精密卧式加工中心关键大件多目标优化设计 (1)

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1、 精密卧式加工中心精密卧式加工中心关键关键大件大件 多目标优化设计多目标优化设计 Multi-objective Optimization of Key Large Structural Components of Precession Horizontal Machining Center 学科专业:机械工程 研 究 生:云青 指导教师:牛文铁 副教授 天津大学机械工程学院 二零一三年十二月 独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作和取得的研究成果,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢之处外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果, 也不包含为获得 天津大学天津大学

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3、I 摘 要 床身、立柱、滑板、主轴箱、滑座等关键大件为精密卧式加工中心的重要组成部分,它们对精密机床的加工性能起着决定性作用。因此,为保证机床整机结构具有良好的性能,其关键大件必须具有良好的性能。在重量轻的条件下,为保证关键大件具有足够的静动刚度,对其材料的分布、结构形状、开孔位置以及特征尺寸的合理性提出了要求。针对这些因素,有必要进行以提高关键大件的动静刚度为目标的优化。本文主要工作如下: (1) 基于响应面法和遗传算法提出了机床关键大件的多目标优化设计方法。该方法通过合理的试验设计获取试验样本点,然后根据样本点及其响应值的对应关系拟合出响应面模型,最后运用多目标遗传算法的循环逼近寻优技术对

4、响应面模型进行优化,获得 Pareto 最优解集。 (2) 基于自顶向下的设计方案对精密卧式加工中心进行布局设计,形成机床的概略设计方案,在此基础上完成了床身、立柱、滑板、主轴箱、滑座等关键大件结构的参数化建模。 (3) 基于 SAMCEF 软件建立精密卧式加工中心的有限元模型,通过对其关键大件及整机结构进行全域静刚度及模态分析,找出工况下精密卧式加工中心的薄弱环节,为关键结构大件的优化奠定基础。 (4) 为提高机床的静动态性能,在关键大件结构质量最轻的条件下,对大件结构进行以提高首阶固有频率、降低最大变形为目标的多目标优化设计。最后,为进一步提高精密卧式加工中心的加工性能,对其三点支撑结构进

5、行优化设计。 关键词:关键词:精密卧式加工中心;参数化建模;有限元分析;遗传算法;多目标优化 II ABSTRACT The key large components such as the bed, the column, the skateboard, the spindle box, the slide box are the important part of the precision horizontal machining center, their performance plays a decisive role in the precision machine tool.

6、Therefore, in order to ensure the machine tool has a good performance, the key large components properties are good too. Under the condition of light weight, to ensure the key big components have enough static and dynamic stiffness, the distribution of the material, the structural shape, the hole po

7、sition and the feature size were put forward reasonable requirement. According to these factors, it is necessary to optimize the key large structure to improve the static and dynamic stiffness of the machine tool. In this paper, the main work is as follows: (1) A method of multi-objective optimizati

8、on of machine tool key large components was carrying out by integrates use of the response surface model and multi-objective genetic algorithm. Through the experiments rational design obtain the test sample points, and then according to the relationship of the sample points and its corresponding res

9、ponse fitting response surface model, and finally by using the loop approximation optimization technology of multi-objective genetic algorithm optimize the response surface model, and get the Pareto optimal solution set. (2) Complete the layout of the precision horizontal machining center based on t

10、he top-down design, form the scheme model of machine tool, and then accomplish the parametric modeling of the bed, the column, the skateboard, the headstock, the slide box and the other key large components. (3) Establish the finite element model of the precision horizontal machining center in SAMCE

11、F software, through the global static stiffness analysis and modal analysis of the key large components and the whole machine tool, find out the weaknesses of the precision horizontal machining center, laid the foundation for the key large components optimization. (4) In order to improve the perform

12、ance of the machine tool, under the condition of the minimum mass of the key big components, multi-objective optimization design is processed to improve the first order natural frequency and reduce the maximum deformation. Finally, to further enhance the processing performance of III the precision h

13、orizontal machining center, the optimization of the three-point support was put forward. KEY WORDS: Precision horizontal machining center, Parametric modeling, FEA, Genetic algorithm, Multi-objective optimization IV 目 录 摘 要 . I ABSTRACT . II 目 录 . IV 第一章 绪论 . 1 1.1 课题背景和研究意义 . 1 1.2 机床优化设计国内外研究现状 . 2 1.3 响应面法研究现状 . 6 1.4 遗传算法研究现状 . 6 1.5 本文的主要工作及研究内容 .



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