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1、南 阳 理 工 学 院本科生毕业设计(论文)学院(系): 国际教育学院 专 业: 工商管理 学 生: 吴 珊 指导教师: 闫 然 完成日期 2012 年 04 月南阳理工学院本科生毕业论文新农村建设下河南省小额信贷的发展问题研究The Research on Microfinance Development Problems in Henan Province under the New Rural Construction总 计: 18 页表 格: 0 个插 图: 0 幅南南 阳阳 理理 工工 学学 院院 本本 科科 毕毕 业业 论论 文文新农村建设下河南省小额信贷的发展问题研究The Re

2、search on Microfinance Development Problems in Henan Province under the New Rural Construction 学 院(系): 国际教育学院 专 业: 工商管理 学 生 姓 名: 吴 珊 学 号: 212108063 指 导 教 师(职称): 闫 然 评 阅 教 师: 完 成 日 期: 南阳理工学院Nanyang Institute of Technology新农村建设下河南省小额信贷的发展问题研究新农村建设下河南省小额信贷的发展问题研究工商管理专业 吴珊摘摘 要要小额信贷产生于 20 世纪 70 年代,是国际上公认


4、贷的可持续健康发展等,使更多的农村人口走向致富的道路,并在最后对河南省小额信贷未来的发展进行了展望。关键词:关键词:河南省;小额信贷;新农村;发展 The Research on Microfinance Development Problems in Henan Province under the New Rural ConstructionBusiness Administration Major WU Shan Abstract: The microfinance originated in the 1970s, which has been internationally recog

5、nized as a relatively efficient way of poverty alleviation in terms of poverty reduction and the development of agricultural production. Rural microfinance is the main channel from which farmers can get support. As the largest population of the domestic agricultural province, the poverty problem has

6、 always been an important issue in the development of modernization. However, the development of microfinance in Henan province to some extent has been restricted due to varieties of factors, and it is inevitable that there would be all sorts of problem along the way of development, such as shortage

7、 of funds, complex procedures, small size, and unsound security mechanism and so on. Therefore, the author of this thesis puts forward some suggestions and also gives a future prospect on the basis of the full understanding about the development situation of domestic and foreign microfinance, as wel

8、l as the analysis of the current situation of microfinance development Henan province and the existing problems. For example, broaden the funding source, enlarge the microfinance institutions coverage, encourage financial innovation, promote the healthy development of microfinance and so on. Key wor

9、ds: Henan province; microfinance; new rural construction; development 目目 录录引言.11 在新农村建设下小额信贷的发展现状.21.1 小额信贷的概述 .2 1.2 小额信贷在新农村建设中的地位及作用.2 1.3 小额信贷的发展现状 .3 1.3.1 国际上小额信贷发展现状.3 1.3.2 我国小额信贷的发展现状.3 1.3.3 河南省小额信贷的发展现状.4 2 河南省小额信贷在发展中存在的问题.52.1 小额信贷的资金矛盾突出 .5 2.2 小额信贷机构少,贷款能力有限 .5 2.3 缺乏保障机制来分担风险 .6 2.4 金融机构相关人员缺乏责任意识 .6 2.5 政策法律环境建设滞后 .7 2.6 可持续能力不足 .7 3 完善在新农村建设下河南省小额信贷的对策及建议.73.1 借鉴国际经验并结合中国国情 .8 3.2 提出完善的建议和改进措施.8 3.2.1 拓宽资金来源渠道解决资金供给矛盾.9 3.2.2 扩大农村小额信贷机构覆盖面,丰富信贷产品和服务.9 3.2.3 切实加强农村金融环境建设.9 3.2.4 强化小额信贷机构内部管理.


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