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1、如何在语境下做好单选题如何在语境下做好单选题考查在特定语境下语言知识的运用能力 , 即知识 能力。语法和语言知识点 在语境中对语言意义的领悟、判断与 运用能力高考英语单项选择题命题趋势:对考生要求:语境应是事情发生的环境, 背景,来龙去脉以及前后关 系, 应是语义、语法及语言运 用的特定环境的结合。何为“语境 (context)”?If you agree, write “Yes”; if you dissent, write “No”.dissent如何在语境下做好单选题如何在语境下做好单选题一. 认真分析语境, 把握上下文所体现出的交际因素, 在特定的语境下得体的运用英语口语, 做好情景对

2、话题. 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. D1. No, Im afraid he isnt in. This is his secretary speaking. Can I help you? (2004 广 东)-_.A. Oh, you will. B. Oh, thats a pity.C. I should think so.D. Well, I look forward to hearing from you. 解析 第二人应针对第一个人最后说的是Can I help you? 做出反应. 所以回答应是I should think so. Should在此表示一种委婉的语气.

3、注意不能误选B。 C. I should think so.2. Hello, may I have an appointment with the doctor?-_.A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment.B. Why didnt you call earlier?C. Certainly. May I know your name?D. Sorry, he isnt in. 解析本题应注意抓住语境中的关键信息, 即 have an appointment with the doctor, 而并 不是想见医生, 所以不能误选 A或D。 C. Certainly

4、. May I know your name?3. -Do you mind if I open the window?-_. I feel a bit cold.(2004广东)A. Of course not. B. Id rather you didnt. C. Go ahead D. Why not. 解析本题要注意Do you mind if的回答方式 . A、C 、D都是表示同意对方提议, 而I feel a bit cold暗示答话人不同意开窗。B. Id rather you didnt.4. Im thinking of the test tomorrow. Im afrai

5、d I cant pass this time.- _! Im sure youll make it. (2006 天 津)A. Go aheadB. Good luckC. No problemD. Cheer up解析 注意应针对第一人所说的Im afraid I cant pass this time而作出反应, 所以应用 Cheer up (高兴一点). 而AB均答非所问, no problem: “没问题”,有些接近中文式的表达 。D. Cheer upKey:英汉两种语言在表达上存在很大 的差异,平时应注意对二者进行 分析、比较,而不是用汉语的习 惯思维方式去认识和解决英语中 的一

6、些问题。要求我们不仅要具 备牢固的基础知识,更要有应变 能力,在做题时要认真分析语境,充 分理解试题题干内涵,避免答非 所问,切记要撇弃中文思维模 式,注重文化差异。二. 仔细推敲揣摩上下文语境中所隐含的时间因素, 做好时态、非谓语动词 及情态动词的相关单选题。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B C D A B A B1. Now that she is out of a job, Lucy _ going back to school, but she hasnt decided yet.(2004 北京)A. had considered B. has been consider

7、ing C. considered D. is going to consider解析根据句中出现的she hasnt decided yet可 知说话者在说现在的情况, 且根据还没决定 这种情况推出现仍在考虑, 强调动作还未完 成, 所以用现在完成进行时. B. has been considering2. - Sorry to interrupt you. Please go on.- Where was I?- You _ you didnt like your fathers job. (2004北京) A. had said B. said C. were saying D. had

8、 been saying解析根据语境, 可知第二个人告知:当我打断 你讲话的时候,你正在讲“不喜欢你爸爸的 工作” ,表示过去某一时刻正发生的动作或 存在的状态,用过去进行式。C. were saying3. John, a friend of mine got married and spent $3,000 more than he _ for the wedding.(2006全国II)A. will planB. has plannedC. would planD. had planned解析句中的married和spent用的是过去时态 , 原计划应是过去的过去, 所以用过去完成 时

9、。 D. had planned4. Robert is said_ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in. (1999 全 国卷)A. to have studied B. to studyC. to be studying D. to have been studying解析根据what country he studied in的语境 信息,可知“Robert出国学习发生在过去” ,唯A 项动词不定式的完成式正确。A. to have studied 解析 根据语境可知经理表明不同意应在left 之前, A 用非限制定语从句

10、虽合适, 但其完 成时态和其后的left时态搭配不当, D 的 making 应表示与left动作同时发生, 所以 选用分词的完成形式。5. The manager, _ it clear to us that he didnt agree with us, left the meeting room. (2005 江西)A. who has madeB. having madeC. madeD. making B. having made6. Is Bob still performing?- Im afraid not. He is said _ the stage as he has b

11、ecome an official. (2005 江苏)A. to have leftB. to leaveC. to have been leftD. to be left 解析根据前面语境中提到的“他现在不再表 演了”和后面的“他已成为一个公务员”, 可 知他已经离开了舞台, 所以用不定式的完 成时。 A. to have left7. Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.-Thanks. You _it. I could manage it myself. (2005福建)A. neednt doB. neednt have doneC.

12、 mustnt doD. shouldnt have done解析根据语境可知, Catherine 为对方打扫了房间而表示感谢并提出对方本不必为其 打扫. 很显然打扫房间是过去所为, 表达“ 过去不必做某事”, 用B。 B. neednt have doneKey: 1. 搜索句中相关的时间信息, 确定上下文说的是什么时 候的事情或情况。2. 确定动词处于什么状态, 是 完成了, 还是未完成。3. 确定动词与主语的关系, 是 主动还是被动。1. A 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A三. 抓住语境中的有效信息,通过对比、比较、推理、判断等方法,以及对事物、行为发展进程合乎逻辑的

13、想象, 准确做好短语、词类等的语义辩析题。解析 容易抓住空格前面的got而选择C:get lost (迷路), 实际上get done此处可换成be done。根据语境:当我们加入人群时,我 和我的朋友分开了, 而不是迷路, 所以只能 选A。1. As we joined the big crowd, I got _ from my friends. (NMET2001)A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missedA. separated 2. The environmentalists said wild goats _ on the vast grass

14、lands was a good indication of the better environment. (2004 上海)A. escape B. absence C. attendance D. appearance解析 答案B在没有抓住所有信息时, 很容易错 选。但是根据后面的a good indication of the better environment 信息,从其逻辑关 系入手进行判断,D是唯一正确的答案。D. appearance3. My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was _ it. A. in

15、favor ofB. in memory ofC. in honor ofD. in search of解析根据while所表示的对比关系, 可知我妹 妹反对我的计划, 而我的各个必定是赞成. in favor of 赞成; in memory of纪念; in honor of为向表示敬意; in search of 寻 找。A. in favor of4. It is said that dogs will keep you _ for as long as you want when you are feeling lonely. A. safety B. companyC. houseD. friend解析注意不能错选成A或C. 根据后面的时 间状语when you are feeling lonely可判断 出you需要陪伴. Keep sb. company和人 做伴。B. company5. Progress so far has been very good. _, w


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