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1、中國醫藥大學國際針灸學程碩士班修業辦法中國醫藥大學國際針灸學程碩士班修業辦法中國醫藥大學國際針灸學程碩士班修業辦法中國醫藥大學國際針灸學程碩士班修業辦法 China Medical University International Master Degree of Acupuncture Science Program Guidelines 一、 宗旨:(Purpose) 1. 培植針灸人才、提升針灸研究水準 (Train personnel and promote quality research.) 2. 協助友邦訓練具針灸診療人力,並藉以推動國際衛生外交 (Assist friendly

2、 nations with personnel training in acupuncture science and advance international health diplomacy.) 3. 建立針灸學程,結合中西醫療,推廣針灸教育 (Establish acupuncture science curriculum that integrates traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment modalities and promotes acupuncture science.) 4. 推動國際針灸醫療服務 (Advan

3、ce acupuncture treatment services internationally.) 二、依據:(Basis) 依據中國醫藥大學學程設置辦法辦理。 (Stipulated in the “China Medical University Curriculum Guidelines.“) 三、修習學程學生應具資格及人數限制 (Qualification Restrictions and Admission Limits ) 1. 進入本學程之學生經由中國醫學大學針灸研究所招生入學,修習年限不限。 (Students are admitted for enrollment by

4、the China Medical University Graduate Institute of Acupuncture Science. There are no specific time limitations set for the completion of this program.) 2. 入學資格:外國國籍並經教育部認可之國內外大學、獨立學院之醫學系、學士後 醫學系、中醫學系、學士後中醫學系及牙醫系畢業,得有學士學位之人士,並符 合本學程之要求者,由本學程教師會自申請者中甄選入學。本學程以英文教學, 除需具碩士班之入學標準外,得要求申請或報考者之英文程度證明。 (Admis

5、sion Requirements: Foreign nationals grauating from Ministry of Education approved local or foreign private medical institutes, post-baccalaureate medicine departments, Chinese medicine departments, post-baccalaureate Chinese medicine departments, or college of dentistry; and also comply with the pr

6、ograms curriculum requirements. Admission selections are conducted by the programs faculty committee. The course curriculum is taught in English. In addition to possessing graduate level admission requirements, applicants are required to provide proof of English language proficiency.) 3.本學程之人數上限暫定為每

7、年 20 人,名額限制得由本學程教師會議提議,經教務 處同意後更改。 (Program enrollment is limited to 20 students per year. This quota has been set by the programs faculty committee and is subject to change by further review and approval by this committee.) 四、必、選修科目及學分 (Credit Requirements) 1. 必修科目(共計 12 學分) :(Required Courses12 cr

8、edits) 1) 研究設計專論 2 學分 (Research Design2 credits) 2) 生物統計學專論 2 學分 (Biostatistics2 credits) 3) 醫學論文寫作 2 學分 (Medical Thesis Writing2 credits) 4) 專題討論 4 學分 (Special Topics Seminar4 credits) 5) 中醫學專論 2 學分 (Chinese Medicine2 credits) 2. 選修科目(至少 12 學分) :( Electives12 credits minimum) 1) 針灸基本理論領域:(Fundament

9、al Theory of Acupuncture Fields) a 針灸醫學史專論 2 學分 (Medical History of Acupuncture2 credits) b 針灸腧穴學專論 2 學分 (Acupuncture Point Selection and Analysis2 credits) c 針灸經絡學專論 2 學分 (Acupuncture Meridians and Collaterals2 credits) d 針灸治法學專論 2 學分 (Acupuncture Treatment Methods2 credits) e 針灸麻醉鎮痛原理 1 學分 (Mechan

10、ism of Acupuncture Anesthesia and Analgesia1 credit) f 針灸時間醫學專論 1 學分 (Special Discussion on Circadian Rhythms of Acupuncture1 credit) 2) 針灸臨床試驗領域:(Clinical Research of Acupuncture Fields) a 針灸實證醫學專論 2 學分 (Evidence Based Medicine in Acupuncture2 credits) b 針灸治療學專論 2 學分 (Acupuncture Treatment2 credits

11、) 3)針灸基礎研究領域:(Research on the Functional Basis of Acupuncture Fields) a 針灸神經生理學專論 2 學分 (Acupuncture Neurophysiology2 credits) b 實驗針灸學專論 2 學分 (Acupuncture Lab) 4) 針灸相關領域:(Acupuncture Related Fields) a 復健學專論 2 學分 (Rehabilitation2 credits) b 針灸儀器設計與應用專論 2 學分 (Acupuncture Instruments and Applications2 c

12、redits) 5) 中西醫相關領域: (Chinese and Western Medicine Related Fields) 3.臨床實習 3 個月(Clinical Internship3 months) 實習處所由學校統籌分發,戶籍地為國內之學生至指定之外國完成,戶籍地為國外之學生在國內完成。 (Internship clinics will be assigned by the university. Local students will complete their clinical internships overseas and foreign students will

13、complete their clinical internships in Taiwan.) 4. 經核准修習本學程學生,於規定期限內修畢學程規定之科目、學分,成績及格, 並完成臨床實習者,得報請學校發給學程修業證明書。 (Students admitted into this program who have completed all courses and credit requirements with passing grades and have finished the clinical internship shall receive master degree certif

14、ication issued by the university.) 五、學程應修最低學分數 (Graduation Credit Requirements) 本學程之研究生應依本校規定完成至少 24 學分,並完成臨床實習。 (Graduate students must complete a minimum of 24 credits and finish the clinical internship.) 六、抵免學分 (Waiver Credits) 1. 本學程研究生若曾於五年內修習本學程規定之必修或選修學分,且成績合格者, 可報請本學程教育委員會核准抵免。 (Current grad

15、uate students who have completed required or elective courses within this programs curriculum during the past five years and have earned an acceptable grade can submit a waiver application to the educational administration committee.) 2. 本學程研究生於大學畢業後曾經從事與必修學分修習內容直接相關之工作者,得 於取得授課教師同意後,報請本學程教育委員會核准抵免,

16、不受上項年數限制。 (Graduate students who have worked in fields related to this programs required or elective courses after completing their undergraduate degrees can seek approval from the relevant courses instructor and apply to the programs educational administration committee for a course waiver, and thus are not subject to the above stipulations.) 七、其他修習學程有關規定 (Additional Provisions) 1. 如有未盡事宜,悉



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