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1、英语句子结构英语句子结构五种简单句: 一,主语 S + 系动词 LV + 表语 P ( 表语可用 n、adj.、 p.p, 不定式、 介词短语、一个句子或 ing 充当) 如: 1.We are in Senior Grade one .2.Our English is still very poor. 3.Our task today is to review phonetics . 4.The cup is broken. 5.The novel is very dull/uninteresting. 6.The headmasters advice is that every stude

2、nt should receive military training . 7.My job is teaching you English . 8.Your food ticket must be in your drawer. 常用的系动词除 be 外,还有 turn , remain , become , get , remain , appear ,look , feel ,taste 等 Ex1 . 用圆圈圈住下列句子中的系动词,在表语下划线 。 1.She used to be a workers but later she turned singer . 2.Your aunts

3、 idea sounds reasonable. 3.Autumn comes and the weather is getting cooler and cooler. 4.The Australians eyebrow is thick. 5.The chairmans trousers have become worn. 6.A lot of English words remains to be remembered. 7.The captain is never late for work. That is to say, he is punctual. 8. The captain

4、 appeared to be calm in time of danger so as not to frighten the passengers on board. 9.It looks as if it is going to rain. 10. Things were not as you had expected. Ex2. Complete the following sentences with predicative(表语) 1.What I want to do most now is _(回家). 2.You are _(受责备)for your sons bad beh

5、avior at school. 3. The classrooms for Senior 1 students _. (在 三楼和五楼) 4.Our aim is _(上重点大学). 5.What the teacher said in class must be _(清楚的). 6.What I bought yesterday was _(手提电脑 ). Ex3. 用上述句型结构译句子。 1.我们的词汇量(vocabulary)仍然很少。 (remain)2.我们很感激老师在军训中为我们打水。 。 (be grateful to sb. for)3.我在很多人面前说话感到很紧张。 (fe

6、el/be nervous)4.国家无论大小都应该平等。 (be equal)5.那就是她请假的原因。 (表从)(ask for leave) 二、主语 S + 谓语 VI ( 不及物动词 ) + (其他) 如:1. The sun rises in the east.2. One of his buttons came off.3. The accident happened here yesterday .4. The bossy boss jogs (慢跑) every day.5. The earth turns around the sun.6. Our head-teacher c

7、omes to the classroom every evening. Ex4 用句型二译下列句子。 1.这本杂志很好卖。2.我同事的笔不好写。3.我们的校鞋不耐穿。4.肉在这种热天气里不会久存。5.过去十年来香港发生了很大的变化。三、主语 S + 谓语 (vt. ) + 宾语 ( 用 n、pron、 不定式、动词 ing、一 个句子) + (其他)1. We have a meeting every Tuesday morning .2. Your grandparents love you very much.3. We listen to English twice a week.4.

8、 We practise writing for 15 minutes a day now.5. My mother doesnt know which floor I live on.6. I hate it when people talk with their mouths full. Ex5 用直线划出下列句子(主句)的宾语。 1 How I wish I could get on fine with my workmates in the company. 2 The millionaire has decided to give away all his money to char

9、ities. 3 Over the centuries, people have always wondered about the future. 4 My son just graduated from college this July. 5 You said you had heard the news . 6 I want to know whether you have handed in your composition. 四助于 S+谓语(vt.)+O 间接宾语(人)+O 直接宾语(物)+(其他)(常用于此句型的 及物动词有: give, show, send, bring,

10、pass, lend, hand, tell, teach, owe, spare, offer 1.The old man gave me a cartoon book to his grandson yesterday evening. 2.I only can spare you a couple of minutes. 3.One of my workmates lent me 200 dollars. 4.We have promised her a laptop for her 18th birthday. 5.Our head-teacher teaches us chemist

11、ry.Ex.6 用句型四译下列句子。1.请把那本英汉词典递给我。(pass sb. sth.) 2. 3.那位大学生把他的简历(resume)寄给了那家公司。(send sb. sth.) 4. 5.那位女生向门卫出示了她的校卡。(show sb. sth.) 6. 7.那位图书管理员经常在公交车上让座位给老人 (offer sb. sth.) 8. 9.我每隔一个月写一封电子邮件给我的英语笔友(write sb. sth.)五主语 S+及物动词 Vt+O 宾语(用 n, pron, 动词 ing,一个句子)+C 宾补(用 n,adj,不定式,分词充当)+(其他) 如: 1.The headm

12、aster asks all the teachers to watch videos every Saturday . 2. We consider him to be the smartest student in our class. 3. Many a student finds it difficult to remember English proverbs. 4. The couple named their baby Kitty. 5. The foreigner makes China his second hometown . 6. Please make it clear

13、 that everyone must attend the meeting punctually. 7. They found it no use reading such a magazine.Ex. 7 用直线画出下列句子的宾语,用波浪线画出宾补。 如: Chinese people call this plant “Forget-me-not”(勿忘草)。 1.Our teacher advised us to write at least an English composition a week. 2.Let me hear you sing the classical music

14、. 3.He found his glasses broken on the floor. 4.The manager caught the clerk smoking in the filling station and fired him at once. 5.The milkman found the milk going off, so she poured it. 6.People Guangdong province make it a rule to give lucky money to children during the Spring Festival . 7.The o

15、fficial ordered his order to be carried out right away.Ex.8 用宾语,宾补完成下列句子。 1. Many students find it_(难掌握英语成语)2I dont think it_(可能掌握一门外语)without much memory work. 3.The naughty boy often made _(他的侄女哭) but today he was made to cry by his niece 4. . The headmaster requires_(老师们不要泄露自己的私人信息 )5. We made_(他当班长)Ex.9 Translate the following sentences using the above sentence structure. 1. 我们选他当学生会主席。 (make sb+ 职务)2. 那位作家推荐我们看这本小说。(recommend sb to do sth.)3. 军训使我们很劳累。(make sb. tired)4. 我们想听你朗读这段(paragraph) 。(would like sb. to do sth.)5. 刚才我经过他家时看见他


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