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1、必修5 Units 35话题话题 之十动动物保护护三年2考2011重庆庆某国际动际动 物关爱协爱协 会面向全球中学生招募“动动物代言人”,希望申请请者选择选择 一种自己喜欢欢的动动物,为为之代言(speak for)。假设设你是重庆庆新华华中学的学生李华华,有意参与该该活动动。表示有意参加说说明自己富有爱爱心、关爱动爱动 物打算为为何种动动物代言,并说说明理由希望申请请成功词词数100左右。I am a student from Xinhua Middle School in Chongqing, China. I have just learned that the Internationa

2、l association which shows loving concern for animals will raise spokesmen speaking for animals from the middle school students all over the world. I am kind-hearted and take great interest in caring for animals. I would like to apply for the position. I tend to speak for dogs. Firstly, dogs are our

3、devoted friends, who bring us large quantities of happiness and comfort. Secondly, not only are they our soul-to-soul partners in daily life, but they are of vital importance to ecological environment. So it is obvious that to love dogs is to love ourselves. I would appreciate it if you give my appl

4、ication your favorable consideration. With all my best regards. Yours truly, Li Hua 1. 文章段落清晰,结结构明了。第一段介绍绍自己并说说明目的希望当动动物代言人。下面两段分别别叙述了所选动选动 物狗的原因。2. 全文行文流畅畅,使用词汇词汇 恰当。高级词汇级词汇 和短语语:show loving concern for. . . , raise, take great interest in, apply for, devoted, favorable consideration等。高级级句型:not onl

5、y. . . but (also). . . , be of vital importance to. . . , it is obvious that. . . , I would appreciate it if. . . 等。【佳作习习得】翻译译句子句型:not only. . . but also. . . 用于倒装句式这这部电电影不仅仅有趣,而且还给还给 我们们上了宝贵贵的一课课。Not only is the film so enjoyable, but also it gives us a valuable lesson. 写作提升(五)应应用文(二)通知、留言条等也是高考书书面

6、表达考查查重点之一,它们们也是书书信的一种形式,不过过格式简单简单 ,内容简简短,写作时应时应 注意:内容简简明扼要,文字简洁简洁 明了,讲讲清谁谁写的,写给谁给谁 ,什么事(时间时间 、地点、事件等)以及什么时时候写的等。今年是512地震四周年,你班将举办纪举办纪 念活动动。作为为班长长,请请你草拟拟一份有关活动动的口头头通知。注意:1. 内容包括表格内的全部要点; 2. 词词数:100120;3. 开头头已为为你写好,不计计入总词总词 数。参考词汇词汇 :commemorative: 纪纪念的 compatriot: 同胞活动动目的 1. 缅怀缅怀 遇难难同胞;2. 感谢谢全国人民的无私帮

7、助;3. 展示灾后重建取得的巨大成就。 活动动内容(任选选一项项) 1. 写一篇感恩作文;2. 绘绘一幅灾区新貌图图;3. 设计设计 一堂感恩的主题题班会。 活动时间动时间 七月十五日至七月二十日 参加人员员 全班同学 May I have your attention please? As we know, May 12th, 2012 is the 4th anniversary of the 512 earthquake. _【审题谋审题谋 篇】1. 本篇为为通知,为为生活中常见见文体,目的为为通知同学了解有关纪纪念活动动的事宜。2. 人称:第二人称为为主3. 时态时态 :一般现现在时时

8、和一般将来时时4. 写作要点活动动目的同学们们在活动动中要做的事情点明活动时间动时间 及参加人员员【常用模板】. 格式模板开头头:May I have your attention please? As we know, . . . 正文:Our class will hold. . . You can choose to do . . . 结结束语语:Hoping all the classmates. . . Thats all. Thank you! . 句式模板1. 陈陈述“活动动目的”These activities aim at . . . /are aimed at. . . W

9、e hold these activities in order to. . . /for the purpose of. . . We intend to . . . by holding these activities. 2. 擅长长做某事be good at(doing) sth. do well in (doing) sth. have a gift for sth. 3. 积积极参加活动动take an active part in these activitiesbe active in these activities【尝试尝试 运用】1. 我们们也要展示灾后重建取得的重大成就

10、。Well display the great achievements. They were made in post-disaster reconstruction as well. (用过过去分词词合并句子)Well display the great achievements made in post-disaster reconstruction as well. 2. 你可以写一篇文章,表示你对对来自全国的帮助的感激。You may write an essay to show how you appreciate the help from all over China. 3.

11、你可以设计设计 一堂感恩的主题题班会。You may design a theme class meeting to show our gratitude to those peoples help. (用定语语从句改写句子)You may design a class meeting whose theme is to show our gratitude to those who have helped us. 【佳文点睛】May I have your attention please? As we know, May 12th, 2012 is the 4th anniversary

12、of the 512 earthquake. Our class will hold commemorative activities from July 15 to July 20. These activities aim at cherishing the memories of the victim compatriots. _, we want to takethis opportunity to thank the whole nation for their selfless help _ display the great achievements made in post-d

13、isaster reconstruction as well. Hopefully you can choose to do any of theBesidesandfollowing activities. You may write an essay to show how you appreciate the help from all over China. If you are good at drawing, you may choose to draw a picture of the disaster area taking on a new look. _, you may

14、design a class meeting whose theme is to show our gratitude to those who have helped us. Hoping all the classmates will be active in these activities. Thats all. Thank you! Whats more假设设你是李华华,星期天你们们班同学要去敬老院参加义务劳义务劳动动,你去找李明告诉诉他这这件事,但他不在家,你给给他留言说说明要求,内容如下:(1)9:30在学校门门口集合;(2)带劳动带劳动 工具(洗衣粉、理发发工具、除草工具等);

15、(3)自带带午饭饭,骑骑自行车车前往。 注意:(1)词词数100120;(2)可以适当增加细节细节 ,以使行文连贯连贯 。Dear Li Ming,_Li Hua【参考范文】Dear Li Ming, This Sunday well go to the nursing home and do some voluntary work. You were out when I dropped in on you today. Therefore, I have to leave a message to you. According to what our monitor said, well meet at the gate of our school at 9: 30 a. m. morning and set out together by bik


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