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1、摘 要 土地是人类赖以生存与发展的重要资源和物质基础, 是人类社会发展不可或缺的 宝贵财富。对农业生产来说,土地资源是最重要的生产资料和劳动对象;对工业生产 和城市建设来说,土地资源是不可替代的基地和空间场所。我国人口和土地资源的客 观状况决定了人多地少、人地矛盾十分尖锐的基本国情。因此,我国将“十分珍惜、 合理利用土地和切实保护耕地” 作为一项基本国策。 近年来, 土地违法案件居高不下, 而且凡是性质严重的土地违法案件几乎都涉及到地方政府。 以地方政府为主导的大规 模违法用地造成土地尤其是耕地资源的严重浪费,并加剧了原本十分尖锐的人地矛 盾。因此,研究地方政府土地违法行为的特征与引发地方政府

2、土地违法行为的深层次 原因,探求遏制地方政府土地违法行为的对策,对规范地方政府行为、保护耕地、实 现土地节约集约利用、土地可持续利用具有重要意义。 本文共分六个部分对地方政府土地违法问题进行研究,其中,第一部分和最后一 部分分别是引言和结论部分, 第二部分至第五部分是文章的主体部分。 具体内容如下: 第一部分主要提出地方政府土地违法行为的研究意义、研究目的、研究内容及研究方 法及其国内外研究现状。第二部分介绍了与地方政府土地违法相关的理论,并借鉴前 人对地方政府、土地违法行为概念界定,提出了地方政府土地违法行为的概念及其构 成要件。第三部分通过整理大量的土地违法案件相关数据及实例,对土地违法行

3、为现 状与涉及地方政府的土地违法典型案例进行了分析, 总结得到地方政府土地违法行为 的四个典型特点及表现形式,并从耕地大量减少而危及国家粮食安全、失地农民生活 难以保障而影响社会稳定以及扰乱正常的土地市场秩序三个方面分析了地方政府土 地违法带来严重后果。第四部分对引发地方政府土地违法行为的原因进行了剖析,指 出了地方政府土地违法的一般原因及其法律和制度方面的深层次原因。 第五部分在第 四部分对地方政府土地违法原因分析的基础上,从树立科学发展观、完善立法、改革 制度及加强监督机制这四个方面提出了遏制地方政府土地违法的对策。 第六部分是结 论及展望,总结了文章的主要结论及不足。 关键词:地方政府;

4、土地违法行为;制度;以租代征 Researches on Illegal Land Administration of Local Government Author: Ning Ting Supervisor: Professor Zhang Peng-tao Major: Land Resources Management Abstract Land is not only the important resource and material basis for peoples survival and development, but also an essential valuabl

5、e asset to the development of human society. On agricultural production, land resource is the most important means of production and object of labor; on industrial production and urban construction, land resource is the irreplaceable base and spatial space. Objective condition of population and land

6、 resource in China results in the fundamental realities of little land for more population and sharp human-land conflict. Therefore, “extremely cherishing, rationally using every inch of land, and ensuring the protection of arable land“ becomes the basic state policy in China. In recent years, illeg

7、al land cases are keeping up high levels, and almost all serious illegal land cases involves local government. The local government-led large-scale illegal land utilization which has caused a serious waste of land resource, especially of arable land, exacerbates the extremely sharp human-land confli

8、ct. So analyzing the characteristics and deep-seated reasons of illegal land administration of local government, exploring countermeasure to restraint illegal land administration of local government, are very significant for regulating local government behaviors, protecting arable land, and for real

9、izing economical, intensive and sustainable land use. This paper is divided into six chapters to undertake a study on illegal land administration of local government, in which the chapter 1 and chapter 6 are the introduction part and the conclusion part respectively, the chapter 2 to the chapter 5 i

10、s the main body of the paper. The contents of this paper are showed as follows: In chapter 1, the researching value, purpose, contents, methods are put forward, as well as research status at home and abroad. In chapter 2, theories which relate to illegal land administration of local government are i

11、ntroduced, and the concept of illegal land administration of local government and its main components are raised after the reference to predecessors definition of local government and illegal land activities. In chapter 3, through collecting a large number of illegal land use cases and relevant data

12、, an analysis on the present situation of illegal land use and typical cases involving local government are carried out, four typical characteristics and manifestation of illegal land administration of the local government are summed up, and the serious consequences of this kind of conduct are analy

13、zed through three aspectsnational food security, social security of land-lost peasants, and the order of the land market. In chapter 4, the reasons of illegal land administration of local government are anatomized. The general causes and the deep-seated reasons in legal and institutional aspects are

14、 analyzed. In chapter 5, based on the reason analysis of illegal land administration of local government in chapter 4, measures to curb local government illegal land administration are raised through four aspects: establishing a scientific development view, improving legislation, reforming system an

15、d strengthening supervision mechanisms. The chapter 6 is the part of conclusion and outlook, main conclusion and deficiency of the paper are summarized. Key words: local government; illegal land behaviors; system; rent to cover requisition 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致

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