
上传人:Bod****ee 文档编号:47566978 上传时间:2018-07-03 格式:DOC 页数:15 大小:135.02KB
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2、细介绍了河南省农产品加工贸易中所存在的问题,进而针对所出现的问题提出相应的解决对策,最后对河南农产品加工贸易的前景展望,总结出我省农产品加工贸易对我省经济的发展具有很大的带动作用。关关键词键词: :农产品 加工业 现状 发展对策 加工贸易IIIIAbstractWith the openness of China agricultural markets, domestic and international markets continue to deepen the mutual influence, all kinds of trade barriers and technical ba

3、rriers must be more highlighted the challenges. The international agricultural market intense competitions , and the increase in supply and demand variables, and many other factors and challenges. In this new development situation, Henan Province strengthen the construction of agricultural exports i

4、s more important and urgent. In recent years, henan province fully implement the scientific concept of development, give full play to a major agricultural province and agro-processing magnate Province, and actively implement agricultural exports, “the top ten leading industries“ to the export market

5、 demand, supported by leading enterprises to quality and safety as the core, Henan Province, closely rely on the regional advantages, resources, variety of advantages, the results strongly promote the innovation and transformation, the implementation of export-led strategy, the formation of new adva

6、ntages in Henan agricultural exports, and develop new features, new bright spot.This paper describes the status of the processing trade of agricultural products in Henan, Henan, processing of agricultural products and then describes Henan agricultural products processing trade is facing the opportun

7、ities .Further then described in detail the problems of trade, and then the problems raised for the corresponding solution to the problem, and finally introduce the outlook of Henan agricultural processing trade, summed up the processing of agricultural products trade in the provinces economic devel

8、opment in our province has great leading role.Key words: Agricultural products;Processing industry; Present situation; Development countermeasures ;processing trade; Sustainable Development目目 录录摘要.IAbstract.II一 河南省农产品加工贸易的现状.1(一)农产品出口持续增长.1(二)出口市场结构特征.1(三)出口贸易方式特点.1(四)出口商品结构特征.2(五)河南省农产品出口主体的特征.2二 我

9、省的农产品加工贸易面临的机遇.2(一)日益丰富的加工原料为农产品加工业的快速发展提供了机遇.3(二)有利的政策环境为农产品加工业的发展带来机遇.3(三)河南省内市场需求变化为农产品加工业发展带来机遇.3(四)国际农产品加工业大型化、跨国化为农产品加工业发展带来机遇.3(五)国际贸易环境改善为农产品加工业发展带来机遇.3三 我省农产品加工贸易存在的问题.4(一)我省加工贸易农产品出口基地发展滞后.4(二)农产品加工程度低,出口产品缺乏创新.4(三)农产品质量、科技含量不高,出口屡遭贸易壁垒.4(四)我省农产品总体加工率低,加工产品结构不够合理.4(五)农产品加工企业可持续发展难.4(六)农产品加工业标准体系和质量控制体系不完善.5四 调整和规范农产品加工贸易的政策.5(一)加强基础研究与科研开发,重视试验基地建设.5(二)提高农产品加工业的整体水平,增强辐射和带动作用.5(三)加强科技创新,加快产业集群步伐.6(四)加强领导协调,营造发展环境.6(五)加大政策支持力度,优化发展环境.6(六)构建农产品加工业的质量安全标准体系.7五 对我省的农产品加工贸易前景的展望.7(一)政策环境越来越亮.7(二)市场商机越来越大.8(三)技术支撑越来越强.8六 结语.


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