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1、 i Conference Proceedings IEEE AUTOTESTCON 2000 IEEE Catalog No. 00CH37057 ISBN No. 0-7803-5868-6 September 18-21, 2000 Anaheim, California Disneyland Hotel 2000 IEEE AUTOTESTCON PROCEEDINGS September 18-21, 2000 Anaheim, California Disneyland Hotel IEEE SYSTEMS READINESS TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE Futur

2、e Sustainment for Military and Aerospace Sponsored by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society Instrumentation and Measurement Society IEEE Los Angeles Council IEEE Orange County Section IEEE Catalog No. 00CH37057 ii Additional copies may be orde

3、red from: IEEE Service Center 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA Copyright and Reprint Permission: Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries are permitted to photocopy beyond the limits of U.S. copyright law for private use of patrons those articles in this volume that c

4、arry a code at the bottom of the first page, provided the per-copy fee indicated in the code is paid through Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. For other copying, reprint or republication permission, write to IEEE Copyrights Manager, IEEE Operations Center, 445 Hoes L

5、ane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331. All rights reserved. Copyright 2000 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. IEEE Catalog No. 00CH37057 ISBN 0-7803-5868-6 ISBN 0-7803-5869-4 (Casebound Edition) ISBN 0-7803-5870-8 (Microfiche Edition) ISSN 1080-7725 Printed in the

6、 U.S.A. iii GENERAL CHAIRMANS MESSAGE On behalf of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, I extend a most cordial welcome to AUTOTESTCON 2000 at the famous Disneyland Hotel and Conference Center in Anaheim, California. This year marks the 36th year of our existence. Our exhibit hall

7、is full and the Technical Program consists of approximately 100 high-quality papers, panel discussions and presentations. As always, we will address not only the technical but also the management aspects of Automated Test for the Military and Aerospace complex. This year, however, we will go several

8、 steps further. As implied by our conference theme, Future Sustainment for Military and Aerospace, we will start looking more closely at the commercial and aerospace environment and the implications this might or could have on automated test for the military as we look towards and plan for the futur

9、e. The concept of organic support for every weapon and platform has been generally obsolete for decades with contractor logistics support (CLS) fulfilling the need more and more, but in todays environment CLS has become even more predominant and visible. Most new platforms such as C-17 and F-22 are

10、designated CLS, if not long-term at least initially, as are major upgrades such as the NAVAIR Advanced Technology Forward-Looking InfraRed targeting pod (AT-FLIR) and the Air Forces F-15 Radar Upgrade (AN/APG- 63V1). With deployment at both intermediate and Depot levels, organic or contractor, Autom

11、ated Test is still the principal mechanism for sustaining fleet readiness and assuring availability. We will start to address these new concepts, with particular focus on the innovative aspects, as we explore CLS and “Direct Vendor Delivery” methodologies, and look at how our military automated test

12、 community is, and can be, involved. A continued major focus of the Services and the DoD acquisition community is Reduction of Total Ownership Costs (RTOC), as it is recognized that at least 60% of the total ownership costs of a weapon system is in the operation and support (O cooperation between co

13、mmercial and military sectors; and cooperation which is extending well beyond national boundaries. From the highest level of government we are charged with addressing the urgent need for interoperability. Our nations armed forces must work together more closely than ever before to meet the daily cha

14、llenges with lower manpower and budgets. To achieve this goal the ATS systems of tomorrow will be required to provide increased systems readiness across service boundaries. Making the challenge even more crucial is the fact that todays forces in the field are not just multi-service. They are multi-

15、national, extending the interoperability dictate across systems, across services, across nations and across continents. The papers you will see in this first AUTOTESTCON of the new millennium address all of these issues. Attendees will review first-hand a wide range of progressive, proactive thinkin

16、g from components to intercontinental level. The technical program participants will be more nationally diverse than ever before. We are aware of participation from Australia, China, Holland, France, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey and the United Kingdom. And the list is growing. On a personal basis, AUTOTESTCON has afforded me the chance to travel to four continents and work with and learn



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