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1、www.TopS 大家网 1 / 7 更多精品在大家! http:/www.TopS 大家网,大家的! 2010 年 1 月 19 日外交部发言人马朝旭举行例行记者会 2010 年 1 月 19 日外交部发言人马朝旭举行例行记者会 Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Ma Zhaoxus Regular Press Conference on January 19, 2010 2010 年 1 月 19 日,外交部发言人马朝旭举行例行记者会。答问如下。 On the afternoon of January 19, 2010, Foreign Ministry Spok

2、esperson Ma Zhaoxu held a regular press conference and answered questions. 马朝旭:女士们、先生们,大家下午好。 Ma Zhaoxu: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. 今天上午,在海地地震灾害中遇难的 8 名中国维和警察的灵柩已经运回国内。他们为维护世界和平献出 了自己宝贵的生命,在此我们表示沉痛的哀悼。 This morning, the coffins of eight decreased Chinese peacekeepers in the earthquake in

3、Haiti were sent back to China. They sacrificed their lives for world peace. We express our deep condolences to them. 下面我宣布一条消息: I have an announcement to make. 应国家主席胡锦涛邀请, 阿根廷共和国总统克里斯蒂娜费尔南德斯德基什内尔将于 1 月 25 日至 28 日对 我国进行国事访问。 At the invitation of President Hu Jintao, Cristina Fernndez de Kirchner, Pre

4、sident of the Republic of Argentina will pay a state visit to China from January 25 to 28. 下面请大家提问。 Now the floor is open. 问:我有两个关于谷歌的问题。第一,中国政府是否与谷歌公司就解除对谷歌中国网站的网络审查展开对话?第二,美国政府对据称源自中国的对谷歌的黑客攻击表示关切,中方是否就此做出了回应?问:我有两个关于谷歌的问题。第一,中国政府是否与谷歌公司就解除对谷歌中国网站的网络审查展开对话?第二,美国政府对据称源自中国的对谷歌的黑客攻击表示关切,中方是否就此做出了回应?

5、Q: I have two questions about Google. First, has the Chinese Government begun the talk with Google on the issue of internet censorship? Second, the US Government expressed their concerns over the hacking against Google which is possibly from China. Do you have any response to that? 答:关于谷歌事件我们已经表明了立场

6、。到目前为止,关于谷歌公司是否已经与中方进行接触,我不掌 握相关信息。 A: We have made clear our position on the Google issue. Up to now, I am not aware whether Google has made any contact with China. 关于第二个问题,我想强调中国互联网是开放的,中国依法管理互联网。中国政府鼓励互联网的发展和 应用,是拥有互联网用户最多的国家。中国法律严格禁止任何形式的黑客攻击行为。外资企业在中国应 该遵守中国的法律法规,尊重中国公众利益和文化传统,承担相应的社会责任,谷歌当然也不例

7、外。在 这里,我还想重申,中国坚定不移地实行对外开放,将继续为包括互联网企业在内的外商创造良好的投 资环境,保护他们的合法权益。我们欢迎包括国际互联网企业在内的各国投资者在中国依法开展业务。 On the second question, I wish to stress that Internet in China is open and China supervises internet according to law. The Chinese Government encourages the development and application of Internet. China

8、 is the country with the largest number of internet users. Hacking activities in whatever form is strictly prohibited by Chinas laws. Foreign-invested enterprises in China should abide by Chinas laws and regulations, respect the interests, culture and traditions of the general public, and assume the

9、 corresponding social responsibilities. Google is no exception. China firmly adheres to the policy of opening up and will continue its effort to create a sound environment for foreign enterprises in China including internet corporations and ensure their legitimate rights and interests. We welcome fo

10、reign investors including internet enterprises to do business in China in accordance 2 / 7 2010 年 1 月 19 日外交部发言人马朝旭举行例行记者会.doc TopS 大家网,大家的! http:/ 更多精品在大家! with law. 至于你提到的黑客攻击, 与世界其他国家一样, 中国的信息网络也面临着网络攻击破坏活动的严重威胁。 可以说,中国是黑客攻击最大的受害者。据统计,我国每 10 台接入互联网的计算机中有 8 台曾受到黑客 控制。 据中国互联网协会统计, 2008 年, 中国大陆受到来自境

11、外的网络攻击数量同比增长了 148%。 2009 年 7 月 17 日,中国气象局下属的国家卫星气象中心网站受到黑客攻击。最新的一个例子是在 2010 年 1 月 12 日, 中国大陆市场占有率最高的搜索引擎百度受到创立以来最严重的黑客攻击。 通过以上事实可以 理解为何中国政府坚决反对并依法禁止黑客攻击。 As for hacking, like in other countries, it poses a severe threat to Chinas information network. Its fair to say that China is the biggest victim

12、of hacking. In China, eight out of ten computers connected with internet are once hijacked by hackers. According to the statistics from the Chinese Internet Association, in 2008, the number of computers in the mainland suffered hacking from abroad grew by 148% over the same period of the previous ye

13、ar. On July 17, 2007, the website of National Satellite Meteorological Center affiliated with China Meteorological Administration was hacked. The latest example is, on January 12, 2010, Baidu, a search engine which takes the largest market share in the mainland suffered the most serious hacking sinc

14、e its founding. Thats why the Chinese Government firmly opposes and prohibits hacking according to law. 问:据报道,在海地的中国工作人员又联络到问:据报道,在海地的中国工作人员又联络到 36 名中国人,外交部将采取哪些措施进一步保障在海地的中国公民的安全?另外,联合国秘书长此前提议向海地增派维和人员,中方将如何回应?名中国人,外交部将采取哪些措施进一步保障在海地的中国公民的安全?另外,联合国秘书长此前提议向海地增派维和人员,中方将如何回应? Q: It is reported that yo

15、uve got contact with another 36 Chinese nationals in Haiti. Are there any further measures the Foreign Ministry will take to protect Chinese nationals there? Besides, Secretary General of the UN proposed to send more peacekeepers to Haiti, whats your response? 答:海地地震发生后,中国政府高度重视在海地中国人的人身安全,在第一时间采取了国

16、际救援行动, 并向我国在海地的人员提供领事保护。 外交部已经向有关媒体介绍了相关情况, 包括实行 24 小时值班制 度,接听大量查询电话,想尽一切办法为在海地遇到困难的中国人提供领事保护和救助。我想强调,不 管是以什么形式到海地的中国人,我们都有义务为他们提供领事保护。 A: The Chinese Government attaches great importance to the safety of Chinese nationals in Haiti. After the earthquake, we immediately launched the international rescue operation and provided Chinese nationals with consular protection. The Foreign Ministry has already bri


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