高级英语第二册Lesson11The Future of the English

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《高级英语第二册Lesson11The Future of the English》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高级英语第二册Lesson11The Future of the English(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 The Future of the EnglishJ . B. PriestleyAims: 1) Improving students ability to read between lines and understand the text properly;2) Cultivating students ability to make a creative reading;3) Enhancing students ability to appreciate the text from different perspectivesAims4) Helping students to u

2、nderstand some difficult words and expressions;5) Helping students to understanding rhetorical devices;6) Encouraging students to voice their own viewpoint fluently and accurately.Teaching ContentsBackground Knowledge Exposition and ArgumentDetailed Study of The EssayOrganization PatternStyle and La

3、nguage FeaturesTime Allocation:1) Background knowledge (15 min.)2) Detailed study of the text (180 min.)3) Structure analysis (15 min.)4) Language appreciation (15 min.)5) Free talk (30 min)Exposition and Argument 1) Type of literature: part exposition and part persuasion or argument http:/teachnetl

4、ab.org/santab/jeff/sbargue _index.htmlhttp:/homepages.iol.ie/laoistec/LENGL ISH/lpers.htmlDifference between exposition and argument Difference between persuasion and argument Honest persuasion and dishonest persuasion Formal argument and informal argumentBackground Knowledge 1) About the Author and

5、 His Works 1) A brief introduction to the author, Priestley: www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/Jpriestle y.htm2) AdmassThe whole system of an increasing productivity, plus inflation, plus a rising standard of material living, plus high-pressure advertising and salesmanship, plus mass communications, plu

6、s cultural democracy and the creation of the mass mind, the mass man the part of society that can be influenced by advertising or publicityDetailed Study of the EssayPre-class work:1. What do you think the author is going to focus on: the future of the English as an international language, the futur

7、e of the English as a nation or the future of the English people?2. You are supposed to figure out the type of the essay from the title. Its an imaginary fiction forecasting the future of the English or not?3. What do you think the future of your own country and people would be like?The English are

8、Different1. The dominant intention or the controversial topic of his argument is stated early in paragraph one in one unambiguous sentence: “ The English are different”.1) The English can soon feel bored and thats why they gamble and booze so much and enjoy any dramatic change in public life.2) The

9、English have a sense of community, decent fellow feeling, fairness.3) The English are at heart and at root an imaginative people immediately responsive to any suggestion of drama in their lives.4) It is instinctive feeling and not rational thought that shapes and colours actual events in England.5)

10、The English do not feel at home in the contemporary world, representing the accelerated development of our whole age. They are suspicious of largeness, severe efficiency and admass.6) The English are also deeply suspicious of change for changes sake.The Future of the English Hangs on The Future of t

11、he English hangs on 1) The final result of a battle between Admass and Englishness. The striking contrast between admass and Englishness to show how inevitable the battle is.Admass 1. Already conquered most of the western world2.receive vast subsidies of dollars, francs, Deutschmarks and the rest fo

12、r public relations and advertising campaignsEnglishness 1.ailing and impoverished 2.in no position to receive vast subsidies of dollars,francs, Deutschmarks and the rest for public relations and advertising campaigns3.offers more and more things for more and more money, creates the so-called “Good L

13、ife”4.operates in the outer visible world5.a poster in full colour3. offers states of mind in place of that rich variety of thins 4.belong to the invisible inner world 5. a poor shadowy show, a faint pencil sketchThe conflict between Admass and Englishness. Admass: What is central to Admass is the p

14、roduction and consumption of goods.Dissatisfaction is embedded in AdmassRuthless competitiveness Take man only as a producer and consumerDependence upon dissatisfaction, greed and envy Englishness: With its relation to the unconscious Dependence upon instinct and intuition Adherence to the past and

15、deep long roots Not hostile to change and deeply suspicious of change for changes sake Rejecting being committed to some inevitable mechanical progress While Englishness can still fight on, Admass could be winning. Reason: Not all the English hold fast to Englishness Some important and influential men carefully train themselves out of it A horde of others, shallow and foolish, wander away form it The spirits of age is working for Admass Most of what we read and what we hear is worki


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