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1、双关节低位空间翻转系统研究 摘 要 在造船重机汽车工程机械等重型机械加工领域有大量的大形焊接结构件或铸造件加工其中包括焊接加工和机械加工等而其加工过程中往往需要对该类工件进行翻转 企业通常采用行车起吊等方法 由于工件体积大且重量重该操作过程相当危险 本文针对大形结构件在加工过程中翻身动作所存在的安全性隐患 目标研究出一种新型的翻转机构利用旋转和平移运动相结合的组合空间轨迹运动方式使工件能在较低的安全位置装缷利用边翻转边提高工件重心的特定机构实现工件在原始低位位置的翻转省去了独立的升降机构设备制造成本降低生产效率提高特别是使操作安全性大大增加 本文所研究的双关节低位空间翻转系统的关键特征在于 旋

2、转运动和直线运动相结合的组合式运动方式从而使工件在空间完成特定轨迹的翻转文章首先从运动学原理分析了工件的在各阶段的运动过程并通过图解及运动轨迹分析确定了机械结构尺寸对工件原始装缷高度的影响关系 为合理的机械设计提供了理论依据同时通过对工件翻转过程中某些特定位置受力状态的分析确定了运动所需的各驱动轴的驱动功率以及特定传动件的强度 在机构的机械设计中 本文着重介绍了如何将旋转运动和直线运动进行有效的组合并探讨了该组合的几种可行性方案及各自的优缺点在该系统中夹具设计的可靠性也直接影响操作的安全性问题 本设计采用气动加机械自锁的装夹方式文章介绍了自锁夹具相关结构尺寸对装夹范围的影响设计时充分考虑了方便

3、工件装缷的问题 在电气控制方面本文讨论了有关长距离单独驱动的同步问题介绍了一些常用的多电机同步驱动控制方法 并探讨了普通交流电机采用分段补偿方式进行同步控制的可行性问题介绍了其控制原理及实现方法并通过实践证明了该控制方法实用性和可靠性 在确定了合理的工件翻转运行轨迹和实现翻转的机械结构后 运动过程由于各种因素产生的对系统的冲击也不能忽视 它将直接影响到系统的稳定性和使用寿命本文对系统运行整个过程的关键点的速度和加速度进行分析探讨了结构尺寸对系统稳定性的影响得出了增加摆动臂尺寸有利于系统稳定的关键结论进一步为合理的机械结构设计提供了理论方面的支持 关键词翻转机大形结构件组合运动空间轨迹 S T

4、U D Y O N D O U B L E J O I N T S L O W P O S I T I O N S P A C I A L TURU-OVER MECHANISM Abstract In the fields of heavy machinery manufacturing, such as shipbuilding, heavy machinery, automobile, and engineering machine, there are a lot of large welding or casting structures needing to be manufact

5、ured, including welding and mechanical manufacturing, etc. During their manufacturing, it is always necessary to turn over these large workpieces and usually it can be achieved by using traveling crane or other means. Howeverthese operations are very dangerous because the workpieces are too large an

6、d too heavy. To solve the potential safety problem during turning over of the large workpieces, the purpose of this study is to research and develop a new type of turn-over mechanism, which combines rotational movement and planar movement to form spacial trace, and by which the large workpieces can

7、be assembled or disassembled in a lower and safer position. While rotating the large workpieces, their gravity centers are elevated. The turn-over movement is carried out in the original low position. Thus a unique elevating system becomes unnecessary. This reduces the cost of the equipment, increas

8、es the productivity and greatly improves the safety of operations. The double joint low position spacial turn-over mechanism developed in the article is characterized by having composite movement mode combining of rotational movement and planar movement to allow the large workpiece to be turned over

9、 along a specific trace in the space. First, the article gives the analysis of the movement procedure based on the kinematics, and then through the diagram solution and the analysis of motion trace the relationship between the mechanic structure size and the original assemble and disassemble height

10、of the workpiece is determined. This provides the theoretic basis for proper mechanic design. Meanwhile, through the analysis of the force state during some specific positions of the turn-over procedure of the large workpiece the driving power of each drive shaft and the strength of the specific dri

11、ving medium are determined. With the respect of mechanic design, the article emphatically gives the analysis of how to effectively combine the rotation movement and planar movement, and several feasible solutions with their advantage and disadvantage are discussed. In the designed system, the reliab

12、ility of the clamping fixture also directly affects the safety of the operation. The pneumatic clamping fixtures with mechanic auto-lock system are adopted in this design. The effect of the structure size of the auto-lock clamping fixture on the clamping area is discussed. To easily assemble and dis

13、assemble the workpiece is also fully considered in this design. With the respect of electrical design, the article gives the discussion of synchronous problem of the long-distance single drive. Some common synchronous drive control methods of multi-motor are introduced. The feasibility of the synchr

14、onous control of conventional alternating-current motor by means of segmental compensation is discussed. The control principle and realization methods are introduced. It is proved this control method is feasible and reliable. After the reasonable turn-over trace of the workpiece and the mechanic str

15、ucture to carry out the turn-over motion are determined, the impact of various factors during movement on the system cannot be neglected. It directly affects the stability and service life of the system. The velocity and the acceleration speed of some key points during the entire turn-over procedure

16、 are analyzed and the effect of the structure size on the system stability is discussed. It is concluded that increasing the size of the swing arm is in favor of the stability of the system. This provides theoretic support for the reasonable mechanic design. Key words : Turn-over mechanism, large-size structure, combination movement, spacial trace 上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究工作所取得的成果 除文中已经注明引用的内容外 本论



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