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1、PEP 小学英语四年级上册 Unit4Meet my family 教案年级四年级 课题Unit 6 Meet my family PartA课型 新授课主备教师张雪莲教学目标1.能够听、说、认、读 How many people are there in your family? My family has_ people. 2.能够在情境中运用句型 How many people are there in your family?询问并回答家中有几位家庭成员;能够在情境中恰当运用句型 My family has six people.Thats only five.3.正确读出 Look!

2、 My dad, my mom, my brother and me.的语音语调。4.能够扮演角色,利用正确的语音语调表演对话内容。5.能够体会并表达对家庭和生活的热爱之情。教学重点难点教学重点1.能够听、说、认、读 How many people are there in your family? My family has_ people. 2.能够在情境中运用句型 How many people are there in your family?询问并回答家中有几位家庭成员;能够在情境中恰当运用句型My family has six people. Thats only five.3.能

3、够在语境中理解生词people,but,little,puppy 的意思,并能正确发音。教学难点1.能够听、说、认、读 How many people are there in your family? My family has_ people. 2.能够在情境中运用句型 How many people are there in your family?询问并回答家中有几位家庭成员;能够在情境中恰当运用句型My family has six people. Thats only five.3.正确读出 Look! My dad, my mom, my brother and me.的语音语调

4、。教材分析 所使用教材是 PEP 小学四年级上册的教材,所学习的核心句型是:How many people are there in your family? Three.教材通过 Amy 和陈洁谈论家庭相册的情景,让学生感知上述句型的语义及语用情景。另外对话的场景体现了西方家庭将宠物视作家庭成员的文化特征。学情分析 根据课标对一级方面的要求。针对学生年龄的特点,因材施教。注重培养学生听说读写能力。培养学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生在玩玩乐乐里学到英语,并培养孩子的英语学习能力,学会正确的语音语调。认识简单的过去式词组和简单的句子并能够简单应用。本部分教学教师要引导学生仔细听,通过模仿、观察等手段

5、认读单词,让学生在情境中领会本单元的重点知识,同时渗透了热爱家庭热爱生活的思想。教具准备 多媒体教学课件 PPT ,单词卡片,图片。教 学 过 程Stage1.Warm up1.Singasong.Aboutfamily(设计意图:通过一首歌谣拉近和孩子之间的距离,让孩子很快进入到家庭的学习中。)2.Review the words about family members:Father(dad),mother(mom),grandfather(grandpa),grandmother(grandma)sister,brother,family(设计意图:通过 family tree 复习家庭

6、成员的单词,让学生尽快回忆起以前家庭成员的单词。为下面对话教学做好铺垫。)Stage2、Proceduress1. New words通过 Father(dad),mother(mom)两个单词引出本节课的单词 parents(设计意图:通过已知单词引导出新的单词,为学生下一步对教学打好基础。)2Important sentences.(PPT)对 How many people are there in your family?进行练习,引出 puppy 这个单词。(设计意图:通过对重点单词放在重点句型中的操练,为对话学习扫清障碍。另外,渗入文化教学,外国人把家里的宠物也当成家庭成员。)3.

7、重点句子的问答练习,以及重点句子的语音语调练习How many people are there in your family? My family has_people. Who are they?My dad,my mum,my sister,my baby brother and me.(设计意图: 让学生掌握正确重点句以及重点句的正确的语音语速。)4.连词成篇。(设计意图:通过重点句型的训练,让学生把句子连在一起组成简单的一篇小作文,初步学习如何写作。)5.Pair workA: How many people are there in your family ?B: My famil

8、y has people.A: Who are they?B: ., . and me.(设计意图:再次巩固重点句型,加深学习印象。)6.To show Lets talk.(Watch cartoons.)(设计意图:边看动画,边理解对话内容。) 7.Act and read the dialogues.(设计意图:通过扮演角色,给动画配音,创造语境让学生理解文章内容。)8.Write about “your family”(设计意图:让学生把说出来变成写出来,注重学生书写方面的训练。)Stage3、Exercise1. Answer some questions about the dia

9、loues.How many people are there in Chen Jies family?There are three.How many people are there in Amys family?There are six.Who are they?2. To finish the questions.( )1.如果你想问对方家里有多少人,你可以 问:A.Whoarethey?B.Isthisyourmom?C.Howmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily?()2.你介绍你家有五个成员,你应说:A.Myfamilyhasfivemembers.B.W

10、elcometomyfamily.C.Thisisyourfamily.3.Write down your family .A:MyfamilyHello, Im _. My family has _ people.My ( grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, sister, brother , uncle, aunt ) and me . I love my family.B: My familyHello, Im _. My family has _ people.My ( grandfather, grandmother, father,

11、mother, sister, brother , uncle, aunt ) and me .My father is ( tall, short, strong, thin , young , kind, cool, strict .)My mother is ( tall, short, strong, thin , young , kind, cool, nice,.)I love my family.4.拓展教学father 父亲 papa, dad 爸爸 daddy 爸 mother 母亲 mama, mum 妈妈 mummy 妈 mother-in-law 岳母,婆母 fathe

12、r-in-law 岳父,公公 son 儿子 daughter 女儿 son-in-law 女婿 daughter-in-law 儿媳妇 only child 独生子 youngest, youngest child 最小的儿子 eldest child 大儿子Stage4、Homework1、 Say I love you!to your parents. 对爸爸妈妈说一声:“我爱你们!”2.Listen and read P58. 听音,读熟 P58 对话。表演对话内容。(设计意图:对学生进行分层布置作业,让孩子在够够中都能完成作业,让学生在有兴趣中完成作业。)板书设计Unit6 Meet my familyPart A Lets talk评价 How many people are there in your family?Three.课后反思:能够抓住四年级学生的特点进行教学,让孩子在玩玩乐乐中复习已经学过的单词以及句型,着重练习学生的听说能力。设计各种教学活动培养高年级学生英语学习兴趣和对知识的掌握。不足之处是对后进生的关注不够,没有给他们太多交流的机会,他们对本节课的内容掌握得不是很扎实,在今后的教学中一定要多关注后排学生的学习。



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