? W

5、hy dont you talk it over with your father? 为什么不与你父母商量 要求要求 Can you drive me home? 你能开车送我回家吗 Could you do the dishes tonight? 今晚你能清洗碗碟吗? Would you help me? 你可以帮我吗 Do you mind if I smoke here? 你介意我在这里抽烟吗 Do you think you could work this Saturday? 本周六你能上班吗? 拒绝拒绝 Im sorry I cant help you. 对不起,我帮不上你 Im s

6、orry Im not sure 抱歉,我不是很有把握 Im sorry I cant. I was I could 抱歉,我不能。我希望能做到 Im afraid I cant agree with you 恐怕我不能同意你 Thank you. Id like to, but I cant 谢谢。我想那样做,但是我不能 感叹感叹 Incredible! 不可思议! Gosh! 天哪!哇! Gee! 哎呀! How lucky! 多幸运 Well done! 做得好 How nice! 多好啊 Poor thing! 可怜! Thats impossible! 那不可能! What a pi

7、ty! 真可惜 What a shame! 真丢脸! 电话电话 This is Yoko Sato speaking 我是左藤洋子。 May I speak to John, Please? 请叫约翰听电话 Who would you like to speak to 你找谁 Could I leave a message? 我能留话吗 Give me extension 101, please. 请转 101 分机 问路问路 Turn right at the first traffic light. 在第一个信号灯处向右转 Im sorry. Im a stranger here, too

8、. 对不起,我也是处来。 How far is it from here? 离这儿多远 Go straight for two blocks. 笔直往前两个街区 Where am I? 这是哪里? 购物购物 Where is the ladies wear? 女装在哪里 Im just looking, thank you. 我只是看看 Do you have leather bags? 有皮包吗 May I take a look at it? 我可以看一看吗 May I try it on? 我可以试穿吗 What is this made of? 这是用什么做的? How much wi

9、ll this set me back? 这个多少钱 Ill take it. 我要了 Ill think it over. 在考虑一下 How much are they in all? 全部多少钱 第二章 电影中经常听到的第二章 电影中经常听到的!简短会话简短会话 Go 的固定用法的固定用法 Go ahead. 干吧! (走吧!说吧) Go easy. 慢慢来 Go on! 继续 Go for broke! 竭尽全力 Go and get it. 请去取来 Come 的固定用法的固定用法 Come on! 来吧 How did it come out? 结果如何 It may come i

10、n handy 说不定会有用 Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了 How come? 为什么 Take 的固定用法的固定用法 Lets take a chance. 让我们冒个险 Take my word. 相信我说的话 Take your time. 慢慢来 Take care. 小心 Take it easy. 不要勉强 Make 的固定用法的固定用法 It makes me sick. 真使我讨厌 Make it snappy. 赶快 It doesnt make sense. 无法理解 I made it. 正好赶上 Can you make it? 你行吗 Get

11、的固定用法的固定用法 Get down to work. 投入工作 Get out of here! 从这里滚出去 Lets get started. 让我们开始吧 I got it. 我明白 I got nervous 我紧张 Keep 的固定用法的固定用法 Keep quiet. 保持安静 Keep your shirt on. 不要激动 Keep it a secret. 保守秘密 Keep that in mind. 记住 Keep the change. 不用找零 Leave 的固定用法的固定用法 Just leave it. 就那样放着 I have to be leaving n

12、ow. 不得不离开 Leave it on. 让它开着 Leave me alone. 别管我 Would you like to leave a message? 你要留言吗 Do 的固定用法的固定用法 Ill do may best. 竭尽全力 Please do. 请无论如何帮忙 Will this do? 这个好吗 Anything will do. 什么都可以 I have nothing to do with it. 那与我没有关系 Have 的固定用法的固定用法 I have no idea. 不知道 I had a hard time. 辛苦 I have a sweet to

13、oth. 我爱吃甜食 Have fun! 玩的开心点! Lets have a chat, shall we? 我们聊天好吗 Here 的固定用法的固定用法 Here I go! 开始了 Here. 喏! Here you are. 给 Here I am. 完成了 Heres something for you. 这是一点心意 There 的固定用法的固定用法 There! 瞧 There they go! 开始了 There you go again. 瞧,又犯了 Theres no rush. 不必急 There goes the chime. 铃响了 That 的固定用法的固定用法 T

14、hat way, please. 请走那边 That suits you. 适合你 That depends. 看情况不同而定 That sounds good. 好像不错 That reminds me. 想起来了 Thats 的固定用法的固定用法 Thats very kind of you. 非常感谢你 Thats right. 正是如此 Thats enough. 足够了 Thats why. 所以 Thats up to you. 尤你决定 Thats the trouble. 那是个问题 Thats not true. 那不是真的 Thats more like it. 这种更好

15、Thats tough. 那太麻烦你了 Thats my favorite. 那是我喜欢的 What 的固定用法的固定用法 What do you mean? 什么意思 What does it say? 写着什么 What do you say? 你怎样想 What for? 为了什么 What else? 除此之外,还需要什么 Whats 的固定用法的固定用法 Whats up? 有什么变化吗 Whats new? 有什么新鲜事吗 Whats the big hurry? 为什么那样急 Whats that again? 什么,再说一次 Whats going on? 在干吗 How 的固定用法的固定用法 How was it? 怎么样 I know how you feel. 我明白你的心情 How do I do it? 要怎样做才行 How do you know? 你怎么知道 How do you like it? 你觉得怎么样 Dont 的固定用法的固定用法 Dont ask me. 不知道 Dont be long. 快点 Dont worry. 不用担心 Dont flatter me. 不要恭维我 Dont be too sure. 别小看它 Dont be sc


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