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1、http:/enews.hkbu.edu.hk/view_article.php?id=1392526/02/2016 10:04:20(From left): Professor Franklin Luk, March Boedihardjo and Mr. TonyBoedihardjo, Marchs father. On behalf of HKBU, Professor Lukpresented March with a HKBU tie and cap as souvenirs, saying hehoped March would apply his knowledge for

2、the betterment of theworld in the future. (左起)陸大章教授、沈詩鈞同學和沈詩鈞父親沈振雄先生。陸教授代 表浸大致送大學領帶和太陽帽予沈同學留念,祝願他將來學有所成,以 知識造福世界。12 Aug 2011 (Friday)March Boedihardjo completes his double degrees at HKBU and will continue hisresearch in Mathematics in the United States 沈詩鈞同學修畢浸大學士和碩士課程 將赴美繼續數學研究The University admit

3、ted nine-year-old MarchTian Boedihardjo in 2007, having speciallydesigned a five-year double degreecurriculum to enable him to pursue aBachelor of Science (Hons) in MathematicalScience and a Master of Philosophy inMathematics. After four years of hard work,March has gone through and passed all theac

4、ademic assessments and completed therequirements for the two degrees. He willdepart for Texas A&M University in theUnited States next week to conductcollaborative research with two Mathematicsprofessors in the capacity of Visiting Scholar.According to the Universitys original plan,March was to under

5、take five years of study.Nevertheless, he started his Master thesisresearch early and has complied with all therequirements one year ahead of schedule.Upon the approval of the Senate of theUniversity in September, he will receive bothdegrees in November.Professor Franklin Luk, Acting President and V

6、ice-Chancellor of HKBU, said: “As a progressive tertiaryeducation institution, we believe that the development of a student is always the top priority. The Universityshould allow the use of different and flexible approaches to nurture and inspire a student.”Professor Luk said that Whole Person Educa

7、tion is the ethos of the University. During his four years at HKBU,March had to, as his classmates did, take courses in Languages, Physical Education, Values and Meaning ofLife, Information Technology and University Life.March said: “I had a fruitful and happy university life at HKBU. My teachers an

8、d classmates took good care ofme and I learned a lot as well. Although I encountered many difficulties and challenges in my studies andresearch, I believed that with perseverance, the problems would ultimately be solved.”“I would like to thank my teachers and classmates for their support and assista

9、nce, especially my academicmentor Professor Hermann Brunner for his patient guidance. He has been of great help to me, both inVisit Archiveshttp:/enews.hkbu.edu.hk/view_article.php?id=1392526/02/2016 10:04:20Mathematics and my personal growth.”The University is pleased with Marchs remarkable perform

10、ance, especially in Mathematics. Professor Lukexpressed his gratitude to all colleagues who assisted in Marchs development, particularly his academicmentor Professor Hermann Brunner. He also thanked Marchs family for their trust and support. On behalf ofthe University, Professor Luk extended his bes

11、t wishes to March and hoped he would apply his knowledge forthe betterment of the world in the future.To further enrich his knowledge of “Functional Analysis” and to broaden his horizons, March will depart for theUnited States next week. March said he was grateful to HKBU for giving him the opportun

12、ity to pursue studiesand research in his favourite subject. He would continue to work hard and he hopes to contribute to the worldwith his advancements in research.浸會大學於二零零七年錄取了當時九歲的沈詩鈞,並為他設計了五年全日制數學理學士(榮譽)和數學 哲學碩士雙學位課程。經過四年的努力,沈同學已於今年完成及通過所有學術考核,順利修畢兩個學位 的課程。他將於下周赴美國德州農工大學以訪問學人身份與當地兩位數學教授共同進行研究。根據原

13、定學習計劃,沈同學的修業期為五年。由於沈同學提早開始撰寫碩士論文,因此他提早在今年完 成所有課程要求,待浸大的教務議會於九月審批後便可於十一月獲頒該雙學位。浸大署理校長陸大章教授說:作為一所進取開明的高等學府,浸大相信教育應以學生的發展為優先考 慮,以及容許以不同或具彈性的方式去培育和啟發學生。他表示,全人教育是浸大的教育理念, 因此,沈同學在四年的學習中跟其他同學一樣,亦須修畢語文、體育、價值與人生、資訊科技、大學生 活等通識課程。沈詩鈞同學說:我在浸大的生活相當充實和開心,老師和同學對我十分照顧,亦學到不少知識。雖然 當中在功課和研究上曾遇到很多困難和挑戰,但我相信只要一直堅持,問題最終都

14、能解決。我想藉此機 會,多謝老師和同學們的支持和幫助,特別是學術導師包浩文教授的耐心指導,他對我在數學以至個人 成長方面都有很大幫助。浸大對沈同學的出色表現感到非常高興,尤其是數學方面。陸教授感謝四年來所有參與培育沈同學的同 事,特別是沈同學的學術導師包浩文教授。他亦感謝沈同學的家人對浸大的信任和支持。此外,陸教授 代表大學為沈同學送上祝福,希望他將來學有所成,以知識造福世界。沈同學將於下星期前往美國,進一步豐富函數分析方面的學問知識和擴闊視野。沈同學衷心感謝浸 會大學讓他有機會做自己喜愛的數學研究。他表示將繼續努力,希望他日能以研究成果貢獻世界。Copyright 2007 Hong Kong Baptist University. All rights reserved.Back to Top


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