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1、1第一节第一节 同源异义词同源异义词1.alike a. 同样的,相像的(常作表语) like a. 相像的,相同的(常作定语)prep. 像;v. 喜欢( to do / doing)likely a. ad. 可能的/地(be to do /be that)unlike prep. 不像(那样)dislike v. 不喜欢例The twins dont look alike.They are very likely to win the game.Unlike his father, he doesnt like painting. 2.alive a. 活的,活生生的(作表语或补语) l

2、ive a. 活的(作定语,修饰有生命的动物)现场直播的(a live broadcast)living a. 活着的,现存的( language)逼真的;强烈的,活泼的(a hope)lively a. 活泼有生气的,快活的;鲜明的例He was still alive though badly injured.He is doing an experiment with live mice.He is the greatest living actor. 3.alone a. 孤单的(只作表语)ad. 单独地 lonely a. 孤单的,寂寞的(强调孤单的感觉)例Im alone but

3、not lonely. It was Tom who finished the job alone. 4.considerable a. 大量的,同 a lot of considerate a. 体贴的,为他人着想的considered a. 慎重的,经过细致考虑的 例Writing needs considerable reading and thinking. It is considerate of you to close the door.Ill never change my mind once I made a considered decision. 5.exhaustibl

4、e a. 会耗尽的,可用完的 exhausting a. 使耗尽的,令人筋疲力尽的exhaustive a. 消耗的;全面彻底的,完全的exhausted a. 筋疲力尽的 例Coal is a type of exhaustible resource.This is an exhausting task.I was exhausted after the long journey.An exhaustive analysis of the policy 6.imaginary a. 想像的,虚构的 imaginative a. 有想像力的imaginable a. 可想像得到的例The st

5、ory is imaginary, not real.The imaginative boy made up the story.We met the greatest difficulty imaginable. 7.respective a. 各自的,分别的 respectful a. 恭敬的,充满敬意的respectable a. 可敬的,正派的 例 Mr. Li is a respectable professor.Linda is respectful towards her teacher.After the lecture, the respectable profess-or

6、and the respectful students went backto their respective rooms. 8.social a. 社会的;交际的,社交的 sociable a. 好交际的,友好的,合群的 例This novel is of great social significance.Hes a sociable person. 9.sensitive a. 敏感的,过敏的 (be to sth.) sensible a. 明智的,知道的;可感知的 例The eyes are sensitive to light.He is sensible of the dang

7、er of his position. 10.economic a. 经济上的,有利可图的 economical a. 节约的,节省的 ( be of sth.) 例Their economic prospects are grim.One must be economical of ones time. 11.distinct a. 有区别的,清晰的,明确的 distinctive a. 表示有别的,有特色的 例The earths shadow on it is quite distinct.Soldiers wear a distinctive uniform. 12.decided a

8、. 决定了的;明显的,明白无误的 decisive a. 决定性的;明确的;坚定果断的 例I am quite decided about it.Mr. Lis opinion is decisive on this matter. 13.confident a. 有信心的,自信的 confidential a. 机密的,秘密的 confidant n. 知己,密友 confidence n. 信心,信赖 例We were confident of the victory.He is confident in the future. parable a. (to/with) 可与相比,可比较的

9、2comparative a. 相对的,比较而言的 例The sets of figures are not comparable.This house is comparatively cheap. fortable a.(使人)舒服的,轻松的 comforting a. 安慰的,令人欣慰的 例a comfortable chair 舒适的椅子comforting words 安慰的话 16.satisfied a. 满意的,满足的(be with) satisfying a. 令人满意的 satisfactory a. 令人满意的,可喜的 例I was satisfied with his

10、 reply.His reply is not satisfying / satisfactory. 17.continuous a. 连续不断的(动作没有间歇) continual a. 连续的(可有短暂间歇) 例the continuous ticking of clock.I hate the continual quarrels with my wife. 18.practical a. 实际的,实用的 practicable a. 可实行的,可做的例to overcome the practical difficulties methods that are not practica

11、ble 19.industrious a. 勤勉的,刻苦的 industrial a. 工业的,产业的 例He is a very industrious student.The Industrial Revolution 20.visible a. 可见的,能看见的 visual a. 看的,视觉的 例The eclipse will be visible to all observers.Visual organ is a medical term for “eye”. 21. personal a. 个人的,人身的,亲身的personnel n. 职员, (尤指公职或军职)人员 例The

12、se are all my personal belongings.There are 5 personnel on that plane. 22 regrettable a. 令人遗憾的,可惜的regretful a. 抱歉的,遗憾的,哀惜的 例It is regrettable that he behaved like that.I felt regretful about what happened. 第二节第二节 非同源形近词非同源形近词1.adapt v. 使适应;改编 adopt v. 采用;收养 例He adapted himself quickly to the new lif

13、e.This film is adapted from a novel of Luxun.The old couple adopted another boy.This technique has been widely adopted. 2.angel n. 天使 angle n. 角度,观点 例What angle are you writing the story from? 3.familiar a. 熟悉的(be to / with) similar a. 相似的(be to ) 例We are familiar with this kind of situation.These w

14、ords are familiar to us.This novel is similar to that one. 4.contact n. 接触,联系 vt. 与接触 in with contract n. 契约,合同 v. 订合同;收缩 例We finally made contact with him in Paris.We entered into a contract with that firm. 5.desert n. 沙漠 v. 抛弃 dessert n.(餐后)甜食 例Dont desert your friend in their misfortune.Does the

15、price of the meal include dessert?6.vocation n. 职业,天职,能力 vocational a. vacation n. 假日,假期 be on 在度假例I mistook my vocation. 我选错了职业。The long summer vacation is over. 7.principal a. 主要的 n. 校长;资本 principle n. 原理,原则例The principal food of the Chinese is rice.The machines work on the same principle. 8.release v. 景象壮观;pl.眼镜同glasses *spectator n. 观众,旁观者 *spectrum n. 谱,光谱,频谱;范围,幅度 考点 in no respect 无论在哪方面都不(放于句首时句子用倒装结构;with respect to 关于至于;in respect to / of 关于,就而言;in this aspect 在这方面;suspect sb. of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人(做过)某事;suspect sb. to be 怀疑某人是;be suspicious of / about


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