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1、副词翻译在英汉互译中的应用1.汉语名词译成英语副词十月里一个静悄悄下午,哈里特和威廉在一块儿 说着悄悄话。On a silent afternoon in October Harriet and William were talking together.2.英语副词译成汉语名词He is physically weak but mentally sound.他身体虽弱,但精神很好。softly1.汉语形容词译成英文副词她真笨,竟然回答了这样一个问题。She answered such a question.2.英文副词译成汉语形容词The English language had chang

2、ed subtly and pervasively.英语的变化很敏感、很普通。stupidly1.汉语动词译成英文副词那个男孩告诉我他的父亲出去了。The boy told me that his father was . 2.英文副词译成汉语动词I must be off now, for my sister is expecting me.我姐姐在等我,我得走了。out1.汉语中的短语或断句译成英文的副词在床上躺了一周之后,他现在已经能够起 来活动了。After staying in bed for a week, he is now and .2.英文的副词译成汉语中的短语或断句Clea

3、rly, she speaks French.很明显,她说法语。up about篇章翻译1.英译汉There were a few middle-aged and even elderly women in the train, their silver -wiry hair and wrinkled faces, scourged by time and trouble, having almost a grotesque, certainly a pathetic appearance in such a jaunty situation.游行队伍里的妇女,有几位中年的 ,甚至还有 几位

4、;她们都饱经风霜,受尽磨难, 一头白发,满脸皱纹,却也夹在这种轻松活泼 的队伍里,让人觉得不伦不类, 十分 可怜可叹。毫无疑问上了年纪的2.汉译英20岁的时候,一心想和体育系、美术系的男生约会。30岁之后,简直 认为自己当年是白痴。At the age of twenty, I did long to date with the boys from either physical education or the art department. After thirty, it seems so unbelievable that I once possessed that thought.2

5、0岁的时候,老妈打电话,不等说完三句就恨不能挂了电话。30岁之 后,一听到妈的声音就禁不住哭出来:“妈呀,您老的所有担心现在 都应验了”At the age of twenty, while talking with my mother over the phone, I wanted to hang up before my mother had finished a few words. After thirty the voice of Mom triggers my crying, “Mom, your worries about my marriage have all come true.”idioticallyinvariably


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