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1、外研版高中英语必修外研版高中英语必修 4全册教学设计教案全册教学设计教案外研版高中英语必修 4 教案目目 录录Module1 Period1 Introduction Reading and VocabularyModule1 Period2 Function Listening and SpeakingModule1 Period3 Grammar PronunciationModule1 Period4 Writing Everyday EnglishModule2 Period1 Introduction;Reading and VocabularyModule2 Period2 Fun

2、ction;Listening and SpeakingModule2 Period3 using languageModule2 Period4 Speaking;Writing;Everyday EnglishModule2 Period5 Cultural Corner;Task;Module FileModule3 Period1 IntroductionModule3 Period2Module3 Period3Module3 Period4Module3 Period5Module4 Period1 Introduction and writingModule4 Period2 V

3、ocabulary and ReadingModule4 Period3 Function;Grammar 1,2Module4 Period4 Listening;Pronunciation;SpeakingModule5 Period1 introduction; Vocabulary and ReadingModule5 Period2 Grammar;Function;Pronunciation外研版高中英语必修 4 教案Module5 Period3 Listening;Speaking;TaskModule5 Period4 Vocabulary;Writing;Everyday

4、EnglishModule5 Period5 Cultural Corner;Module FileModule6 Period1 introductionModule6 Period2 Vocabulary;WritingModule6 Period3 Reading and Speaking外研版高中英语必修 4 教案1Module 1 Life in the FutureBrief Statements Based on This Module The Analysis of Teaching Contents in This Module Introduction The topic

5、in this module is “Life in the Future”.Before the class,the teacher may encourage the students to find some pictures of some buildings and bring the pictures to the classroom for use.They may also surf the Internet to find some vocabulary used to describe environment and building materials.To begin

6、this part the teacher may show the students the pictures in the book and carry out an activity of asking and answering questions using the questions the book provides.The teacher may also have a brainstorm in the class with the help of the questions given.In Activity 2 the teacher may show the stude

7、nts such words as “brick”“concrete”“mud” and so on.Explain some if necessary.After that the teacher may encourage the students to talk about the pictures they bring to the class in groups using the words they learned in this part.At the end of this lesson the representatives will be asked to act out

8、 their dialogue. Reading and Vocabulary The teacher may list the new words or ask the students to find the new words in the course of previewing the text.By guessing from the whole context they will have a good sense of enlarging their vocabulary and this is very important in learning a language.The

9、 main idea of this passage is about the City of the Future.While reading this passage,some reading strategies are necessary:skimmingfast reading to find out the general idea of the passage as well as the answers to one or two questions;scanningcareful reading to look for important facts;guessing try

10、 to guess unknown words from the context,understand the authors attitude and ideas from the context and understand the intention. In the teaching of the reading,the teacher can organize different reading activities according to the content of the text on purpose to train the above reading strategies

11、 and help them develop good reading habits from the very beginning. Function The function of this module is “talking about the future”.Through the reading of the extracts from the City of the Future the students may have a better understanding of when to use with countable nouns and when to use with

12、 uncountable nouns.Some explanation from the teacher may be involved if necessary.And Activity 2 can act as a kind of consolidation. Listening and Speaking In this part the students listening and speaking abilities are trained.First the students are encouraged to use their imagination to a full exte

13、nt and draw a picture of their future home and then have a discussion.Thus speaking can serve as the warming up of listening.Through listening the students may have a better understanding of the future home. Grammar The grammar in this module is the future continuous.The future continuous is formed

14、with will be and the -ing form of the verb.Its function is to make predictions,i.e.it describe a situation which will be in progress at a given moment in the future.To make the students clear,the teacher had better give students some exercises for consolidation. Pronunciation The pronunciation in th

15、is module is stress.The teacher may choose a short paragraph from the 外研版高中英语必修 4 教案2passage and then ask them to find the stressed words themselves.After that you may play the tape for the students to listen and check their answers. Writing Activity 1 is a preparation of writing.The students may be

16、 encouraged to read the passage to learn about how to make predictions.Through this activity the students can master some ways to tell about the future things and some words as well.In writing what they will be doing in ten years,the teacher may teach them the steps:first make an outline and write down some key words;the next step is to exchange their works with their deskmates for suggestions;the last step is correction. Everyday English


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