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1、U1 1) Excuse me, are you Mr. Wilson from the United States?你好,请问你是来自美国的威尔森先生吗? 2) I had a long flight but Im doing well.我坐了很长时间的飞机,但是我觉得还行。 3) Im Li Mei from Pacific Import &Export Company. 我是来自太平洋进出口公司的李梅。 4) How do you do Mr. Johnson? Ive heard so much about you.你好吗约翰森先生?我听说了很多关于你的事情。 5) I am Wang

2、 Lan, the secretary of Qingdao Textiles Import & Export Corporation. 我是王兰,青岛纺织进出口公司的秘书。1) 您是 DELL 公司的 Smith 先生么? 2) Are you mr smith from DELL company?我是厦门辰鑫有限公司的王冰。很高兴见到您! I am Wang Bing from Xiamen Chenxin Limited company,nice to meet you! 2)我们一直期待你的到来。 We have been looking forward to your visit.

3、3) 非常感谢您的帮助,要不是有你我都不知道怎么办好。 I really appreciate your kind help and dont know what I could have done without you. 4) 因为工作的原因,我经常搭飞机出差。 For business sake,I am a frequent flyer. 5) 旅途愉快么? Did you have a nice journey? 6) 这是我的名片。 This is my business card. 7) 您第一次来厦门么? Is this your first trip to Xiamen? 8

4、) 有什么能帮您的,请随时告诉我。 If there is anything you need ,just let me know. 9) 有什么可以帮忙的? May I help you? 10) 我们旅店的退房时间是下午 2:00 之前。 11) Our check-out time is 2:00 pm before. 12) 这是登记表 13) Here are registration forms. 14) 祝您入住愉快 15) Please enjoy your stay here. 16) 如果您需要订机票或者租车,可以到大厅航空公司服务台或租车服务台办理。 17) In cas

5、e that you need to book an air ticket or rent a car,an airline desk and a car rental desk are available in the lobby 18) 我们到鹭江大酒店了,这是一个历史悠久的饭店 19) Here we are at the Lujiang hotel,this is a long historical hotel. 20) 有任何问题,请与我们联系。21) If there is anything you need,please dont hesitate to let us know.

6、 22) 请在右下角签名。 23) Would you please sign on the right hand corner at the bottom? 24) 我已订房,入住者是 John Miller. 25) I have a reservation under the name of John Miller. 26) 我为这位先生代办入住手续。 27) Id like to check in for the gentleman, please 28) 您好!您入住的是单人床禁烟房,您将入住三晚, (双人床标间,入住时间从 3 月 1 日到 3 日)这间房间面朝大海可以看到鼓浪屿。

7、 29) We have a single-bed non-smoking room with a view to the Gulangyu for you for 3 nights. Unit 2 Interpret the following sentences into English 1) 明天早上,11 月 20 日,我想您在长途飞行后需要休息来恢复体力。 Tomorrow morning,20th Nov.,I guess you would need a rest to recover from the long journey. 2)这已经拟定在日程安排表中了。 That ha

8、s been set in the schedule. 3) 我无法想象来到中国却没去过长城。 I cant imagine leaving China without seeing the Great Wall. 4) 在我离开北京之前可否抽空陪我去购物。 Would you by any chance shop with me sometime before I leave Beijing? 5) 星期天的行程安排如何? How about the arrangements for Sunday? 6) 我们对您在中国 10 天的行程进行了安排。 We have worked out a

9、schedule for your 10-day stay in China. 7) 您确实考虑得很周到? Youre really a thoughtful planner. 8) 一份双方都认同的行程安排表确实是取得功效的基础。 An agreeable schedule is surely essential to achieve efficiency. 9)这与行程安排表有关。 Its concerning the schedule. 10)我们会安排几个晚上自由活动。 Well leave some evenings free. 11) 我想了解一下你们为我安排的项目。 Id lik

10、e to know the program you have arranged for me. 12)不会有比这更好的安排了。 Such arrangements couldnt be better. 13)我看得出来你花了不少时间制定这份行程安排表。 I can see you have put a lot of time into the scheduling. 14)我想知道能否为我们安排本市的一日游 I wonder if it is possible to arrange a car ride around the city for us. 15)我打这个电话是为了告知您日程安排上的

11、一些变化。 Im calling to make some changes on the schedule. 16)星期二晚上没有给你安排任何事项,你可以自由活动。 Youll be free on the evening of Tuesday,we have no arrangement for you. 17)至少在理解大意上,我没有什么问题。 I wont have any problem in at least getting the gist. 18)根据日程安排,我们计划 12 月 17 日上午购物。 The schedule says that well go shopping

12、on the morning of 17th Dec. 19)可以换个时间么? Shall we make it some other time? 20)让我查看一下日历,我想星期六不是个适合的时间。 。 Let me check my calendar ,I think Saturday will not be fine for me. 21) 我希望这些变化不会给你带来任何不便。 I hope that the changes wont bring you much inconvenience.UNIT 5什么让你印象最深刻? Whats the most impressive for y

13、ou? 我对四川菜很着迷。 I am crazy about Sichuan food.中国人很重视对小孩子的教育。 Chinese people value teaching for children very much. 4) 中国菜以其多样性和丰富性而闻名全世界。 Chinese food is famous for its variety and abundance.麻婆豆腐和回锅肉是川菜中的特色菜? Are Mapo Dofu and Twice Cooked Pork special in Sichuan food?中国茶数不清,但总的来说可以分成 6 类。 Chinese tea

14、s seem to be countless. But in general, they can be grouped into about 6 kinds.我们学校食堂的菜又咸又油,味道很重。 The food in our school features salty, greasy and heavy tastes. 我发现这个令人着迷。 I find it extremely fascinating. 9) 总的说来,中国北方人爱吃面条、饺子等面粉做成的食物,而大多数南方人每天都要 吃米饭。 In general, people in north China favor noodles,

15、 dumplings and other staple food made from flour while the majority in the south almost consume rice daily. 这道菜的特色是甜香酥脆。 The distinction of this food is crispy and tasty. 在中国,生日必须吃鸡蛋,尤其是中国南方。 Eggs are a must for every birthday dinner in China, especially in the south part. 生日的时候吃汤圆有什么特别意义么? Is there

16、 any special meaning of having rice dumplings on birthday? 中国人认为饺子代表财富。 Dumpling have become a symbol of wealth in China. 在中国南方,人们通常在农历新年的第一天吃糯米糕,这象征着一家人的团圆。 In south China, glutinous rice cakes are served at the breakfast on the first day of Chinese New Year to signify family reunion.就像西方人在感恩节吃火鸡一样,中国人在中秋节吃月饼。 Just as you eat turkeys on Thanksgiving Day, we have mooncakes on Mid-autumn Festival. 在中国,不同的节日吃不同的食物,不同的食物代表特别的意义。 There are some special and traditi


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