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1、Grade 4 Reading and words上课要求:作业要求:1. 举手 2. 禁止交头接耳 3. 注意力集中1. 按时交作业 2. 认真对待作业 3. 必须家长签字上课要求:作业要求:1. 举手 2. 禁止交头接耳 3. 注意力集中1. 按时交作业 2. 认真对待作业 3. 必须家长签字文章 article段落 paragraphParagraph 1 Here are some things from our room. Can you find them?1. Here are some things 1. Here are some things 1. Here are som

2、e things 1. Here are some things from our room. from our room. from our room. from our room. 泛指的事情,东西来自于,从中来这里是我们房间里的一些东西。2. 2.2. 2. Can you find them?Can you find them?Can you find them?Can you find them? 找到强调结果强调动作找find找到look for寻找看see看到look at在看强调结果强调动作找find找到look for寻找看see看到look at在看我正在找我的书,但是我没

3、有找到。 I am looking for my book, but I cant find it.Paragraph Paragraph 2 21. The first one is a fish clock. 第一代指上文中的 thing序数词表示顺序、序列的词。基数词用来描述数量多少的词。 one first twosecond threethird帮我总结2. The clock is mine. The clock is my.The clock is me.=The clock is my clock.用mine 代替重复出现的my clock在英语中,我们把mine这类用法的 词

4、叫做名词性物主代词。主格 Iyou hesheitweyouthey宾 格me youhimheritusyouthem形物 myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名物 min eyour shishers itsoursyour stheirs人称代词表格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词Practice 练习Read and circle1. (My/Mine) new pink T-shirt is beautiful. How about (you/yours)?2. These boxes arent (you/yours). They are (my/mine). 3.

5、(She/Her) has a new dress. The new dress is (her/hers).4. He cant find (his/hers) basketball. Maybe the one in the box is (his/hers).5. Where are (our/ours) schoolbag? Are the bags over there (our/ours)?6. (Their/Theirs) caps are all red. So these blue caps are not (their/theirs).3. It is a present

6、from my mother. 礼物它是我妈妈给我的礼物。它是给我妈妈的礼物。 It is a present for my mother.4. I need it morning and night.4. I need it morning and night.需要我早晚都需要它。爱我中华用爱我中华这首歌曲来表达我们对祖 国母亲的热爱之情吧!56 nations(民族) and 56 flowers 56个民族,56枝花 56 brothers and sisters are a f_ 56个兄弟姐妹是一家 56 k_ of languages(语言) merged into (汇成) on

7、e w_ 56种语言,汇成一句话 Love China, love China, love China 爱我中华,爱我中华,爱我中华familykind wordLove China 爱我中华 Take news s_ 健儿奋起步伐 Love China 爱我中华 Construct(建设) our c_ 建设我们的国家 Love China 爱我中华 China is bright and brave 中华雄姿英发stepscountry问答题问答题appleananWhat is “apple” plus four letters?加信件 字母pineapplepineapple为什么菠萝

8、是为什么菠萝是pineapple?pineapple?很多年前,在西方人们把水 果、果子都叫做apple。 因为菠萝的形状看上确实很 像放大的松果 所以被命名为pineapple。pine2. What do we call our mothers brothers sons and daughters?Cousin3. Take three letters from it, and you get a pen. What is it? pencil5. On what board, can you see a lot of keys?木板,甲板黑板 blackboard钥匙keyboardk

9、eyboard键盘6. Which “animal” is the part of a computer? 电脑键盘 keyboard鼠标 mouse屏幕 screen主机 mainframe7. A boy falls into (掉进) a river and he cant swim. He sees a man near the river. What is he going to say?救命!Help! Help!(一)加 “ 车轴 ” :在下面的车轮中心中 填入一个字母,组成四个英语单词 。(二)丢 “ 垃圾 ” :从下面五组字母中每组 各找出一个多余字母丢进垃圾筒,再用它 们组

10、成五 个数词并将垃圾筒的五个字母组 成一个数词,必要时可加连字符号。 1. yeltevw - 2. teonniy - 3. tteurneof - 4. rrtthyi - 5. ffywneroutt - 6. -_三) 改头换面:将下面十个英语单词 的首 字母去掉,然后在剩下的字母后面再加上一 个字母,使其成为另一个英语单词 。 1. she- 2. bag- 3. key- 4. son- 5. who- 6. age- 7. bye- 8. ear- 9. you- 10. four-NAMESLOOKS(外貌)CARSJOBS Harry12Policeman RobertBro

11、wn hair3Teacher Stuart4Benz5(三)巧用图和表 阅读下面两篇短文,并根据内容在图表的空格内填上合适的英语单词。每空 一词。 A. There are three people : Harry, Robert and Stuart. One is small(个头 小的), one is tall and one has(有) brown hair. One has a TOYOTA(丰田), one has a Benz(奔驰) and one has not a car. One is a teacher, one is a doctor and one is a

12、policeman. We only know these: a. Harry is a policeman. b. The tall man has a car. c. Benz is Stuarts. d. Robert is a teacher with brown hair. e. The doctor is small. f. Harry has a car.二、任务阅读(满分20分,每小题2分) 阅读下面短文,根据文章内容选择答案。 (一)加标题 My cousin loves riding horses on our uncles farm. His favourite hors

13、e is called Karri. My cousin would like to have a horse of his own one day. Which is the best title for the little story above? AHorses BMy Cousin CMy Uncles farm DMy Cousins Love of HorsesDEFDEFDEFABCABCDE F CB AA B CA B CD E FFolded(折叠)each card for two times along the lines.Which of the following

14、 cards will be folded into figure(1)? DEF CBAA B C D (1)DEFDEFDEFABCABCDE F CB AA B CA B CD E FDEF CBAReadingLook at these children. They all live in the same city-Beijing.相同的城市Paragraphy 1 Linlin comes from Beijing, China. It is one of the biggest countries in the world. Linlin speaks Chinese. Her

15、English is very good. Her father is a policeman. Her mother is a doctor.1. Linlin comes from Beijing, China. 进来来自于2. It is one of the biggest countries in the world. country写出它的单数形式城市世界上中国是世界上最大的国家之一。3. Linlin speaks Chinese.4. Her English is very good. 说,讲琳琳讲中文,她的英语非常好。关于职业1. The UK is to the northwest of China. 北南西东North NorthernWest WesternEast EasternSouth SouthernNSWE西北东北西南东南north-westnorth-eastsorth-westsorth-east2. His father is a basketball coach.教练练长长途汽车车、长长途大巴 车车coach 长途汽车乘坐长途汽车by coachcoach 教练a birthday cake.This is 钱钱钱钱钱



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