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1、晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC全球气候变变暖是目前人类类面临临的最大环环境问题问题 。请请你根据以下提示,写一篇英语语短文,为为“节节能减排”提出一些建议议。Module 3 The Violence of Nature晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC背景随着经济经济 的发发展,更多的温室气体被排放,其中大约约70%为为CO2,这这也是全球变变暖的主要原因之一。后果海平面上升;自然灾害频发频发 。措施1.多使用清洁洁能源,少用煤、汽油;2在可能的情况下以步代车车;34晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC注意:短文须须包括上表中所给给信息,措施3和4考生自由发挥发挥

2、;词词数120左右With the development of economy,_晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC【满满分作文】With the development of economy, more and more greenhouse gases are being discharged into the air.CO2 makes up about 70% of the greenhouse gases, which is considered to be one of the greatest causes of global warming.It has harmfu

3、l effects, causing the sea level to rise and many natural disasters to strike.晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABCSo we must take effective measures to save our planet.First, we should use more clean energy and less coal and oil.Second,we should go to work on foot or by bus instead of driving a car if possible.Thi

4、rd, we should plant more trees, because plants can turn CO2 into oxygen.Most importantly, we should form the habit of saving energy in our daily life.晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC【高级词汇级词汇 】discharge vt. 排放 make up 构成 natural disaster 自然灾害【佳句变换变换 】CO2 making up around 70% of the greenhouse gases is considere

5、d the first to account for global warming.Its harmful effects consist in the sea level to rise and many natural disasters to strike.Wed better walk to work, not employing vehicles if possible.晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC1_ n灾难难2_ vt.引起;导导致3_ vt.埋葬4_ vi.发发生5_ vt.& n(雷电电、暴风风雨等)袭击袭击6_ vt.毁坏7_ adj.以前的8_ n& v损损

6、失;损损害9_ vt. 经历经历 _ adj.有经验经验 的A 考纲词汇思忆disaster cause buryoccurstrikeruinpreviousdamageexperienceexperienced晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC10_n家具_ vt.装备备;装置11_ adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强烈的_ n暴力12_ n可能;可能性_ adj.可能的_ adv.可能地13_ adj.吓人的;可怕的_ adj.恐惧的;受惊吓的_ vt.使惊恐;使受惊吓14_ adv.幸运地;幸亏_ adj.幸运的_ n运气furniturefurnishviolent violence

7、 possibility possible possiblyterrifyingterrified terrifyluckilylucky luck 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC字词词入章,相得益彰A massive and violent mudslide struck Zhouqu County in August,2010,which caused a lot of damage.Many people were buried alive and lots of people lost their lives.People all over the world offere

8、d their helping hands immediately after it occurred.There is a possibility that experienced experts will be able to forecast some terrifying natural disasters accurately in the future. 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC1pick _卷起;掀起;拾起;搭载载;(偶然)学会2take _去掉;脱掉;起飞飞;兴兴旺3_ average 平均起来4end _结结果为为,以结结束5set fire _set. _

9、fire 放火(焚烧烧);纵纵火烧烧6_ fire 着火7put _扑灭灭(火)8_ place 发发生9_ all 总总共,总计总计B 重要短语识记upoff onuptooncatchouttake in 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC1leave(使,让让)宾语宾语 介词词短语语They can destroy houses,but _(把房内的家具留在原处处)2by the time(到时时候)引导时间导时间 状语语从句 _(等到风风停时时),more than 700 people had been killed and 2,700 had been injured.3t

10、heres the possibility of有的可能性When the lava reached the sea,_(有的可能性)a huge tidal wave which could flood half the island.C 经典句式再现leave the furniture inside exactly where it wasBy the time it endedthere was the possibility of晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABCbury ones head/face _用手捂住头头/脸脸bury _in_in埋头头于bury v埋葬;掩埋;

11、隐隐藏 A 核心单词巧布点,基石奠The UK,for example,is running out of areas for burying this unnecessary waste. (2010山东东卷,阅读阅读 B)比如说说英国,就在逐渐渐用光掩埋这这些不必要垃圾的场场所。in hands oneselfbe buried 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC巧学助记记She was sitting _a newspaper.她坐着埋头头看报纸报纸 。The true facts _a secret government report.事实实真相被掩藏于政府的一个秘密报报告中。

12、with her head buried in are buried in 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABC(2)_因果关系cause vt.引起;导导致n.原因,起因;理由;事业业; 目标标We believe this will give real “down time” for school staff and pupils alike but will be short enough not to cause a real break in learning. (2012福建卷,阅读阅读 E)我们认为这们认为这 是全体教师师和学生的停课时间课时间 ,而不足以真正成为为学校的放

13、假时间时间 。cause and effect晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABCTheres no necessary _between income and happiness.收入和幸福之间间不存在必然的因果关系。辨析cause指直接导导致事情发发生的原因,后可接of介词词短语语。reason着重强调调在逻辑逻辑 推理上得出的原因,其后接介词词for,也可以接why引导导的定语语从句excuse指说话说话 人试图为试图为 自己辩护辩护 或希望得到别别人谅谅解时时所提出的借口、理由,后常用介词词forcause and effect 晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABCLazi

14、ness is the _ of our failure and we shouldnt try to find _and now we have every _ to work harder.品语语境,写汉汉意He devotes all his time to the cause.(_)causeexcusereason事业业晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点ABC要点精析ABCoccur vi.出现现,发发生The stress slows down the speed with which signals travel between neurons,making inspirations less likely to occur. (2012湖北卷,阅阅读读E)压压力减慢了神经细经细 胞的信号传输传输 速度,导导致灵感不太可能产产生。晨读读吧基础盘础盘 点AB



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