
上传人:ji****n 文档编号:47090743 上传时间:2018-06-29 格式:PDF 页数:35 大小:1.10MB
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1、1? ?Grid Requirements to Large Scale Wind Power and Grid Code in China? ?2? ? Grid Integration issue is becoming a focus highlight now.? ? ? ? Wind power development status3Tibet ?Northwest power grid ?Central China power grid ?Taiwan ?South China power grid ? 10GW Wind Power BaseNorth China power g

2、rid ?East China power grid ?Northeast power grid ? Wind power development status? ?4? ?5? ?6? LVRT?Low Voltage Ride Through? ? ?Wind turbines should stay connected to the network and keep operation following voltage dips caused by short- circuit on any or all phases, where the voltage measured at th

3、e HV terminals of the grid connected transformer remains above the predefined voltage profile.? ?FRT?Fault Ride Through1.1 ?LVRT? Concept of Low Voltage Ride Through750.0Hz50.0Hz 49.849.850.250.2? ?Generation? ? consumption? Power Plant? ?Load?(Power System)? ?Wind?1.2 ? Why do we need LVRT? Keeping

4、 power balance and frequency stable of power system8? Briefing of large scale wind turbine break down?: 2008.04.09 ?: ?: ?66kV?(19km) ?2.4km?: 2? (B-C) ? 05:07:54?: ? 2008.04.09 morning? Windy, small rain.? Fault type: 2 phase short circuit (B-C) happened at 05:07:54? Fault location: 66kV distributi

5、on line from Baicheng to Kaifasubstation; 2.4 km far from Baicheng substation.? Relay activation: Distance relay and over-current relay triggered.9Pre-Fault ?223MW232kV234kV38Mvar ?55MW?: 05:07230kV1080ms?80-110ms?120-150ms?05:07:55 ? 80ms later, the 3 phases of faulted line was tripped? 80 - 110ms

6、later, all the wind turbines in TaoNan DatongWind Farm tripped.? 120-150ms later, all the wind turbines in FuYu, TongFaLongyuan and TongFa Huaneng wind farms tripped.? Re-closed successfully at 05:07:55? Briefing of large scale wind turbine break down11Post-Fault ?0MW244kV251kV38Mvar ?0MW?: 05:07236

7、kV?12? After regulation0MW235kV237kV38Mvar ?0MW?: 05:1313? Load Flow reversal? Power Grid voltage increase or decrease caused byload flow variation? Grid frequency variation, even power grid blackout.1.3 ? Results of wind turbine break down14?0s? The tripping of variable speed wind turbine caused by

8、 the griddisturbances is arisen from the higher sensitivity of converter to over-current.? The wind turbines are tripped instantaneously.1.4 ? Reason of wind turbine break down? ? Based on power balancing consideration, the LVRT requirement is put forward.15? ?16? ? ? ?The impact of voltage dips on

9、wind turbine? Unbanlancing torque may influnce the stable operation ofwind turbine? The transient overcurrent of generator may damage theelectronic components.? Additional torque or forces may damage the mechanicalcomponents.2.1 ? What will wind turbine suffer during low voltage17? ? ?Crow-bar? Typi

10、cal Crow-bar control circuitDFIGRotor Side Converter2.2 ? Normal solutions of DFIG18?Crow-bar resistance ?Crow-bar ?Crow-bar resistance solution of DFIG based wind turbines?Bypass the rotor side converter, and grid side converter will be still in operation.?Behavingasanormalinductionmachineduringthe

11、 activation of Crow-bar.2.2 ? Normal solutions of DFIG19?Crow-bar resistance ?Crow-bar ?6080ms?Crow-bar? ? ?Crow-bar?Crow-bar resistance solution of DFIG based wind turbines?Duration of Crow-bar activation is 60-80ms. The resistance of crow-bar damping the rotor flux and crow-bar out of service when the rotor flux decline



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