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4、西方话语和东方神韵这两个侧面,探讨了朱光潜体验的融通性给我们的启示。第三章主要由体验的断裂性、泛化性角度,探究了朱光潜前期审美体验理论与生活过程的连续性,以及在走向形而上过程中的断裂。朱光潜曾经直接描述自I体验与朱光潜前期美学己一两次大致类同与审美体验的生存体验,这是个人体验审美化,审美体验泛化 性的典型表现,在系统理论表述中,从艺体验等不但是其审美理论的来源,还是其评判的依据;不过,面对变迁了的社会现实,朱光潜的审美理论渐渐有些脱节,同时由于他一直忽视理论的本体论层面上的探讨,重视审美体验理论形成进程(为何体验怎样体验体验如何)中“怎样体验”的探讨,致使他的审美体验具有断裂性特点,现实隔膜与


6、:体验;朱光潜;泛化;融通;断裂II中南民族大学硕士学位论文AbstractThe papers from the perspective of experience with the content of experience in determining the basis of preliminary works Zhuguangqian practical, Zhuguangqian“experience“ features summarized in three areas : Generalization nature, degree sexualand rifted sexual

7、, and that is precisely these characteristics that determine Zhuguangqianbroad-aesthetic appearance. In the study, prior to Zhuguangqian aesthetic center to thein-depth study, use is not limited to materials Zhuguangqian-aesthetic aspects of works,which also pursued his late works and those related

8、to non-aesthetic works.By the five components.Prolegomenon part of the first round early last Zhuguangqian aesthetic of the statusof research and refining of the main issues to be addressed here : First, the East-Westideological and cultural aesthetic Zhuguangqian attribution; Second, Zhuguangqianid

9、eological and aesthetic relationship between traditional Chinese and Western thinkers;Third Zhuguangqian-aesthetic thinking system or systems. Then works in conjunctionwith the actual Zhuguangqian proposed by the experience of the research perspective.By the predecessors of the “experience“ of the c

10、oncept of research can have a directexperience of that and beyond sexual characteristics, then analyzed Zhuguangqian earlywritings survival experience, experience in the arts, aesthetic experience, as well as incultural convergence has shown the traditional experience, the Western aestheticexperienc

11、e, many experience in this type of analysis on the basis of furtherZhuguangqian “experience“ unique characteristics : Generalization nature, degreesexual and rifted sexual, and that is precisely these characteristics determineZhuguangqian-aesthetic appearance.I mainly by the generalization of experi

12、ence perspective, experience and explorethe concept of forming Zhuguangqian-aesthetic detachment. Detached from the conceptof the life experience Zhuguangqian survival, and the study of life in juvenile facilitiesera, and these early experiences as a first in the intention structure determinessubseq

13、uent detachment concept and aesthetic of the natural channel integration;However, until the “Silent Beauty“, this aesthetic experience to the concepts before theybecome very detached reality; Zhuguangqian cruel reality in the trigger, determined tosever the susceptibility of individuals to reality,

14、a detachment reached almost went, andhe hoped that would be the concept of aesthetic experience detached reality toIII体验与朱光潜前期美学theoretical clarity of expression, he chose Nietzsches theory, but did not achieve their goals. In this chapter, many are pointing aesthetic experience survival experience,

15、aesthetic experience, in turn, has a generalization color.Chapter II mainly by the degree of sexual experience perspective intoZhuguangqian accept Western theories in the course of traditional Chinese and Westernaesthetic experience interactive experience. First instinct to Zhuguangqian to say, thed

16、istance said, empathy and other Western theories accept that as an example of howtraditional Chinese experience in the West Zhuguangqian accept the basic role of theory;And numerous monographs in Zhuguangqian, because of the impact of traditionalChinese experience, the theory that there has been a lot of systematic unfinished; Finally,Broadcast from the West words and the two sides explored Zhuguangqian experience tothe terms of our inspiration.Chapter III mainly by the rupture of experie



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