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1、 I摘 要 随着社会的发展,社会关系日趋复杂化,因过失而致使危害结果发生的现象也不断涌现,过失犯罪对社会关系所产生的危害也逐渐引起我们的关注。在对过失犯罪的理论研究和司法实践认定中,我们不得不对犯罪过失问题进行探讨。我国刑法中对犯罪过失的规定相对简略,理论研究深度也相对薄弱,种种因素以致使在过失犯罪的认定过程中遭遇很多问题。诸如,行为人的预见义务和回避义务如何界定?预见义务根据何在?注意能力如何等等问题。然而,这些都是刑法中注意义务理当予以解决的问题,注意义务的违反是犯罪过失的本质所在,在过失犯罪的认定过程中至关重要。鉴于此,运用我国刑法学者对犯罪过失的研究成果,借鉴国外犯罪过失研究理论和司法

2、实践成果,以期弥补我国刑法学理论研究之短板,进而指导司法实践,这将具有重大研究价值。 本文共分五个部分,约三万余字。 第一部分:刑法中的注意义务概述。本部分主要论述了注意义务的概念、内容和特征。该部分通过对中外学者关于注意义务概念和内容的比较分析,最终对注意义务的内涵和外延进行了界定。 刑法中的注意义务指刑法规定的行为人在为一定行为或不为一定行为时应当谨慎小心,采取相应措施以避免危害结果发生的责任。它是预见结果义务和回避结果义务的统一, 是主观心理义务与客观行为义务的统一。 笔者比较赞同这种观点,这也是当今国内外刑法学界通行的观点。 第二部分: 刑法中注意义务的根据。 本部分首先对注意义务的存

3、在依据进行了探讨,在综合各种学说的基础上,分别从形式根据和实质根据两方面进行了界定。笔者赞同将注意义务形式根据界定为法律规范形式根据和非法律规范形式根据的两分法。同时,认为注意义务的实质根据界定为保护社会共同生活秩序与国外学者将其限定为法益不受侵害并无实质差异, 注意义务根据的清晰化更进一步明确了注意义务的存在必要性和合理性。 第三部分:刑法中注意义务违反的认定。本部分从肯定性和否定性两方面对注意义务违反标准予以评价,以期服务于司法实践中注意义务违反的认定。笔者认为,注意义II务违反的一般评价标准或肯定性评价标准,应采取客观注意的主观化标准。具体而言,即以一般人的注意能力为基准,综合考虑行为人

4、所处的具体境况,实事求是地根据行为人自己的主观特征,准确判断行为人在当时具体情形下有无注意能力的评价标准。注意义务的特殊评价标准或否定性评价标准,是指通过分担或减轻行为人的注意义务,而是行为人免除某些注意义务的法定规则,主要包括被允许危险原则和信赖原则。 第四部分:注意义务冲突的司法认定。本部分在对注意义务冲突的司法认定上,笔者对日本“直近过失单独说”在中国司法实践中的适用持肯定态度。 第五部分:注意义务在我国法律适用中的问题与思考。本部分主要探讨两个问题,首先,对于注意义务的立法问题,笔者认为注意义务应当在我国刑事立法中有所规定,具体实施以刑法总则中将注意义务予以规定为主, 在新的过失犯罪罪

5、种立法规定中予以体现为补充的做法实为可取。其次,笔者认为,信赖原则应当引入我国刑法之中,对在刑事司法解释中引入信赖原则的模式较为赞同。 本文试图在理论与实践相结合的原则支撑下,在已有理论研究的基础之上,着重研究刑法中注意义务的基本内涵、理论根据、注意义务违反认定等问题,以期达到以小见大的效果,更好地服务于过失犯罪的理论研究和司法实践。 关键词关键词:注意义务,根据,认定,评价标准,信赖原则 IIIAbstract With economic of our country developing, society relations becomes more and more complicate

6、d, which also leads to much increasing harmfulness to society due to negligence. The effects on society due to involuntary crime draw our attention gradually too. We have to analyze the criminal negligence, while we study the theory of negligent crime and determine it in judicial practice. In China

7、criminal law, provisions on negligent crime is simple by comparison and theory study is not deep, which gives rise so much problems in determination of negligent crime, for example, “how to define the foreseeable obligation and avoidable obligation of actor, where to find the base of foreseeable obl

8、igation, or how is careful ability and so on?” which is should be settled in criminal law. Violating duty of care is essential of criminal negligence and is very important in determining the negligent crime. For the reasons above, making use of or referring to achievements at home and abroad, I expe

9、ct it useful to improve the native study to guide judicial practice, which will be of great research value. The thesis consists of five parts, about 30,000 Chinese characters: Part one, summery of responsibility of notice, which discusses about the concept, contents and features of it. This part mai

10、nly analyzes the theory research on the concept and contents of responsibility of notice at home and abroad by comparison, defining the intension and extension of it. The responsibility of notice in criminal law refers to responsibility that the doer should be careful when doing something or not to

11、do something, meanwhile necessary measures should be taken to prevent harmfulness happening. It is the union of foreseeable result duty and avoidable results duty, duty of subjective mind and duty of object act, which I am in favor of and it is also a popular opinion in the field of criminal law at

12、home and abroad. Part two, the base of responsibility of notice, which is first discussed and defined on base of compromising every kind of theories from form and essence individually. I agree with the opinion that the base of duty of notice is divided into form of law and form of non law. Meanwhile

13、, the essence of duty of notice is defined to protect public living order or just as foreigner defines to protect society interest. The definition of responsibility of notice makes its base important to exist. Part three, violation of responsibility of notice. First, I analyze the ability of actor d

14、uring when he fulfill the responsibility of notice, providing the support in the theory study and judicial practice. In my IVopinion, to determine the ability about actors responsibility of notice should not consider recognize ability and avoidable ability but the actors capacity. Second, both posit

15、ive and negative aspects from which the violation of responsibility of notice is assessed so as to be useful to judicial practice. To my mind, the standard of judging violation of responsibility of notice should adopt objective criterion, that is, general ability of notice, considering contract circ

16、umstance where doer stays, objectively to assess the act of doer. The standard of positive and negative of duty of notice means to share or reduce the responsibility of doer to exempt the his duty, of which the allowed danger principle and the principle of reliance of duty are included. Part four, A duty of care conflict judicial cognizance, as to the determination on conflict of responsibility of notice, I think the straight alone theory used in our criminal law is positive. Part fiv


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