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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福写作的基本介绍及常见问题-智课教育旗下智课教育关于托福写作你需要了解哪些信息呢?在备考的过程中,看到这些 常见的问题又应该怎样准备呢?本次智课教育小编就来和大家分享一下 ! 托福写作的基本介绍及常见问题 本次课程从写作考什么和写作中常见的问题入手来和大家分析一下 托福写作考试的方方面面的知识,希望可以帮助考生在考试中取得高分! 现在就来和智课教育小编一起来分享一下吧! 一.写作考什么 托福写作考试分为两部分,分别是综合写作和独立写作。 综合写作是基于阅读和听力的写作部分,要求考生在进行三分钟的 文章阅读之后,再听一段与之内容相关的讲座,最后写一段关于听力和

2、 阅读关系的总结性文章。综合写作要求我们对材料进行整合。 独立写作是基于考生自己观点的写作部分,要求考生在三十分钟之 内针对给出的话题,写一篇300字以上的文章,表述自己的个人观点。 二.写作考试中的常见问题 在表达的时候,有用词,短语和句式三部分。 (一)词汇运用中所存在的问题词意容易模糊,词性混淆,以及词意/词性明确,但是用法有误, 一个单词反复运用。 1. 词意容易模糊 Careless people will certainly make the quantity of the job bad. Quantity是名词,量,数量;大量;总量的意思,而此处应该使用qu ality,它是名

3、词,质量;【统计】品质;特性;才能的含义。所以,我们就 可以把这句话转化为Careless prople will not work well. Quantity of: n.量,数量;大量;总量。 Eg: Specialty shops in America offer a more limited quantity of products. Quality and quantity.质量与数量2.词性容易混淆 (1)Eg: Admittedly, some embarrass really exits between the rich and the poor. Embarrass: vt

4、,使局促不安,使困窘,阻碍,但是这句话中应该用 名词,Embarrassment(s):n.窘迫,难堪;使人为难的人或者事物;拮据 。 Eg:We will surely benefit from a job with more relax time. 在这个地方,relax是动词,放松,休息,松懈,松弛的意思,而re laxed是形容词休闲的,放松的,悠闲的含义,在此处应该用形容词性 。但是此处并不能换成relaxation time,因为它虽然表达恶是松弛时间 ,弛豫时间,但是是热力学中的专用词。比如,The thermal relaxation time of small drops a

5、nd particles in air is quite short.空气中小水滴和粒子的张弛时间是非常短的。 (2)lonely restrain,vt 抑制,控制,约束,制止,因此这句话可以改为The government has measures to restraininflation.在表达束缚思想的时候,可以用fetter,imprison,bound Eg:In my statement,I disagree that working at home using computers or telephones is better than working in the offic

6、e.这句 话中的statement是有问题的,它表达的是声明,陈述,叙述,报表的 含义,在这里应该用opinion或者view来表达 4.一个单词反复运用 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. In twenty years there will be fewer cars than today. The environmental pressure may be the first reason of making the reduction of cars in the future. We know that the

7、 global warming already makes all the people feel uncomfortable. And the leaders of many countries are working together to stop that. However, cars still make a lot of air pollution E.g: The environmental pressure may be the first reason of leading to the reduction of cars in the future. lead to n.导

8、致;通向 The environmental pressure may be the first reason that leads to the reduction of cars in the future.E.g. We know that the global warming already enables all the people feel uncomfortable. enable vt.使能够,使成为可能;授予权利或方法 E.g. However, cars still produce a lot of air pollution. produce vt.生产;引起;创作 E

9、.g. The environmental pressure may be the first reason that leads to the reduction of cars in the future. We know that theglobal warming already enables all the people feel uncomfortable. And the leaders of many countries are working together to stop that. However, cars still produce a lot of air po

10、llution. 最后,我们再来看一下重点的单词 Important重要,同义词有significant,crucial,vital,moment ous Have有,同义词有possess,own,hold (二)短语运用问题 分为固定搭配模糊,搭配明确但是用法有误,或者是词组反复运用 1. 固定搭配模糊 People will have more time and energy to concentrate to their work. concentrate on 集中精力于;全神贯注于 They concentrate on the track and field competitio

11、n again. pay attention to E.g. You should pay attention to your spelling. focus on E.g. Educational reforms should focus on raising the quality of education.keep an eye on E.g. Would you keep an eye on my baby for a while. 2.搭配明确,用法有误 E.g. One of my best friends, Ben, has dropped off his education|

12、before he went to his high school. drop off 减少;让.下车;睡蓍 drop out of the school辍学 减少 The average annual rainfall drops off gradually from south to north.睡着 I drop off and miss the end of the film. 让.下车 Please be advised that all coach drivers arc to pick up or drop off passengers at the bus stop. 3.词组反复应用 Eg:Because of that, we know that pets mean a lot to us .And because of that, we should spend money on them.其中,because of that,因此,因为这样的原因。它可以替换为For this reason/consequently/hence/so 以上就是智课教育小编要和大家分享的托福写作考试中易错的知识 ,希望可以帮助考生在考试中取得高分。


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