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1、智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料【雅思培训】口语Part1高频题解析【口语Part1高频题】Work and study 工作和学习 1. Do you like studying in your school? 喜欢你的学校吗? Key: I feel so luckythat I could study in a top school, students in my school are both intelligentand diligent, so I can make like-minded friends, plus, teachers in my schoolare all k

2、nowledgeable and humorous , so I can make tremendous progress with thehelp of them. 2. What is the most important thing in yourstudy life? 你生活中最重要的是什么? Key: Friendship is themost important thing. I believe a day without friendship is like a day withoutsunshine. My philosophy of life is to help peopl

3、e around me, the closer theyare to me,the more I like them. 3. What do you plan to do after you finishyour study? 毕业后想干什么? Key: I dream of goingabroad to further my education in England, I believe studyingabroad is a good way to expand my mind and enrich my life.点评:England 可以改成任何国家 【口语Part1高频题】House

4、 or apartment 房子和公寓 1. Do you live in a house or a flat? 你住房子还是公寓? Key: I am living in an apartment in thecity center. Chinese house price keeps on increasing at fast speed, so I dontthink my parents can afford an expensive house or villa. 2. Please describe it a little? 请再描述下你的公寓? Key: Its a modern

5、-lookingand well-decorated apartment. It is spacious, it is about 120square meter. It was furnished with traditional Chinese style. 3. Whats your favorite roomin your home?你最喜欢的房间?Key: That must be my bedroom because it wasdecorated according to my taste, I feel very comfortable and relaxed in thisr

6、oom. It is a harbor for me. When I come back home, I sometimes feel tired, butthe comfortable bedclothes can make me feel better. 解析:decorate 装修 解析:comfortable bedclothes 床品 4. What have you done to your room to makeit look nice?如何使你的房间变得漂亮? Key: Well, I bought a lot offavorite wallpapers and glued

7、them on the wall. It makes my room look warmerand prettier. 解析:glue v粘贴 5. Which room does your family spend mostof the time in? 家人在哪一个房间分享的是时间多? Key: Dining room. It is an ideal place forfamily reunion and family meal. We can enjoy delicious foods and share thoughtswith each other especially after

8、an exhausting day. 解析:share thoughts with each other 分享交流 6. What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?在你的房间,你经常做什么?Key: There are a lot of things I could do, to namejust a few, reading my favorite books and appreciating detective story movies. 7. Are the transport facilities to yourhome very g

9、ood?你家周围的交通是否便利? Key: Yes, as I said, my apartment is in thecity center and thus I could enjoy convenient public transport. It only takesabout ten minutes to go to the bus station on foot. 点评:convenient public transport 便利的公共交通工具 8. Do you plan to move? 你打算搬家吗? Key: My spirit is willing but my flesh

10、 isweak. I love expensive villa, however, my family cannot afford it now, maybe,Illsettle inanother city or country in the future by my personal struggle. 解析:My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak我心有余力不足 解析:by my personal struggle 通过我的个人奋斗 【口语Part1高频题】Weather and Climate:天气和气候 1. Whats the climat

11、e (or weather) like inyour hometown? 你家乡的天气如何? Key: In my cityChangchun, the weather is quite cozy and comfortable, epically during thespring or autumn. Besides, the winter here is extremely chilly and cold. 2. Would you say the weather in yourhometown is generally good or bad weather? 你家乡的天气好不好? Ke

12、y: Basically speaking,the weather is desirable and satisfying, especially in comparison with southerncities in China. The weather is either humid or extremely hot in many southerncities. 点评:desirable 悦人心意的 3. Would you say there have been anychanges in the climate (in your hometown) in the recent pa

13、st? 你家乡的天气是否有变化?Key: Well, a strikingchange is that winter here is become warmer than the counterpart of pastseveral decades because of the influence of global warming. 点评:counterpart n对应的人或者物 【口语Part1高频题】Travel by train:火车旅行 1. Do you often travel by train? 你经常坐车吗? Key:No, as a poorstudent and brea

14、d-eater,frequent travel for me is a kind of luxury,therefore, I stand fewchances of taking train. 点评:bread-eater 只消费不赚钱的人 拓展: Well, you know, taking airplane is much faster than taking train,time is money, therefore, I usually travel by air to my destination.2. Do you like traveling by train? 你喜欢火车?

15、 Key: Yes,I enjoy the processof taking a train to slowly approach my destination. I can feast my eyes on thebeautiful landscape outside the window, I really enjoy thefeeling of doing nothing at all and just killing time,you know, in a lessconstrained environment,I can enjoy more physical and psychol

16、ogical relaxation. 解析:feast my eyes on 大饱眼福 解析:In a less constrained environment I can enjoy more physical andpsychological freedom 在不受限制的环境中享受更多身心的自由(旅行的利好) 点评:语料库可以回答一次长途旅行的口语卡片 3. What do you usually do when (youare)traveling by train? 你坐火车时,你通常干什么? Key: Well,I usually buy amagazine and then to read slowly,or I will listen to my favorite music, or sometimes I like to chatwith some strangers. I think travel is a unique way to make friends withinteresting people and deepen our understand



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