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1、上海交通大学硕士学位论文住房公积金制度的住房保障作用研究以常州为例姓名:章钧申请学位级别:硕士专业:公共管理指导教师:胡昊20090524上海交通大学 MPA学位论文 住房公积金制度的住房保障作用研究-以常州为例- I -住房公积金制度的住房保障作用研究以常州为例摘 要在我国住房金融体系的制度设计中,住房公积金制度是政策性住房金融的主体。住房公积金制度通过支持职工住房消费,在推动城镇住房制度改革、改善城镇居民住房水平、促进房地产市场的发展繁荣方面发挥了重要作用。但是,制度安排的先天缺陷,以及社会经济的发展,尤其在市场化住房体制已经确立的形势下,住房公积金制度在管理和运作中的一些弊端不断显现,正

2、面临着越来越多的挑战。 本文以住房保障问题为中心,应用公共物品、市场失灵等公共经济学理论,阐述住房公积金制度发挥住房保障作用的理论依据,进而对住房公积金制度在住房保障体系中的作用和现状作解析,初步构建住房公积金制度定位和功能的理论框架。展开横向和纵向比较,通过借鉴他国成功经验和对我国住房公积金制度在不同时期发挥住房保障功能的比较分析,借助收入分配理论、消费理论等社会保障理论研究成果,寻找各国在公共住房金融上的相通之处和各自特色。结合中国现实情况,重点分析住房公积金制度在发挥住房保障功能上的重要作用和不足之处。以常州为例,建立住房公积金制度的住房保障作用评价模型,设立了包括住房公积金制度的住房保


4、果,是通过实证研究,较全面地定量化评估住房公积金制度的住房保障作用的有益尝试,也是开展住房公积金制度创新的基础性研究。基于理论研究和政策定量评估的结果,对住房公积金制度如何充分发挥住房保障作用等政策实务问题作出更准确的回答,分别从缴存政策、上海交通大学 MPA学位论文 住房公积金制度的住房保障作用研究-以常州为例- II -使用政策和利率政策的角度提出推进和完善住房公积金制度的思路,供有关部门参考,从而更好地构建我国的住房保障体系。文中强调住房公积金作为基于强制性储蓄的公共资金,其政策制订和资金运作都包含强烈的公共政策和公共管理要求。住房公积金政策的完善应突出体现发挥普遍性住房保障的作用,扩大

5、制度的受益群体,为支持中低收入群体解决住房问题增强支付能力,提供公共住房金融低成本融资帮助。关键词:住房保障,住房金融,住房公积金,政策评估,常州上海交通大学 MPA学位论文 住房公积金制度的住房保障作用研究-以常州为例- III -A STUDY OF THE HOUSING SECURITY FUNCTION OFHOUSING ACCUMULATION FUND: TAKINGCHANGZHOU AS AN EXAMPLEABSTRACTIn Chinas housing finance system design of the system, the system of housing

6、 accumulation fund is the subject of the housing finance policy. System of housing accumulation fund to support worker housing consumption, through in promoting urban housing system reform, improve the level of urban residents in the real estate market, promote the housing boom of development has pl

7、ayed an important role. However, the institutional arrangements of the birth defects, and the development of social economy, especially in the housing market system has been established, under the situation of the housing accumulation fund system in the management and operation of some shortcomings

8、appeared unceasingly, facing more and more challenges. Based on the housing problem for the center, the application of public goods, public economics theory, market failure, housing accumulation fund of housing security role play the theoretical basis of housing accumulation fund, and the role in th

9、e housing guarantee system, preliminary analysis and current building housing accumulation fund positioning and the function of the theoretical framework. Horizontal and vertical spread, through the referencing of successful experience and our countrys housing common reserve fund system in different

10、 periods of housing safeguard function played by comparative analysis, the income distribution theory and consumption theory of social security theory research, in search of public housing finance and similarities in their respective characteristics. With Chinas reality, focus on analyzing system of

11、 housing accumulation fund of housing safeguard function of plays an important role and deficiencies. For example, in Changzhou establish housing accumulation fund of housing safeguard function evaluation model was established, including housing accumulation fund of housing of breadth, depth and str

12、ength, slope, the evaluation index system of上海交通大学 MPA学位论文 住房公积金制度的住房保障作用研究-以常州为例- IV -urban housing accumulation fund, a typical sampling analysis and comparison analysis and comparison, the history of the housing accumulation fund for different income levels, different house prices, the area that

13、buy a house and different years housing safeguard level, through quantitative evaluation, empirical studies in housing guarantee system of housing accumulation fund. Qualitative and quantitative analysis for research on the basis, the housing accumulation fund system, and the policy objectives of re

14、lated policies and measures are put forward, and evaluation system of perfect and policy innovation Suggestions. This article is through the theoretical research and practical investigation, fully absorbed in the previous studies, this paper discusses the basis of housing accumulation fund, as a pub

15、lic housing policy and a public housing financial tools, in housing guarantee system, especially the role and status of the city by a typical housing accumulation fund sample data simulation, the effect is measuring policy by empirical study, a comprehensive quantitative assessment of the housing ac

16、cumulation fund of housing safeguard function, but also the beneficial attempt in housing accumulation fund system innovation of basic research. Based on the theoretical research and policy of quantitative evaluation result, how to give full play of housing accumulation fund of housing safeguard function etc policy practice problems more accurate answer respectively from the use of policy and policy, and puts forward the Angle of interest rate polic



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