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1、N a n j i n g Pa n d a E l e c t r o n i c s C o m p a ny L i m i t e d2 0 0 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t股 本 變 動 及 股 東 情 況 Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders13一、 股本變動情況(一) 年度公司股份變動情況數量單位:股Unit: Shares本次變動前配股送股公積金轉股增發其他小計本次變動後SharesconvertedBeforePlacingfromAftertheofBonussurplusNewthechangeshare

2、s sharesreserveissue Others sub-totalchange1、 未上市流通股份1.Non-circulating shares(1) 發起人股份(1) Promoters shares其中:including:國家持有股份State-owned shares355,015,000355,015,000未上市流通股份Total non-circulating355,015,000355,015,000合計shares2、 已上市流通股份2.Circulating shares(1) 人民幣普通股(1) RMB ordinary shares58,000,00058,0

3、00,000(2) 境外上市的外資股(2) Overseas listed242,000,000242,000,000foreign shares已上市流通股份Total number of300,000,000300,000,000合計circulated shares3、股份總數3.Total number of shares655,015,000655,015,000本公司在報告期內並無購回、出售或贖回其上市證券。A.Changes in Share Capital1.Changes in shareholdings during the yearDuring the reporting

4、 period, the Company did not repurchase, sellor redeem its shares.股 本 變 動 及 股 東 情 況14Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders南 京 熊 貓 電 子 股 份 有 限 公 司二 零 零 一 年 年 報(二)股票發行與上市情況1、股票發行與上市情況本公司自成立以來,股票發行與上市情況如下:H股A股H SharesA Shares發行日期Date of issue1996.4.24-5.21996.11.7-11.18面值par value每股人民幣1.00元每股人民幣1.0

5、0元RMB1.00 per shareRMB1.00 per share發行價格Issue price每股2.13港元每股人民幣5.10元HK$2.13 per shareRMB5.10 per share發行數量(股)Number of shares issued242,000,00023,000,000上市日期Date of listing1996.5.21996.11.182 May 199618 November 1996上市地點Place of listing香港上海Hong KongShanghai獲准上市交易數量(股)Aggregate number of shares242,0

6、00,00028,000,000permitted to be traded上市首交易日開盤價Opening price on the first2.05港元人民幣11.00元trading day of listingHK$2.05RMB11.00本年度首交易日開盤價Opening price on the first1.73港元人民幣18.30元trading day of the yearHK$1.73RMB18.30本年度末交易日收盤價Closing price on the last2.90港元人民幣14.40元trading day of the yearHK$2.90RMB18.

7、30本年度之最高交易價The highest price during the year4.05港元人民幣19.30元HK$4.05RMB19.30本年度之最低交易價The lowest pirce during the year1.29港元人民幣13.08元HK$1.29RMB13.08全年交易量(萬股)Total transaction volume during101,96912,144the year (0000 shares)2.New Issues and Listings(1)New Issues and ListingsSince the incorporation of th

8、e Company, particulars of the issueand listing of the Companys shares are as follows:N a n j i n g Pa n d a E l e c t r o n i c s C o m p a ny L i m i t e d2 0 0 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t股 本 變 動 及 股 東 情 況 Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders15(二)股票發行與上市情況(續)2、股本結構於二零零一年十二月三十一日,本公司總股本未有變化。本公司總股本

9、為655,015,000股,其結構如下:股份類別股數佔總股本比例Types of sharesNumber of sharesPercentage to totalissued share capital尚未流通股數Non-circulating shares:國家持有股份Shares held by the State 355,015,00054.20%已流通股份Circulating shares:H股H shares242,000,00036.95%A股A shares58,000,0008.85%股份總數Total number of shares655,015,000100%2.Ne

10、w Issues and Listings (continued)(2)Share capital structureAs at 31 December 2001, there was no change in the totalshare capital. The total number of shares issued by theCompany was 655,015,000, the structure of which was asfollows:3、公司內部職工股情況本公司內部職工股發行日期為一九九二年四月二十九日,發行價格每股 為 人 民 幣 1元 , 發 行 數 量 為35,

11、000,000股, 託管機構為南京證券登記公司,託管日期為一九九四年四月二十一日,其中5,000,000股於一九九六年十一月十八日上市流通,30,000,000萬股於一九九九年十一月八日上市流通,至此公司內部職工股已全部上市流通。股東情況介紹(一)截至二零零一年十二月三十一日止,本公司共有股東28,372戶,其中A股股東28,317戶 , H股 股 東 55戶。(3)Employee SharesThe employee shares of the Company were issued on 29April 1992. Issue price was RMB1 per share and t

12、he numberof the shares issued was 35,000,000. The shares were heldon trust by Nanjing Securities Registration Company on 21April 1994, of which 5,000,000 shares were listed on 18November 1996. The rest of 30,000,000 shares were listedand circulated in the market on 8 November 1999. All theemployee s

13、hares of the Company were listed and circulatedin the market.Shareholders(1)As at 31 December 2001, there were 28,372shareholders of the Company, including 28,317holders of A Shares and 55 holders of H Shares.股 本 變 動 及 股 東 情 況16Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders南 京 熊 貓 電 子 股 份 有 限 公 司二 零 零 一

14、年 年 報(二)股票發行與上市情況(續)(二)截至二零零一年十二月三十一日,本公司前十名股東持股情況佔總股本種類年末持股數量比例 (%)No. ofPercentage(%)shares heldof total股東名稱NameType of sharesat year endshare capital1、熊貓電子集團Panda Electronics國有法人股355,015,00054.20有限公司 Group LimitedState-ownedlegal person2、香港中央結算 (代理人)HKSCC Nominees Ltd.H240,076,89936.76有限公司3、漢鼎基金H

15、an Ding FundA703,494 0.1074、同智基金Tong Zhi FundA680,0550.1045、TSE WING PAKTse Wing PakH550,0000.0846、漢興基金Han Xing FundA500,0510.0767、上海友邦AIA (Shanghai)A374,7370.0578、彭翠紅Peng Cui HongA360,0000.0559、南方穩健基金Nan Fang Stable FundA359,1420.05510、哈爾濱市國際信託投資公司 Harbin International Trustand Investment Corporati

16、onA333,3500.0512.New Issues and Listings (continued)2.The top ten shareholders of the Company as at 31December 2001N a n j i n g Pa n d a E l e c t r o n i c s C o m p a ny L i m i t e d2 0 0 1 A n n u a l R e p o r t股 本 變 動 及 股 東 情 況 Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders17(二)股票發行與上市情況(續)附註:(1)以上列出的股東情況中代表國家持有股份的單位為熊貓電子集團有限公司持有本公司股份355,015,000股,佔本公司已發行股本的54.20%,為未上市流通的國有法人股。熊貓電子集團有限公司最早前身成立於一九三六年,後於一九九九年七月五日經南京市政府批准改制轉為有限責任公司,現註冊資本為人民幣9.8億元,其股東為南京新港開發總公司 (佔股本46%) ,江蘇省國際


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