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1、 I新课程中生物教师角色的转换新课程中生物教师角色的转换 研究生姓名:黄宁研究生姓名:黄宁 导师姓名:周善义导师姓名:周善义 教授;李灼教授;李灼 高级教师高级教师 学科专业:学科教学生物学科专业:学科教学生物 研究方向:中学生物教学研究方向:中学生物教学 年级:年级:2005 级级 对于教师角色问题的研究, 国外在 20 世纪 60、 70 年代以来已有学者进行了相关研 究,我国到 80 年代末以后对教师角色的研究才引起重视,随着新一轮课改的铺开,教 师角色的探讨逐渐成为热点。 新课程改革要求教师的教与学生的学的方式应发生前所未 有的变化,即教师的角色地位与以往相比,应赋予更新的含义,有较大

2、的改变。生物教 师角色也在新课程改革中面临全新挑战。 本文研究的对象是新课程改革中生物教师角色的转换。 生物教师是生物新课程改革 的直接实践者, 教师对自我角色在新课程下的重新定位, 即现代教师角色观是影响教师 对学生定位的一个关键因素, 这不仅是课程改革的要求, 更是教师自身发展的内在需要。 研究的目的是探索正确认识生物教师的角色在学生主动学习生物学知识和教师顺利实 施教学过程中所起到的重要作用。 笔者一直从事初中新课程改革的一线教学工作, 积累了不少教学实践经验。 本研究 尝试通过文献研究和教学案例对生物教师角色的转换进行实践的探索。 全文共分四个部分。 第一部分:对教师角色的基本概述。文

3、中论述了国内外对教师角色研究的探讨,分析了 传统教学中的生物教师角色。 第二部分:阐述了新课程背景下,教师角色发生转换的必要性。从多元智力理论、建构 主义理论、素质教育的要求、新课程的要求、现代教学论、人才论、新型师 生关系这几个方面进行分析。 第三部分: 对新课程下生物教师角色转换内容进行阐述。 指出教师教学行为的改变受到 教学观念的影响。 生物教师在课堂教学中要向参与者、 合作者、 指导者转换; 教师要做学生学习的组织者、促进者、启发者和赏识者;要做公民的生物科 学素养培养者, 同时结合生物学科的特点, 指出在实验教学中教师要做探究 性学习的倡导者、学生创新思维的培养者。并结合教学实践进行

4、探讨。 第四部分:提出了在新课程改革中生物教师角色转换的策略。教师要做终身学习者、要 成为反思型教师、研究型教师、以及课程资源的开发者。 教师是决定课程改革的关键因素之一, 新课程将改变学生的学习习惯, 新课程也将 改变教师的教学理念。新课程中的教师将焕发出新的生命。教师将与新课程同行,将与 学生共同成长。 关键词:新课程改革 教师角色 生物教学 角色转换 IICoversion of Biology Teachers Role in the New Curriculum Author: Huang Ning Grade: 2005 Tutor: Prof. Zhou Shan Yi Midd

5、le school teacher of a senior classification: Li Zhuo Major: Master of Education Speciality: Biology Teaching Abstract Since the 1960s and 1970s, some foreign scholars have already done some related researches in teachers role. Our country didnt pay attention to this until the end of the 1980s. But

6、with the new reform of curriculum, discussions about teachers role have gradually become heated topic. In the ages of knowledge-based economy, scientific knowledge renewal speeds quickly and competition gets fierce. So cultivation of personnel with high qualitis is urgently needed. Therefore, the st

7、rategy “ Juvernate the Country by Science and Education” has become important for our country in seeking to be a strong country and a juvernating nation. In this background , deepening education reform and pushing forward education for all-round development completely has become the main melody of e

8、ducation reform and development. This certainly demands great changes in teachers teaching ways and students studying methods, namely there is newer meaning in the position of teachers role. The role of biology teachers also faces new challenge in the new curriculumreform. The object of this researc

9、h is coversion of biology teachers role in the new curriculum. Biology teachers are direct people of practising new biology curriculum. The view of modern teachers role is one of the key factors that influence teachers view about students position. This is not only a requirement of curriculum but al

10、so inner demand of teachers self-development. This research aims at exploring the important function that people recognize correctly the role of biology teachers in students studying actively biological knoledge and teachers carry out teaching process smoothly. The writer has been engaged in the tea

11、ching work of junior high school new curriculum reforms and accumulated a lot of teaching experience. This research tries to explore the practice of conversion of biology teachers role by studying documents and teaching cases. This thesis is divided into four parts. A general description of teachers

12、 role is given in the first part. There are discussions about researches at home and abroad about teachers role. There are also analyses of biology teachers in traditional teaching. An elaboration about conversion of biology teachers role in the background of new curriculum is given in the second pa

13、rt. The analysis are done from the aspects of diverse intelligence theories, structurism theory, the requirements of education for all-round development and new curriculum, the theory of modern teaching, the theory of talented personnel and the new relationship between teachers and students. An elab

14、oration about the content of conversion of biology teachers role in new curriculum is given in the third part. It is pointed out that the changes of teachers teaching behaviors are influenced by teaching ideas. Biology teachers should transform their roles to participants, cooperators and instructor

15、s in classroom teaching. They should become organizers, promoters,inspirationists and appriciators. They should work as cultivators who foster the biological science accomplishment of citizens. It is also pointed out combined with IIIthe characteristics of biology science that biology teachers shoul

16、d become initiators of exploration-and-research-based study in the experimental teaching. They should be cultivators of students creative thinking. These issues are discussed combined with teaching practice. The strategies for conversion of biology teachers role in the new curriculum reforms are put forward in the fourth part.Biology teachers should become life-long


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