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1、摘 要在国内制材行业中,制材厂对原木形状的检测以及材积的测量计算一直采用人工检尺的方法:由人工目测每根原木的外部形状,进行分类加工;人工用卷尺或卡尺量取原木的长度和检尺直径,然后,再通过查找材积手册得到单根原木的材积,经过逐根检尺测量和累加计算才能得到整堆原木的材积;逐堆测量之后才能得到原木的进货量,检尺的工作量是非常大的。本课题针对我国原木检测技术的发展现状,提出采用8点检测,4点组合回归描述的方法,运用自动检测技术及计算机模拟技术,对原木输送机上运行的原木进行快速在线测量,可以提高设备的检测效率。从原木外形轮廓与制材生产之间的关联性出发,探讨和研究了原木检测机设计的原理及设计的方法,为原木

2、检测机的设计和制造提供了理论依据,原木检测技术越来越为世界各国制材企业所重视。本论文所设计的原木检测机作为一种试验阶段的设备,在整体性能上还存在许多有待解决和改进的方面,这些将会对今后的研究工作起到促进作用。关键词:光环投影测量机;识别;自动测量;定心;回归描述ABSTRACTIn our country, the wood manufacture industry inspect the shape and the volume of the log by manual work. Estimate logs outer shape with eyes, and then label the

3、m before throwing into processing. People uses tape and caliper to confirm a logs length and diameter of the section, and look for it in the manual to obtain one logs volume. By accumulating all the volume of the log, the number of the stock can be gotten The work of inspecting the log by manual is

4、very heavy. In this paper, the theory of the eight point inspection and the four point compounding simulation are presented. So we can quickly measure and get the logs external shape parameter accurately on-line with the automatic inspecting technique and computer stimulating technique. The equipmen

5、t can enhance work efficiency.Based on the relativity of log shape and production, the design theory and method of logs shape inspecting equipment are discussed. At the same time, the theoretical basis for design and manufactury is provided in this paper. Log inspection technique is recognized incre

6、asingly by lumbering. The equipment designed in this paper is a sort of experiment facility and also there are many question and juvenility. All these will accelerate researching work for the future.Keywords: Log Shape;Identify;Automatic Inspection;Shape Identify;Regression目 录摘要.IAbstract.II第1章 绪论.1

7、1.1 概述.11.2 国内和国外原木检测机设备的发展分析.11.3 本课题研究的目的和意义.41.4 选题的研究内容和设计设想.5第2章 原木检测机总体设计.62.1 原木检测机总体原理介绍.62.1.1 原木检测机设计原理.62.1.2 原木形状识别机设计方案.62.2 结构实现方法.82.3 原木检测机机械部分设计.92.4 机架结构设计和计算.102.5 输送机构结构设计.112.6 本章小结.12第3章 动力部件选择和传动机构的计算.133.1 电动机的选择.133.2 链传动的计算.143.2.1 小链条的选择和校验.143.2.2 大链条的校验计算.173.2.3 链轮的设计计算.183.3 链轮轴的设计和校核.223.3.1 轴的材料的选择.223.3.2 按扭转强度条件计算.223.3.3 按弯扭合成强度条件计算.243.3.4 轴的安全系数校核.273.4 轴承的选择和校核.293.4.1 选择轴承.293.4.2 轴承的选用计算.



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