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1、薪资福利薪资福利 Compensation and welfare工资构成Composition of salary1,基本工资60Basic salary 60%2,津贴10Allowance 10%3, 奖金30Incentive Salary 30%加班加班OT1.普通加班OT12,休息日加班OT23,特殊加班:基本工资(工资总额60%)*300OT3 :Basic Salary(Total Salary60%)*300% 以调休形式补偿。compensation leave,no OT fee假假 期期 Vacation法定节假日法定节假日:10天天 Public holiday: 1

2、0 days 元旦:1天New years day: 1 day春节:3天Chinese New year:3days劳动节:3天Labors day: 3days国庆节:3天National day 3days婚假婚假:3天天(晚婚可多晚婚可多10天天) Marriage Leave:3days(+10days)男25岁以上, 女23岁以上婚假工资照发,但须提前10个工作日书面申请。婚假只能在结婚日前或后一个月内使用。The employees will have the paid marriage leave but should apply in written form in ten

3、working days ahead.The employees should have the marriage leave in a month around his/her date of marriage.男22周岁,女 20周岁以上丧假丧假3天天Funeral leave: 3days如员工的父母、配偶、子女、兄弟姐妹、祖父母去世, 凭医院死亡通知书,公司将给予员工最长三天的 丧假。If the employees parents, spouse or child goes off, he/she will have a no more than 3 days bereaving l

4、eave in the name of the Notification of Death.年休假年休假Annual leave: 12天天全职员工休年假,应当提前三天向主管提出申请,获得批准后方可休假。全职员工休年假,应当提前三天向主管提出申请,获得批准后方可休假。 年假以天工作日来计算年假以天工作日来计算. 对于新员工对于新员工, 在他享有年假资格的第一年在他享有年假资格的第一年,年假年假 按比例计算。按比例计算。如员工如员工A,2004A,2004年年3 3月加入家乐福月加入家乐福, , 从从20052005年年3 3月开始才有权享月开始才有权享 受年假受年假,2005,2005年年假按

5、比例计算为年年假按比例计算为1010天天年休假必须当年休完,隔年作废。123456789 10 11 12 123456789 10 11 12 123456789 10 11 120 day10 days12 days200420052006对于老员工对于老员工, ,他的他的年假在年假在20052005年底之前是按比例计算的。如员工年底之前是按比例计算的。如员工B, 2000B, 2000 年年3 3月入职月入职, ,假如之前他所有的年假都是按服务一整年来计算假如之前他所有的年假都是按服务一整年来计算, ,在在20052005年年 底之前,他的年假按比例计算底之前,他的年假按比例计算. .

6、从从20062006年开始年开始, ,他的年假将按公历计算他的年假将按公历计算. .123456789 10 11 12 123456789 10 11 12 123456789 10 11 1212 days10 days12 days200420052006Total 22 days总数总数22天天病假病假 Sick leave 凡请病假,须开具医院证明,并经部门主管予以审核批 准,方可休病假。病假工资病假工资=工资总额工资总额-出勤奖工资出勤奖工资 - - (工资总额工资总额-出勤奖出勤奖 工资)工资)/167.4 X /167.4 X 请假小时数请假小时数 - - 8 8小时小时 病假

7、天数病假天数扣除工资扣除工资1天05天扣除奖金总额(30%)+ 缺勤天数工 资全月扣除奖金总额(30%)+缺勤天数工资 只支付城市最低工资标准病假手续病假手续Sick leave procedure凡请病假,须在不迟于上班前15分钟通知本部门上 级主管或人事部。结束病假时第一时间到人事部办 理病假手续。The employee who wants to apply sick leave should notice his/her supervisors or HR dept at least 15 minutes advanced the working time and also shoul

8、d make up for the sick leave application at the first second he/she come back to work.产假产假 Maternity leave女员工产假90天,24岁以上分娩头胎者,增加15 天,其初婚配偶给假3天。Female staff have 90day maternity leave, The female employee who is older than 24 years old and bears child for the first time will have another 15-day mater

9、nity leave. Her first married spouse will also have a 3-day leave. 违章违纪违章违纪 Rules of Rewards and Punishments员工在第一次处分后,员工在第一次处分后,12个月内如再有处分,则受到累计个月内如再有处分,则受到累计 升级的处分如下:升级的处分如下:The employee will get further and more serious punishment in 12 months since the first punishment if he/she violates the regu

10、lations again.Oral warning + oral warning = written warning口头警告十口头警告书面警告口头警告十书面警告严重书面警告口头警告十书面警告严重书面警告Oral warning + written warning = serious written warning书面警告十书面警告严重书面警告Serious written warning + Oral warning = immediate dismissal without any compensation严重书面警告十口头警告立即辞退员工,并不支 付任何赔偿金。Written warni

11、ng+written warning=serious written warning严重书面警告十书面警告立即辞退员工,并不 支付任何赔偿金。Serious written warning + Written warning = immediate dismissal without any compensation离职离职Termination离职类别离职类别 Termination Type试用期内试用期内 Within probation period试用期后试用期后 After probation period 1,书面申请 Application in writing1,书面申请 A

12、pplication in writing2,不需要通知期 No need advance notice2,一个月通知期或代赔偿金 need 1 month advance notice or pay compensation fund 1,一个月通知期或代赔偿金 need month advance notice or pay compensation fund 2,情节严重时可立即解聘 dismiss immediately when serious case不辞而别 Resign without advanc notice公司将冻结社保,直至回来手续 Company have right

13、 to forze your insurance until coming to perform related procedure不需要通知期 No need advance notice辞职 Resign解聘 Dismiss考勤考勤Attendance 员工在到达公司后或离开岗位前应着制服打卡。任何员工不得为其他员工打卡或签到。The employees should wear the uniform and punch their attendance cards after arriving in the company and before leave their posts.Any

14、 employee should not punch attendance card or sign in instead of others, or otherwise will seriously violate the discipline of the company.考勤规则考勤规则 Attendance Regulation员工应准时上班,不得迟到、早退、旷职。工作时间开始后三十分钟内未到班者为迟到;工作时间终了前 三十分钟内下班者为早退;The employees should go on shift on time and must not arrive late, leave

15、 early or stay away from work without leave or good reason.Those employees who are not on duty 30 minutes later than the commencement of working hours will be regarded as being behind;Those employees who go off shift 30 minutes earlier than the end of working hours will be regarded as leaving early;

16、工作时间开始后或结束前3060分钟内未到班者, 以旷职半天论;超过4个小时未到班者以旷职1天论。员工当月内迟到、早退合计三次以旷职半天论;Those employees who are not on duty between 30 minutes and 60 minutes later than the commencement of working hours will be treated as a half-day absence without reason and those who are not on duty 60 minutes later than the commencement of working hours will be treated as a whole day absence without reason.Those employees who arrive late or leave e


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