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1、I 中 文 摘 要 最近三、 四十年, 在心灵哲学中爆发了并正在进行着一场所谓的 “本体论变革” ,卡拉瑟斯也是这场变革中的一员主将,倍受哲学家的关注。他在前人研究的基础上,对这一问题有着独特的感悟,并形成了自己的思想体系,而“心灵本体论”是这一体系的基石。 本文的研究重点是卡拉瑟斯的心灵本体论。全文共分四部分:第一部分主要阐明了卡拉瑟斯心灵理论的来源,包括:心灵的表征理论、塞尔的心灵思想和莱文解释理论对他心灵本体理论的影响,心灵的表征理论从方法论上使卡拉瑟斯心灵理论去除了神秘主义色彩;卡拉瑟斯将塞尔心灵思想中的“意识的自然化”定为主要思想,从本体论意义上对其产生作用;莱文的解释思想理论则是卡

2、拉瑟斯“解释鸿沟”产生的根源。 第二部分主要阐述了卡拉瑟斯心灵本体论的内涵。首先用“解释鸿沟”理论阐述了意识和微观实在的难通约性,现象意识并非一种简单的还原假设,在微观事实与意识之间有许多是我们解释不了的,这样就产生了二者间的鸿沟。其次,用意识的自然主义理论将他的本体论思想完全表现出来,是以自然主义为基础的本体论。主张只有自然的个体、性质和关系才是实在的。最后,用“解释的优越性”理论对意识和实在之间的表述关系进行了分析,一阶理论和高阶理论都是有可能提供对事物特征的还原性解释;但是解释的顺序是不同的,从时间顺序上而言是一阶理论占先,但从程度上而言则是高阶理论为重, “解释的优越性”也成为卡拉瑟斯

3、的创新之处。 第三部分对卡拉瑟斯心灵本体论的困境进行了论述,还原论的困境、属性二元论的困境和系统解释缺失的困境,而最后一个困境又包含了三个缺陷:缺少对他人意识方面的研究;将自然主义绝对化;忽略了直觉的重要性。而文章第四部分对如何走出卡拉瑟斯心灵本体论困境进行了探讨,对于还原论的困境应用神经生物学思想进行应对,属性二元论困境应用涉身性进行研究,而系统解释缺失的困境用语境方法来解决。 关键词关键词:卡拉瑟斯;心灵本体论;意识自然理论;解释鸿沟;解释优越性 II ABSTRACT The last three or four decades has seen in philosophy of min

4、d the outbreak and development of the so-called “Ontological revolution“, in which Caruthers is one of the major players who has drawn much attention of philosophers. Caruthers, a major student among the researchers, has created his own thought over this issue on the basis of previous study and esta

5、blished his system of thought, of which “Mind ontology“ is the cornerstone. In this paper, the author focuses on Caruthers “Mind ontology“. This thesis consists of four parts. In the first part, the author is to elaborate on the origin of this theory, including mental representation theory, Searles

6、mind theory and Levins explanation theory. The mental representation theory rids of mysticism in Caruthers “Mind ontology“ from a methodological perspective; the “Natural theories of consciousness“ of Searles mind theory is taken as his major idea by Caruthers and plays its role from an ontological

7、perspective; Levins explanation thought is the origin of Caruthers “Explanation gap“. In the second part, the author mainly deals with the connotation of Caruthers “Mind ontology“. Firstly, Caruthers elaborates on the incommensurability between the mind and micro-being, pointing out that phenomenal

8、awareness is not a simple assumption of reduction and there is a great deal of intricacy we cannot explain, which leads to the occurring of the “Explanation gap“ between these two. Secondly, Caruthers ontological thought is thoroughly manifested through the “Natural theories of consciousness“ and is

9、 therefore ontology based on naturalism. He maintains that nothing but a natural individual, its nature and the relationships around it is real. Finally, he conducts analysis on the expressing relation between the mind and the being with the theory of “Explanatory advantages“. Both the base-level an

10、d advanced theories are likely to provide the reductive explanation for the features of things, but there is variance as far as the order IIIof explanation is concerned. The base-level has the edge in the chronological order, while the advance theory outweighs it in explanatory degree. The “Explanat

11、ory advantages“ has also become the creative part of Caruthers theory. In the third part, the author discusses the approach of Caruthers “Mind ontology“, including the approach of the reduction theory, that of the dualism of property and that of the lack of systematic explanation which includes thre

12、e deficiencies, such as the lack of research on the mind of others, absolutization of naturalism and ignoring of instinct. In the fourth part, the author explores on how to get out of the approach of Caruthers “Mind ontology“ and proposes that the thought of neurobiology should be applied to the app

13、roach in the reduction theory, embodiment the dualism of property and context theory the lack of systematic explanation. Key words: Carruthers;Mind ontology;Natural theories of consciousness; Explanation gap;Explanatory advantages 引 言 1 引 言 当代心灵哲学的发展面临着许多重大而艰巨的课题,如何更明确、更具体、更深入地说明包括心灵本体和心灵意识的本质在内的问题,

14、就成为我们探讨的关键。作为心灵哲学研究中的新派代表人物皮特卡拉瑟斯(Peter Carruthers)对这一问题进行了深入探讨,提出了身心问题的独特见解心灵本体论。在最近十五年中他主要从事关于心灵哲学、认知科学和认知心理学的研究。他特别关注对自然的意识、自然语言在人类认知中的作用和模块化的心境等领域的研究。 他在谢菲尔德大学(英国)期间,成立了一个关于认知研究的中心,主要对心灵问题进行研究。 卡拉瑟斯出版了不少著作,如The Architecture of the Mind: massive modularity and the flexibility of thought(心灵的建构:巨模块

15、与思维的灵活性); Consciousness: essays from a higher-order perspective(意识:从高阶理论的角度评介);The Metaphysics of the Tractatus(关于逻辑哲学论的形而上学)等。这些著作在国际上都颇有影响。杰克森、海尔、塞尔这些著名的认知科学家也对他的思想进行过研究。 本文以卡拉瑟斯的 “心灵本体论” 为主线, 对以下几个问题进行深入的探讨: (1)卡拉瑟斯“心灵本体论”起源于哪里?(2)卡拉瑟斯心灵本体论的内涵及实质是什么?(3)卡拉瑟斯心灵本体论的困境在哪里?(4)如何走出卡拉瑟斯心灵本体论的困境,需要哪些方法?卡

16、拉瑟斯的心灵本体论探析 2第一章 卡拉瑟斯心灵理论的来源 近代西方哲学已将思维与存在、人与自然的问题当作了哲学的核心问题,后期很多思想家、哲学家对身心问题的研究无不受到这一时代学者的影响。随着人工智能的发展,人类对心灵问题的研究也逐步深入,这些研究成果对卡拉瑟斯身心理论的发展起到了至关重要的作用。在我们看来心灵的表征理论、赛尔的思想和莱文的解释理论在卡拉瑟斯这里得到了更完善的发展。 1.1 心灵的表征理论 近些年来,计算机科技有了突飞猛进的发展,科学家和哲学家对人工智能的(Artificial Intelligence)研究也渐渐深入,人们普遍认为可以用计算机模拟人脑,从而探索意识的奥秘,在他们看来,只要给计算机输入恰当的程序,它便可以和人一样具有思维、理解能力;甚至有学者认为,人本身就是计算机,人脑就是计算机主机,既然人可以思考,那么计算机就已经能够思维。支持这种思想的学者被称为强人工智能论者。纽厄尔(A. Newell)和西蒙(H. Simon)可谓是其中的杰出代表。在他们看来,“计算机由于其工作可被认为是一种操作



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