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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料实例解析托福写作的行文流程(1)-智课教育旗下智课教育托福写作是托福考试的重头戏,今天小编为大家介绍的是实例解析 托福写作的行文流程,大家可以参考一下,相信会有所收获。 下面就让小编来为大家介绍一下实例解析托福写作的行文流程的具 体内容吧,希望大家能够认真阅读,在平时学习时也要注意备考经验的 积累,进行托福写作训练。 The most important character of a successful politician or leader is good communication skill. 是否同意交流技巧是成功的政客或者领袖最重要的品质? 【首

2、段】背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作者立场 Such is human nature to strive for the position of a leader, for a highly qualified leader could temper his or her comprehensive talents, earn the maximum admiration and respect after obtaining the objectives. People differ greatly in their views as to what makes qualified leade

3、rs. An opinion springs up that communication skill tops all. As I see it, a good speech-craft is crucial for a leader,however,it is never the only standard of eminent leaders.翻译: 想做领袖是人之本性,领导者可以锻炼自己的多方面的能力,领导 者在带领团队取得胜利的时候,会赢得最多的赞美和尊敬,关于领导力 的内涵,仁者见仁智者见智,有人认为,交流技巧最为重要,我认为, 口才对于领袖至关重要,但是不是唯一的体现。 【二段】让

4、步段:让步口才对于领袖的意义以美国总统为例证 Effective communication ability must fall into the qualities of eminent leaders. To be the leader is what many of us aspire after, although not everyone could fulfill this dream. The connotation of leadership might include many elements. First-class speech-craft and perfect co

5、mmunication skills is, by all means, the manifestation of mighty leadership both forpoliticians and leaders. First, as for politicians, effective communication skills help to quickly resolve unexpected crisis, strive for assistance both home and abroad, even win over the utmost support from the gene

6、ral public. To illustrate, almost every American president is articulate and eloquent. 翻译:高效的交流技巧一定可以归结为领导者的优秀品质之一,领 袖是我们很多人渴望做的,但是,不是人人可以实现这个梦想,领导力 的内涵是广泛的,一流口才和交流技能一定是强劲领导力的体现,无论 对于政客还是队长。第一,对于政客,高效的交流技巧可以快速地危机 处理,可以最大限度地争取外援,可以赢得最广泛的民众支持。例如, 历任美国总统都是口才俱佳。 【三段】让步段:让步口才对于领袖的意义以俞敏洪为例证Also, with rega

7、rd to leaders ranging from team leaders to enterprisers and even to gangster boss, innate and cultivated speech-craft contributes to building up ones prestige, stimulating the motivation of the team members and ironing out conflicts among companies. The president Yu of New Oriental School is a convi

8、ncing example. Depending on his inspiring speeches, he attracted millions of English lovers to attend his training courses. During the judge time of Win in China, his jocular and humorous speeches earn the appreciation of countless non-English learners. His perfect communication skills have a major

9、part to play in establishing his entrepreneurial team, attracting risk investment and resolving crisis. 翻译:对于领袖而言,无论是队长,企业家,甚至是黑帮大佬,天 生或者是后天的口才可以帮助他们树立威信,激励士气,化干戈为玉帛 。借助其励志演讲,他吸引了无数学生来参加训课程,在赢在中国担任 评委期间,他诙谐幽默的语言赢得无数非英语爱好者的欣赏。完美的交 流技巧帮助他组建创业团队,吸引风险投资以及危机处理。 【四段】反驳段:谈及领导力的其他内涵前瞻性,执行力,挫 折忍受力等Good speec

10、h-craft is one of the most significant qualities of outstanding leader, yet, not the best or sole one. Other qualities of good leaders are not far to seek. Future-mindedness, implementation capability and frustration toleration are indispensable to a prominent leader. First, true great-achievers are

11、 all far-sighted and could never fail to lead the team to the right direction, one decision-making ability decides whether team members endeavors could have desirable return. Second, action speaks louder than words. Compared with communication skills, exceptional implementation competence could earn

12、 more respect from others and give an inspiration to the team. More precisely, a leader should work even harder if he wants to motivate his team members to work diligently. Last, it is no easy task to achieve success no matter in obtaining goals, developing careers and even constructing countries, t

13、he journey to success can be chronic and challenging, thereby, a good leader must defy hardship and danger, hack his way through difficulties and finally embark on the triumphant road.翻译:好口才是领导者优秀品质之一,但是,绝非唯一的最佳的品 质。其他品质包含了前瞻性,执行力和挫折忍受力。第一,成功者是高 瞻远瞩者,一直带领团队朝着正确方向前行,他的自我决策力决定队员 的努力是否有所回报。第二,行胜于言,执行力,

14、尤其是高效的执行力 ,比之好口才,更能赢得他人的敬重以及激励团队的斗志,比如,领导 者期待提高团队效率,他就应该比所有人都勤奋。最后,成功总是来之 不易,无论是实现梦想,发展事业,建设国家,成功之路漫长艰辛,因 此,卓越领袖必然是可以不畏艰辛,披荆斩棘,最终走向成功之路的人 。 【尾段】总结作者立场 Overall, it is my view that good speech-craft and effective communication skill are vital to a politician or leader, however, on no account can we ignore the immense value offuture-mindedness, implementation capability and frustration toleration 翻译:我认为,口才和交流技巧对于领袖而言至关重要,但是,任 何情况下我们不能忽视前瞻性,执行力,挫折忍受能力的重要价值。 以上就是实例解析托福写作的行文流程的内容,希望大家能够用心 体会,更多精彩内容小编稍后为您呈现。最后,小编祝大家在托福考试 中取得好成绩!



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