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1、 国产外协零件供货及管理的相关规定 发布日期: 1 国产外协零件供货及管理的相关规定 Regulations on Supply and Management of Consignment Domestic Parts 1. 目的及适用范围目的及适用范围 Purposes and Applicable Fields 本规定确定了SGM的外协加工商和国产外协零件供应商之间涉及国产外协零件的供货 和管理的有关规定,从而规范 SGM 国产外协零件的管理工作。本规定适用于所有的 SGM 国产外协零件,约束外协加工商和国产外协零件供应商。 This document defines the releva

2、nt regulations concerning the supply and management of consignment domestic parts between SGMs consignees and consignment domestic parts suppliers, in order to standardize the management of SGMs consignment domestic parts. This document, applicable to all SGMs consignment domestic parts, is made to

3、binding upon consignees and consignment domestic parts suppliers. 2. 定义定义 Definitions SGM:指上汽通用汽车有限公司及其所有的子公司 (包括但不限于上汽通用东岳汽车有限公 司、上汽通用东岳动力总成有限公司、上汽通用北盛汽车有限公司) ;上汽通用汽车 有限公司对 SGM 之定义保留最终解释权,并有权对 SGM 的定义进行不时地修改。 SGM: means SAIC General Motors Corporation and all of its subsidiaries (include but not li

4、mit to SAIC GM Dongyue Automotive Ltd., SAIC GM Dongyue PowerTrain Ltd., and SAIC GM Norsom Automotive Ltd.); SAIC General Motors Corporation retains the final right to explain the definition of SGM and is entitled to revise the definition of SGM herein from time to time. 外协加工商外协加工商:承担 SGM 外协总成零件委外加

5、工业务的供应商。 Consignees: Suppliers that are entitled to consignment processing businesses of SGMs consignment assembly parts. 国产外协零件供应商:国产外协零件供应商:与 SGM 签订供货合同并根据 SGM 要求向外协加工商提供国产外协 零件的供应商。 Consignment Domestic Parts Suppliers: Suppliers that have signed purchase contract with SGM and provide the consign

6、ment domestic parts to Consignees in accordance with SGMs requirement. 外协总成零件外协总成零件:按 SGM 工艺、质量等要求组装、加工的零件,并直接供给 SGM 进行整车 生产装配的委外加工总成零件。 Consignment Assembly Parts: Parts assembled and processed in accordance with process and quality requirements of SGM, and directly to be used for vehicle productio

7、n assembly. 国产外协零件国产外协零件:用于组装、加工 SGM 外协总成零件的国产零件。 国产外协零件供货及管理的相关规定 发布日期: 2 Consignment Domestic Parts: Domestic parts used for assembling and processing SGMs consignment assembly parts. 原则上所有国产外协零件都属于 Consignment 2B 零件(Consignment 2B 指:由外协加工商 自行根据 SGM 需求计划向国产外协零件供应商拉动的国产外协零件) 。 In principle, all con

8、signment domestic parts are defined as Consignment 2B parts. (Consignment 2B: Consignment domestic parts picked up by consignment domestic parts suppliers under the requirement of consignees in accordance with SGMs demanding plan.) BOM:Bill of Material 零件结构清单 CMC:Container Management Center 空箱管理中心 3

9、. 国产外协零件供货及接收国产外协零件供货及接收 Supply and Receive of Consignment Domestic Parts 3.1 外协加工商和国产外协零件供应商应当共同确保国产外协零件供货及接收的顺利进 行。 Both consignees and consignment domestic parts suppliers shall jointly warrant that the supply and receive of consignment domestic parts proceed favorably. 3.2 国产外协零件的正式定单和发货频次由外协加工商

10、和国产外协零件供应商根据 SGM 在网上公布的整车生产计划及送货模式共同确定;外协加工商需在其与国产外协零件 供应商约定的固定时间向国产外协零件供应商发布下一时段的供货需求,以便国产外 协零件供应商安排生产及备货。 Both consignees and consignment domestic parts suppliers shall jointly make the formal purchasing order and delivery frequency of consignment domestic parts in accordance with vehicle producti

11、on plan and method of delivery released on the website by SGM. Consignees shall release the supply demand of next period to consignment domestic parts suppliers on the fixed time agreed by both parties so that consignment domestic suppliers can properly arrange production and preparation of such par

12、ts. 3.3 外协加工商与国产外协零件供应商根据双方协定的供货单交接国产外协零件;外协加 工商应在完成零件验收后由其负责人在供货单上签字对所接收的零件表示确认;交接 双方签字确认的收发单据即作为生效单证;交接双方须保存相关收发单据。 Consignees and consignment domestic parts suppliers deliver and receive consignment parts in accordance with the bill of supply agreed by both parties; Upon checking and examination

13、of such parts by consignees, its representative shall sign on the bill of supply to make the confirmation about the parts received; bill of documents that have been signed and confirmed by both parties can be regarded as effective; both parties shall keep the relevant bill of documents. 3.4 国产外协零件的灭

14、失、损毁的风险自国产外协零件供应商交付给外协加工商后转移给 外协加工商。 The risk of loss or damage of consignment domestic parts shall be transferred to consignees when the consignment domestic parts suppliers deliver parts to consignees. 国产外协零件供货及管理的相关规定 发布日期: 3 3.5 开箱差异的处理:外协加工商应在其与国产外协零件供应商约定的时间内完成开箱验 收, 若存在开箱差异 (如零件的种类, 数量等与供货单不符

15、) , 则外协加工商应填写 “开 箱差异报告单” (格式由外协加工商与国产外协供应商协商确定)并进行拍照取证等工 作,并在双方协定的时限内通知国产外协零件供应商。国产外协零件供应商应在收到 “开箱差异报告单”及相关证据后进行确认,并将确认结果通知外协加工商,双方根 据确认结果进行相应调整。 Dealing with un-boxing differences: Consignees shall complete checking and accepting the parts within the period with consignment domestic parts suppliers

16、. In the event of any un-boxing differences (e.g. the kinds, quantity of parts is different from bill of supply), consignees shall fill in the “Report of un-boxing Differences” (The format of Report aforesaid is negotiated and confirmed by consignees and consignment domestic suppliers.) and take photos for evidence, and inform consignment domestic suppliers of such differences within the period specified by both parties. Consignment domestic parts



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