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1、常见动词及动词短语的用法一, 动词的基本形式 1. 第三人称单数形式 2. 过去式 3. 过去分词 4. 现在分词二、 形状相似的动词的误用 这类动词的误用主要是由于其拼法相同或 相似,词根同或在不规则变化中因某些相 似而引起. 1. lie与lay的区别 lie - lay - lain - lying躺lie - lied - lied - lying说谎 lay - laid - laid - laying放,搁2. hang(悬挂)与hang(绞死,吊死)的区别 hang -hung - hung - hanging 悬挂 hang - hanged - hanged - hangin

2、g绞死 3. rise与raise rise - rose - risen (vi.) raise - raised - raised (vt.) 4. experience(v. do you have a letter to be posted (post不是由句子 主语执行,故用及物或相当于及物动词的 被动式)MAKE 句型:make + 宾语,make + 双宾语 ,make + 宾语 + 名词,make + 宾语 + adj.,make + it + adj. / n. +to do sth. / that- clause,make sb. / sth. do, make sth.

3、/ oneself done2. 短语: make an apology to ;make a face;make a living;make a mistake;make a speech(作演讲);make friends with;make fun of;make room for;make use of;make the best of(尽量 利用,善用);make preparations for;make sentences with;make repairs;make great / rapid progress;make trouble(引起麻烦 );make ones way

4、(前进,行进);make up ones mind;make up(构成,弥补,虚构,打 扮);make sure / certain;make a bed(铺 床);make a decision;make a discovery;make a journey;make a plan for;make an effort(努力);make difference(区别);make laws(制订法律 );make tea(沏茶);make a record(录制唱 片);make money;make a choice(进行 选择);make a suggestion(提建议 ),make w

5、ar(开战)DO 注意do和make:一般说来,“do“含有“进行 某项活动“的意思,而“make“含有“造出新 东西“的意思. do business(做买卖),do sb. a favour,do some / much / my cooking,do wrong,do sb. good / harm / wrong(do good to sb.)(对有益/有 害/冤枉),do the room(整理房间),do away with(取消,废除),do copies(复制 ),do ones hair(做头发),do ones duty,do the opposite(做相反的事),do

6、the deed(生效) GO go upstairs,go to prison,go to sea (去 航海),go to the sea(去海滨),go to the cinema / movie / pictures,go shopping,be gone(人)不在,走了;(物)丢 失,用完了),go hungry,go by(时间)过去; 经过(地点),go down(下去;(船等的)下沉 ),go on(时间)过去,流逝(相当于go by); 继续),go out(出去;(灯或火的)熄灭),go over,go on doing sth.,go on to do sth.,go o

7、n with sth.,go for a walk,go a visit to,go to collegeSUPPOSE 表“认为,猜想“时否定,疑问,回答的方式. e.g. I suppose hell trouble you again, wont he? He doesnt suppose you are right, does he ? 简略答语常说:I suppose so / I dont suppose so (I suppose not.) 具备这种用法的词还有:think, imagine, believe注意:常说I hope so (not), Im afraid so

8、(not), I fear so (not), Im sure so (not). 2. 作插入语 e.g. Who do you suppose telephoned me yesterday ? 3. 接复合宾语用to be做补足语,不用to do结构,但有时可用完成式或进行式. e.g. I suppose him to be fifty. She was supposed to have left home / to be writing.4. be (not) supposed to do “应当(不应 该)“ e.g. He was supposed to arrive there

9、 an hour ago.(是否到不知道,表示按道理 应该) He should have come an hour ago.(表 责备,说明没有按时到) 比较: 1)He is supposed to be a student. 2)He is supposed to come early.5. 提出建议,请求 Suppose we go / went for a walk = What about us going for a walk (用 went语气更婉转) 6. 假设 Suppose / Supposing that he comes, what shall we do? CONS

10、IDER 1. consider + 宾语(名词,代词,从句,动名 词或不定式的疑问式) 考虑 2. consider + 宾语 + 宾补(名词,形容词, 不定式to be或to have done)认为 3. consider it + 名词或形容词 + to do sth. 4. consider as 认为,把看做五、常用动词的词义与搭配 CATCH 1. 抓住 catch sb. by the arm,catch sb. by surprise(乘其不备抓住) 2. 钩住,挂住 She caught her dress on the nail. = Her dress got caug

11、ht on the nail. 3. 染(患)上;搭(赶)上(交通工具);听(懂,清) catch a cold,catch the bus,catch what you said,catch up with 4. 偶然(突然)撞见,发觉;偶然碰上(风雨等 ),常用被动结构.catch sb. stealing money,be / get caught in / by the stormGIVE give a concert,give lessons to,give a lecture,give sb. advice on ,give sb. a message,give sb. a rin

12、g,give a report to sb.(向汇报),give birth to( 产仔),give medical care to(对进行 治疗),give out(耗尽),give off(发出(光,热 等),give up,give away(泄露),give ones life for(为而献身),give inTAKE take pictures / photographs / photos,take a seat,take aim(瞄准),take an interest in(对发生兴趣),take notes(记笔记),take notice(注意),take ones ch

13、ance(抓住机会),take ones leave(告辞),take office,take pity on(怜 悯),take steps(采取措施),take the chair(主持开会),take it easy(别着急 ),take sides in(站在一边),take ones time(不急),take turns to do sth.,take ones temperature,take ones place,take for example,take charge of,take pride in,take an action(采取行动),take off,take aw

14、ay,take up,take hold of,take a message for,take great trouble to do sth.,take examinations,take it for granted that (认为当然),take sth. by mistake( 错拿某物)CALL call at ( some place ),call on sb. / call on(号召) sb. to do sth.,call for要求提倡 邀约,call in (a doctor),call out出动唤起 大声叫出来,call up征召,call / draw ones

15、attention to(引起某人注意某事)COME 1. come to e.g. When I came to cooking, he showed great interest. (谈到) We came to know this. (get to know = begin to know) He came to see you. (=came and saw) Finally it came to (itself). (苏醒) The book came to how to learn English. (涉及) It comes to the same thing. (结果是)The

16、 number comes to 1000. (达到) 2. 其它短语: come after(跟着,为找而来 ),come out(出来,(花)开,出版),come at =jump upon(扑向),come up to sb.,come on / upon = come across,come down(下来,减少),come into power(上台),come into being(形成 ),come into use(使用起来),come true,come along(一起走,快点)GET get out of = get away from = escape( 躲避,逃避),get along /



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