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1、中国科学院昆明植物研究所硕士学位论文云南德宏傣族景颇族自治州竹类资源及其民族植物学研究姓名:袁明申请学位级别:硕士专业:植物学指导教师:王慷林20050609I云南德宏傣族景颇族自治州竹类资源及其民族植物学研究云南德宏傣族景颇族自治州竹类资源及其民族植物学研究 摘摘 要要 德宏傣族景颇族自治州地处云南省西南部,位于东经 97319843,北纬23502520。云南南部和西南部是云南乃至中国竹类资源最为丰富的地区,与其邻近地区一起构成了世界木本竹类的多样性中心。德宏正处于这个中心位置,竹类资源丰富,拥有“竹乡”之誉称。德宏州民族众多,世居民族有傣族、景颇族、阿昌族、德昂族、傈僳族、佤族等。各民族

2、在日常生活中均与竹子有着十分密切的关系,经过世世代代的积累,形成了具有浓郁地方特色的民族竹文化。本研究主要对德宏竹类资源及其民族植物学进行了研究,其主要研究结果如下: 1 德宏州的竹类资源 德宏的竹类资源丰富,有 16 属 56 种及变种,种类以旧世界热带支系为主,牡竹属(Dendrocalamus)是本地区竹类分布种类最多、数量最大的属。德宏有竹林 10,280hm2,具有较大面积的天然竹林和竹阔混交林,热性竹林、暖性竹林、温性竹林在境内均有分布,以热性竹林为主,拥有丛生、散生、攀援状等生态类型。 2 德宏州竹亚科植物区系 德宏分布的竹种(区系分析时未包含引种的竹种)中,仅美竹(hyllos

3、tachys mannii)是温带分布的种,其余 45 种及变种均为热带分布的种类。有 18 种分布到缅甸,占 3913,说明德宏的竹类区系与缅甸有很密切的联系;仅有 7 种分布到华南,表明德宏与华南地区的竹类区系联系较弱。德宏竹亚科有许多云南特有种和中国特有种分布,中国特有种 22 种,其中云南特有种有 16 种。在 16 个云南特有种中,有 10 种仅分布在云南南部,说明本地区的竹类区系与滇南、滇东南有很密切的联系。 3 德宏州竹类的民族植物学 本研究初步探讨了德宏州原住民对竹亚科植物的传统命名与分类。从原住民传统命名的形式来看,与林奈的双名法有极其相似之处。民族民间竹名大部分都II是由

4、2 个部分组成,其中一部分表示该植物的属性,即相当于双名法中的属名,另一部分表示竹种的特性,如形态、生态、利用等,相当于双名法中的种加词。从德宏州原住民的传统分类系统来看, 他们都将竹类植物归属于 “树” 类。 在 “树”类植物中,景颇族和傈僳族都将竹类植物与其它木本植物加以区别,视为一个独立的类群,并体现在他们的植物命名系统中。 初步探讨了德宏州以竹命名的村寨地名,分析了这些地名构成形式的多样性、所涉及竹种的多样性和民族多样性。 从衣食住行等物质方面和文化利用方面探讨了德宏的民族竹文化现象,并对德宏竹类资源的传统保护和管理进行了调查研究。在这些研究的基础上,对德宏州发展竹产业,保护和可持续利

5、用竹资源和民族竹文化提出了建议。 关键词关键词:竹资源,竹文化,民族植物学,德宏 IIIBamboo Resources and Ethnobotany in Dehong, Yunnan, Southwest China Yuan Ming (Botany) Directed by: Associate rof Wang Kanglin Abstract Dehong, a Dai-Jino Autonomous refecture, is located in the Southwest of Yunnan rovince, China It lies in 23502520 N, and

6、 97319843 E There are the most abundant bamboo resources in Southern and Southwestern arts of Yunnan whether in Yunnan or China Those two regions with their neighbouring areas formed a diversity center of Bambusoideae in the world, and Dehong lies in the area Dehong is called “the hometown of bamboo

7、” There are many minorities, such as Dai, Jino, Achang, Deang, Lisu, Wa, etc, who inhabit Dehong The minorities daily life and working are closely connected with bamboo The native cultures of bamboos with indigenous characteristics are formed by generations and generations accumulated among those th

8、ese minorities In this study, the bamboo resources and its ethnobotany in Dehong are investigated and researched The results are as following: 1 Bamboo Resources in Dehong There are 16 genera, 56 secies and variations in Dehong And most secies belong to the old world troic subclade Dendrocalamus has

9、 the largest number of secies and the richest resources in Dehong There are 10,280 hm2 bamboo forest in Dehong, including a lot of nature bamboo forests and nature bamboo-tree mixed forests There are troical bamboo forest, warm bamboo forest and cold bamboo forest, which are all distributed in Dehon

10、g However, troic bamboo forest is the largest one among these bamboo forests Clustered, scattered and scrambled bamboos, all of them exist in Dehong IV2 The Flora of Bambusoideae in Dehong Among all the secies of bamboos (excluding exotic bamboo secies) in Dehong, only hyllostachys mannii is a temer

11、ate-distributed secies, the others are all troic-distributed secies The 18 secies of bamboos among the bamboo secies in Dehong are distributed to Myanmar, which is 3913% of the total secies in Dehong These results indicate that the flora of bamboos between Dehong and Myanmar has very closely relatio

12、nshi The 7 secies are distributed to South China, which indicate that the flora of bamboos between Dehong and South China has weakly relationshi Among all the bamboo secies in Dehong, the 22 secies are endemic to China, thereinto, the 16 secies endemic to Yunnan The 10 secies are endemic to South Yu

13、nnan which of mentioned 16 secies, which shows the flora of bamboos in Dehong, is very closely related to that in South Yunnan and Southeast Yunnan 3 Ethnobotany of Bamboo Resources in Dehong Traditional nomenclature and folk classification of bamboos of indigenous eole in Dehong were studied in thi

14、s study The form of bamboo traditional nomenclature is very similar to binomial nomenclature created by Linnaeus Their nomenclatures of bamboos almost are comosed by two arts, which one indicates the general attributes, ie similar to the first name of Linnaeus; the other indicates the characters of

15、the secies, including morhology, ecology, utilization, etc, in other words, it is similar to the second eithet name of Linnaeus In the classification system of minorities tradition, bamboo is a kind of “trees”, rather than “grass” Jino and Lisu eole consider that bamboo is a secial grou, which is di

16、fferent from other “trees” And two minorities use a secial term to name bamboo, which dislays in their traditional nomenclatures Villages names related bamboos in Dehong were researched in this aer It was also analyzed relationshis of these names with the diversities of the formed history, the secies and minorities VThe culture of bamboos in Dehong was researched both based o



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