英文原版《a passion in the desert》世界名著珍藏版

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1、file:/F|/新建文件夹/新建文件夹 (2)/A Passion in the Desert.txt2010-11-30 21:19:22A Passion in the Desertby Honore de BalzacTranslated by Ernest Dowson“The whole show is dreadful,“ she cried coming out of the menagerie of M. Martin. She had just been looking at that daring speculator “working with his hyena,“-

2、to speak in the style of the programme.“By what means,“ she continued, “can he have tamed these animals to such a point as to be certain of their affection for-“What seems to you a problem,“ said I, interrupting, “is really quite natural.“Oh!“ she cried, letting an incredulous smile wander over her

3、lips.“You think that beasts are wholly without passions?“ I asked her. “Quite the reverse; we can communicate to them all the vices arising in our own state of civilization.“She looked at me with an air of astonishment.“But,“ I continued, “the first time I saw M. Martin, I admit, like you, I did giv

4、e vent to an exclamation of surprise. I found myself next to an old soldier with the right leg amputated, who had come in with me. His face had struck me. He had one of those heroic heads, stamped with the seal of warfare, and on which the battles of Napoleon are written. Besides, he had that frank,

5、 good-humored expression which always impresses me favorably. He without doubt one of those troopers who are surprised at nothing, who find matter for laughter in the contortions of a dying comrade, who bury or plunder him quite light-heartedly, who stand intrepidly in the way of bullets;-in fact, o

6、ne of those men who te no time in deliberation, and would not hesitate to make friends with the devil himself. After looking very attentively at the proprietor of the menagerie getting out of his box, my companion pursed up his lips with an air of mockery and contempt, with that peculiar and express

7、ive twist which superior people assume to show they are not taken in. Then, when I expatiating on the courage of M. Martin, he smiled, shook his head knowingly, and said, Well known.“ How “well known“? I said. If you would only explain me the mystery, I should be vastly obliged.“After a few minutes,

8、 during which we made acquaintance, we went to dine at the first restauranteurs whose shop caught our eye. At dessert a bottle of champagne completely refreshed and brightened up the memories of this odd old soldier. He told me his story, and I saw that he right when he exclaimed, Well known. “When

9、she got home, she teased me to that extent, so charming, and made so many promises, that I consented to communicate to her the confidences of the old soldier. Next day she received the following episode of an epic which one might call “The French in Egypt.“During the expedition in Upper Egypt under

10、General Desaix, a Provencal soldier fell into the hands of the Maugrabins, and taken by these Arabs into the deserts beyond the falls of the Nile.file:/F|/新建文件夹/新建文件夹 (2)/A Passion in the Desert.txt2010-11-30 21:19:22In order to place a sufficient distance between themselves and the French army, the

11、 Maugrabins made forced marches, and only halted when night upon them. They camped round a well overshadowed by palm trees under which they had previously concealed a store of provisions. Not surmising that the notion of flight would occur to their prisoner, they contented themselves with binding hi

12、s hands, and after eating a few dates, and giving provender to their horses, went to sleep.When the brave Provencal saw that his enemies were no longer watching him, he made use of his teeth to steal a scimiter, fixed the blade between his knees, and cut the cords which prevented him from using his

13、hands; in a moment he free. He at once seized a rifle and a dagger, then taking the precautions to provide himself with a sack of dried dates, oats, and powder and shot, and to fasten a scimiter to his waist, he leaped on to a horse, and spurred on vigorously in the direction where he thought to fin

14、d the French army. So impatient he to see a bivouac again that he pressed on the already tired courser at such speed, that its flanks were lacerated with his spurs, and at last the poor animal died, leaving the Frenchman alone in the desert. After walking some time in the sand with all the courage o

15、f an escaped convict, the soldier obliged to stop, as the day had already ended. In spite of the beauty of an Oriental sky at night, he felt he had not strength enough to go on. Fortunately he had been able to find a small hill, on the summit of which a few palm trees shot up into the air; it their

16、verdure seen from afar which had brought hope and consolation to his heart. His fatigue so great that he lay down upon a rock of granite, capriciously cut out like a camp-bed; there he fell asleep without taking any precaution to defend himself while he slept. He had made the sacrifice of his life. His last thought one of regret. He repented having left the Maugrabins, whose nomadic life seemed to smile upon him now


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